Defenseline for Crysis 2: Where is everybody?

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:12 am

It seems almost that no one likes Crysis 2, but still they'll buy it. I see "Oh that's stolen from Call of Duty" or "Uh, I want jungles" and all that stuff, but nearly no ones saying "That game is awesome" (except for the Trailers gallery) I mean, there are so much Crysis fans, and you just can't tell me that the recent trailers didn't get you the "I want!"-feeling I have since the "The Wall" Trailer...
Basicly what most of you say is: "It's not like Crysis 1". That is only half-true. Except for the setting, new controls, new studio making the Multiplayer and moving the aliens into the middle of the plot, it's still Crysis. The freedom to settle situations, how you want them to be settled, the atmosphere, the nanosuit is what made Crysis Crysis. And guess what! Crysis 2 offers the same. The story is going to awesome, the levels are going to be awesome a.s.o. It's still enough Crysis in Crysis 2, that you will be satisfied.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:11 am

What everyone is seeing is just 2 modes and 2 maps.

We have yet to experience the singe player, which looks amazing. We have yet to experience the other modes and variants (Is that right?). I think the next few weeks we'll be getting loads of news and stuff like that, hopefully confirmation on many things.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:34 pm

Hmm, could it be because its nothing but a dumbed down console shooter? Maybe you console guys think its great, and good for you, hope you enjoy it, but us PC players are looking for something thats better than Crysis 1. And this isn't it.

We might as well just stick to C1. The only reason I'm going to buy it in the end is for the engine, sandbox, sdk, and the mods.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:39 pm

It's because most crysis fans don't own an xbox 360. Therefore are in a perpetual state of 'meh' until they see footage for the true crysis platform.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:25 am

That multiplayer trailer actually did get me very hyped for the game, I play on the PC and I don't really care too much about the demo. I've kept my preorder and from what i've seen the game looks awesome so far. I couldn't care less about no being able to go prone and all that other crap people whine about, compared to some other games out there, this is still awesome.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:31 pm

Hmm, could it be because its nothing but a dumbed down console shooter? Maybe you console guys think its great, and good for you, hope you enjoy it, but us PC players are looking for something thats better than Crysis 1. And this isn't it.

We might as well just stick to C1. The only reason I'm going to buy it in the end is for the engine, sandbox, sdk, and the mods.

Umm, I'm a PC and console player.

But that's your opinion anyways.
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:16 am

6 vs 6
no vehicles
no prone
tiny maps

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Leonie Connor
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:18 pm

6 vs 6
no vehicles
no prone
tiny maps

Even though they decided to dedicate a studio to multi-player development, Crysis is still an SP-centric game. Besides, 6v6 can still be fun. My most memorable multi-player matches are all on "small" maps with low player counts.
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:36 pm

It will be a day one buy for me , on the PC, well I want to preorder but it didn't show up on steam yet.
MP looks fun, but I'm more interested in the SP.

I feel sorry for that dude in the demo section who says it looks worse than MW2 and it's a complete copy of cod /facepalm
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:50 am

Re: Cry of Duty: Nanosuit Warfare 2 26 Jan 2011 21:05

Alxjn wrote:
It really doesn't feel like Call of Duty at all, it shares some mechanics like the killstreaks and perks, but the actual gameplay does not feel like CoD.

100% agree with you, This is far from it! You DO NOT earn instant killstreaks like COD, you pick up the (gosh, quote!) "DOG TAGS" of your fallen enemies, ONLY after collecting enough of these will you earn the RADAR, ORBITAL STRIKE AND CEPH(?) Gun ships! I take it you were the one running and gunning (Like COD) into the end of my shotgun barrel?

The game at first glimps seems like a run of the mill but you couldnt be further from the truth, with the amount of strategy this game requires im surprised some of you can ever agree with the TC. Armor mode,Stealth and Speed modes are IMO decently balanced. You cannot tank about in Armor without leaving yourself looking like a bullet sponge. Theres no camping in stealth without consequence, sit around for too long and the next person you enter a gun fight with will be your last. Speed Mode (No left or right bumper activated) leaves you open to all battlefield hazzards whilst allowing you the chance to run off if things become too heated. At this point i dont think i need to bring up the power jump, you get the idea.

