[REL] Definitive Birthsign Redux Patch

Post » Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:21 am

I've always loved the http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=150, but even with Eisenfaust's patch, the mod had errors and problems.
I have made a new patch to be used instead of Eisenfaust's patch.

No more script errors or missing meshes are the main fixes. Full details in the ReadMe.

Be sure to read the Notes in the ReadMe, otherwise you might get confused on how some things work, and about compatibilities.

Includes a patch for GCD users, so that the script works.

Downlaod at Nexus: http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/42272/
GHF Downloads: pending


The Elder Scrolls III
Definitive Birthsigns Redux Patch, by Pluto
version 1


1. Installation
2. Notes and FAQ
3. Credits and Usage
4. Save Games


Installing the Plugin


Once extracted and opened, just drag and drop the Meshes/Icons/Textures Folders and the Definitive Birthsigns Redux Patch.esp into your Morrowind/Data Files Folder. Say "yes" to any overwrites.

The original version of The Definitive Birthsigns Pack must be installed first.
Found here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=150

If you use GCD, be sure to also use the DBirth-Redux GCD Patch.esp found in the GCD patch folder.

Do NOT use the "Definitive Birthsign Patch" (by Eisenfaust) alongside this patch.
This Redux patch is meant to replace it.


Notes, FAQ


Some Birthsigns have Drain effects. They will appear as "Drain 0 pts" and will be added to your character via a script when you leave the Census Office. This is the only way to modify the stats correctly.
It is usually between 10-20 points. The exact Drain numbers can be seen in the "Birthsign Stats" document.

I highly recommend that you use the Code Patch option "Larger service/chargen menus" otherwise you will not be able to see all the Birthsign effects during CharGen.

The vanilla Birthsigns do not get changed, but a few of them will now start you with items after CharGen is complete.

This mod is compatible with mods that change the vanilla Birthsigns, but you will not get the items from this mod added to your inventory for the vanilla Birthsigns.

This is fully compatible with the GCD Balanced Birthsign mod.

List of Changes:
- No more script errors when exiting the Census Office when choosing Birthsigns that used the Random function for items.
- A MessageBox appears for added items (upon leaving the Census Office)
- the Golden Apple now has a proper mesh/texture
- the Tinker's Dwemer Box will now work even if your Enchant skill is below 10
- "Mermaid's Kiss" is now a Spell, instead of Ability. Now it won't conflict with drowning yourself in the Puzzle Canol.
- the Horseshoes are now called Quicksilver Boots, and they now have correct AR
- the Battered Robe is now called the Humble Robe
- the Holy Amulet is now called Almsivi Amulet
- unique names and meshes/icons for the Gatekeeper keys, so they are easier to quickly identify
- the "All Hallow's Eve" Power is now called "Ancestor's Moon"
- the "Wing of Bat, Eye of Newt" Power is now called "Cauldron Craft"
- the Walking Staff now has the speed/reach of a staff, not a dagger
- fixed a few spelling errors in the additions to The Firmament book
- added one new Birthsign, The Monk
- re-balanced a few Birthsigns so they don't feel as overpowered or underpowered. (but not really any major changes)

The details of the Birthsigns for this patch are listed in the file called "Birthsign Stats"
If you want to see the original Birthsign stats, check the ReadMe from the original mod.


Credits and Usage

Big thanks to Doy and IceNine0 for creating the original Birthsign Pack.
Big thanks to Eisenfaust for fixing many of the original problems with his Patch.
Credit goes to them before me.

Thanks to Taddeus for the apple files from NoM
Thanks to Daduke for the key files from The Key Replacer

You can do what you like with this patch.


Save Games


This plugin will not invalidate your old saved games. If you save
your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages
when you reload the saved game without the plugin.

And the Birthsigns themselves:

The Birthsigns as they appear in the Definitive Birthsigns Redux Patch, by Pluto

Note that any possible Drain Effects and/or Equipment are given to you when you leave the Census Office.

