So the GECK is basically based on the TES editor from Oblivion. I've noted many, MANY useful effects defined in the TES editor that are listed in the GECK documentation as if they are unsupported. the purpose of this thread is to confirm or deny if they are implmented in the FO:NV version of GECK, the spiritual decendant of TESEdit.
please confirm or deny compatibility of the following Base Archetypes/Base Effects:
Concussion: should cause the "shaken" visual effect for as long as defined, if so could be used in quest/storyline scripting, if not please confirm.
Cure Addiction: no idea what it "should" do in the FO/NV implmentation, any advice? what script does Fixer use?
Cure Disease (specially note if it affects diseases OTHER than the implementation of radiation as a disease in Fallout 3/NV. Does it affect Dehydration200/400/600/800? Starvation 200/400/600/800, ect. for Sleep Deprivation?)
Cure Poison: does this affect poisons in FO:NV, it would seem it should affect HP minus effects from critters like radscorpions and cazidores
Dispel: a legacy from Oblivion, no effects have any cost in FO:NV, does that make this default useless?
Will Open sill affect locked objects? it seems as if it ought to, but does it affect only locksmith objects or terminals as well?