The whole "the game copies COD" train i think is running out steam, too much complaint without substance, there are games for running and gunning and trust me, this isnt one of them. I only feel the Melee attack is a little over powered. My 2pence ;)
lol you want denfence? A recent example of my need to shut up an either misinformed or (err) not so clever FPS player on another thread ;)
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:56 am

i am a sneaky bastard and a graphics junkie. i loved Crysis for it's gameplay, because i could run around in stealth mode, and then go *prone* in some bushes to recharge and casually spy on my enemies to come up with a plan of attack. That won't be possible in Crysis 2. yes, it may be just going prone, but it's a key element in being extra sneaky. And the fact that all platforms are created simultaneously means if somethings doesn't work on the least powerful console (Xbox) > it doesn't get put into the game. why else would you make everything at the same time if you are going to care about differences in processing power? what this'll mean is that on the PC we will get a game that runs perfectly fine on the Xbox, but leaves us PS3-users and more so us PC-users hanging because we know it all could've been prettier and smoother and more building damage and more enemies and wider horizons and better facial expressions and more beautiful explosions and and and and and...

but then again, me and other graphics junkies may be the only one who care about those graphics. "But Crysis 1 was a graphics showcase!" Oh, yeah. right. guess most of us are graphics junkies then :p. still, you build a game differently if you have a mouse + keyboard in mind because you know you can react quicker with those. and if Crytek would make the game with mouse + keyboard in mind then the consoles would be unplayable because they would need another second to turn around; which is time you don't have in a shooter. then add the fact that the 6v6 MP isn't anything like the Crysis 1 MP, which was a great concept as we all agree, but just needed some tweaking to really make it an epic multiplayer.

just my "2 cents" as people say :p
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:36 am

That's a gross exaggeration.
1. Scalable engine = the game looks as good as possible on the given hardware i.e. It's not an upscale of the least common denominator.
2. Game pads have aim-assists to make of for the lack of speed.
3. 6v6 can be just as fun as 16v16, albeit in different ways.

I'd tell you to try again, but I don't want to give you any ideas.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:26 am

That's a gross exaggeration...
3. 6v6 can be just as fun as 16v16, albeit in different ways.

LMAO! Now who's grossly exaggerating?
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Jennifer May
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:27 pm

Isnt there only 1 map in the demo.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:56 am

I just want those amazing graphics that makes Crysis standout from the rest. The demo's graphics are good, but they could be a lot better. The gameplay is really fun though with the exception of people running around with a pistol and meleeing the **** out of you and your team.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:33 pm

And by the way, I think this is the same build that was in the beta all the way back in October. It says, "Closed Multiplayer Beta" on the Xbox LIVE marketplace's description. That would explain the meh graphics.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:15 pm

That's a gross exaggeration.
1. Scalable engine = the game looks as good as possible on the given hardware i.e. It's not an upscale of the least common denominator.
well yes, i've read something about that yesterday. but still, don't you think it could've been a lot better if they only chipped out the Xbox? then they could've created bigger 'sets', or scenes, or whatever you'd like to call them :p. anyway, i'm hearing you, but i'm still sceptic. that doesn't remove the fact though that i think the MP footage i've seen already looks very nice. if they can squeeze that out of the smallest machine, who knows what they'll do on the PC/PS3. +1 Crytek.
oh, btw: 1. Scalable engine
It's not an upscale

? :p

2. Game pads have aim-assists to make of for the lack of speed.
correct. but with auto-aim or not, you will still design a shooter differently with a mouse + keyboard in mind. just because it's such a totally different way of controlling.

3. 6v6 can be just as fun as 16v16, albeit in different ways.
also correct. but don't we have MW2, and Black Ops, and MoH, and soon Homefront? these are all games which also stick to a small-map-playstyle. and nearly everyone that i talked to about the Crysis 1 MP said it was just awsum because you could buy vehicles and have room for proper sniping, and it being different from everything else most of all. it was a great concept which they just had to refine a little bit more to create a bit more chokepoints so you don't drive around for 2 minutes to get to the action.

