Of course I remember. It didn't take me 3 hours, maybe 1 hour at most, and I swear God it was fun. We just have different taste for fun. I like to be put to trial and exposed to error, I'm not in a hurry to "beat" the game or a specific quest, I like to be tempted to try, to search, to be desperate sometimes, hammer my keyboard and then try again, to have to note down things on paper maps, to have my mind puzzled. Oblivion's compass was great for people who wanted faster gameplay straight to action, but what about us, who enjoyed greatly Morrowind's blind crawling? There must be a halfway meeting point, I guess the compass should stay but be completely optional with alternative npc directions system. I don't want Morrowind or Oblivion, I want Morrowind + Oblivion.
Yeah I absolutely agree with you. 100%
Well, I actually just want Morrowind's... but I fully understand that others prefer fast and easy quest markers. Best it to keep it an optional setting... but then there has to be some directions to replace the quest markers.
But then again, there are directions even with quest markers, right?
The NPCs don't just say "A monster hit our village. You must find and kill it! Go!" and give you a quest marker. The NPCs still give some direction. So... it would be better to just improve that direction a bit by default, I think
@Daydark: Maybe you're right. But it still doesn't matter. The importance of tracking/exploring is just as important anyway...
I felt that Oblivion pretty much ruined that with quest markers. And with nearby compass icons...