I'd tell you to try again, but I don't want to give you any ideas.
i'm not sure what you mean by this... try the game again? i think i'll buy it anyway, since i'm too much of a nanosuit fan, but i've cancelled my pre-order to get some perspective on how stuff works in the finished game.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:03 pm

I guess you all just svcked at crysis 1 sooorrryyyyy
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le GraiN
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:14 am

"Defenseline for Crysis 2: Where is everybody?"

Off doing something better than playing a worthless game.

Like sitting on the forums and letting Crytek know how pissed we are.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:08 pm

You know what really pisses me of?
Everyone who complains about baby-banana -**** like buhhhuu no demó for poor me...or buhuu it feels like COD..
Most of you sticklers havent even postet over 100 posts. Yeah log in .. write **** 67 times and log off... a great way to communicate and enrich this forum with contructive criticism. And no not everything is bad in this demo.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:23 am

You know what really pisses me of?
Everyone who complains about baby-banana -**** like buhhhuu no demó for poor me...or buhuu it feels like COD..
Most of you sticklers havent even postet over 100 posts. Yeah log in .. write **** 67 times and log off... a great way to communicate and enrich this forum with contructive criticism. And no not everything is bad in this demo.
It's not that we svcked at Crysis 1, it's just that it didn't make any fun at all. It just had nothing special other PC exclusives didn't had.

The point is, either the ones, who like Crysis 2 are holding back, aren't registered, or keep watching trailers of the game, because we're so few people protecting Crysis for what it is. A mainly SP game. Crysis SP was superior then the MP in all aspects. In Crysis 2 they want to make them equal, but still the SP will be better then the MP.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:38 am

@ JustNameless

Very true ! + 100!

And the SP is made by Crytek themselfs and not by a company which former made console shooters.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:31 pm

You know what really pisses me of?
Everyone who complains about baby-banana -**** like buhhhuu no demó for poor me...or buhuu it feels like COD..
Most of you sticklers havent even postet over 100 posts. Yeah log in .. write **** 67 times and log off... a great way to communicate and enrich this forum with contructive criticism. And no not everything is bad in this demo.

Actually, your the new comers here, console kiddie. Most of the old timers in Crysis 1 left a long time ago in disgust. Before they wiped the old board, the people like me had posts in the upper hundreds. Of course, back then, we actually had something to talk about. Now, we've all seen the light and given up on Crytek. Most of the people here now are the console kiddies. The old timers like myself just come to remind Crytek who made them, and how hard they are going to fall if they don't remember that. We really have nothing to say to the console kiddies, because we think COD type games are childish and boring. No strategy. Just run around and kick each other in the balls at close range.
If you want to talk to us old timers, were all on Waiting for Crytek to get its head out of its ass. Hmm, maybe they should just rename gamesas to
It would fit the board more.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:42 am

Logan... Really... You're going to far. Your going so far that I am enraged right now. I'd like to punch you in your face for your ignorant basterd-like behaviour, but you'd better thank the internet, that this is impossible.

CRYSIS 1 MP HAS GOT A TINY (!) TINY TINY TINY TINY FANGROUP, FROM WICH YOU ARE PART! Deal with the changes, and quit beeing an ass! Play CW, it's already out. Maybe you don't remember, but in CW, you kick the others balls also from close range. No difference AT ALL!

Ok. I guess I calmed down. Remind: QUIT BEEING AN ASSHOLE NOW!
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:29 pm

I have to agree with Nameless and Bigboulder, Logan, can you atleast stop putting negativity on the forum? It's not doing any justice for yourself, or anyone for this matter.

If you're not happy, just don't visit the forums. There are loads of people here trying to give constructive criticism about the demo, and yes, it wasn't on par to what people expected, but that was something completely different. At least the guys in Crytek UK are putting their heads down to make sure we get a great experience, bug/lag/glitch free as much as possible.

You also say you're on Crymod. What's your username?

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