The Angel
Ability: Heart of Gold
- 100% Weakness to Fire
- 100% Weakness to Frost
- 100% Weakness to Shock
Spell: Wings of Silver (zero casting cost)
- 50pt Levitate on Self for 60 seconds

The Bureaucrat
Ability: Burden of Responsibility
- 40pt Burden
Ability: Regal Disposition
- 15pt Fortify Personality
Power: Royal Edict
- 30pt Command Humanoid on Target for 60 seconds
- 10pt Fortify Attack on Target for 60 seconds
- 10pt Fortify Endurance on Target for 60 seconds

The Crossroads
Ability: The Hardships Inbetween
- 10pt Fortify Endurance
Power: Where I Was
- Mark
Power: Where I Will Be
- Recall

The Devil
Ability: Beast
- 100pt Fortify Health
- 20pt Fortify Endurance
Ability: Unholy Writ
- 5pt Sun Damage

The Flame
Ability: The Fire Within
- 20pt Light
- 25% Resist Frost

The Fool
Ability: Dumb Luck
- 30pt Fortify Luck
- 25pt Drain Intelligence

The Full Moon
Ability: Thick Fog
- 5pt Sanctuary
Power: Ancestor's Moon
- Summon 4 Ancestral Ghosts for 60 seconds
Equipment: Pieces of the Dead
- 3 Ritual Bonemeal: Summon Skeletal Minion for 60 seconds
- 2 Ritual Ghoul Hearts: Summon Greater Bonewalker for 60 seconds

The Gambler
Ability: Roll of the Dice
- Randomly Fortify all Attributes by 1 to 7 pts each
Equipment: Last Week's Take
- approximately 300 Gold Pieces

The Gatekeeper
Ability: Dutiful
- 10pt Fortify Willpower
Equipment: Gate Keys
- Brass Key of Opening: 25-75pt Open on Touch, cast when used
- Iron Key of Closing: 2-4pt Lock on Touch, cast when used
- Ornate Soul Key: 30 second Soultrap on Target, cast when used

The Glade
Ability: Tranquility
- 10pt Sanctuary
Power: Solace
- 50pt Calm Creature in a 25 Area for 100 seconds on Target
- 50pt Calm Humanoid in a 25 Area for 100 seconds on Target

The Harlequin
Ability: Tumbling Act
- 15pt Fortify Acrobatics
Power: Jingling Bells
- 50pt Charm on Touch for 60 seconds
Power: Masquerade
- 30 second Invisibility on Self

The Homestead
Power: Fruit of the Land
- 50pt Restore Health on Self
- 50pt Restore Magicka on Self
Power: Home Sweet Home
- Almsivi Intervention on Self

The Icicle
Ability: Cold Heart
- 20% Reflect
- 25% Resist Fire

The Juggernaught
Power: Gygas
- Bound Battle Axe, Helm, Cuirass, Gloves, and Boots on Self for 60 seconds

The Leaf
Ability: Graceful Descent
- 20pt Slowfall
- 25pt Feather

The Martyr
Ability: Weakened Body
- 10pt Drain Strength and Endurance
Spell: Bloodletting
- 30pt Restore Magicka on Self
- 20-30pt Damage Fatigue on Self
- 5-15pt Damage Health on Self
Equipment: Humble Beginnings
- Humble Robe: 15pt Fortify Willpower, Constant Effect
- Almsivi Amulet: Almsivi Intervention on Self, Cast when Used

The Mermaid
Spell: Mermaid's Kiss (zero casting cost)
- 50pt Swift Swim on Self for 60 seconds
- Water Breathing on Self for 60 seconds

The Mind
Ability: Action at a Thought
- 50pt Telekinesis
Ability: Mind over Body
- 20pt Drain Strength on Self

The Mirror
Ability: Smooth as Glass
- 20% Reflect
- 50% Weakness to Normal Weapons
- 10% Resist Fire
- 10% Resist Frost
- 10% Resist Shock
- 20% Resist Poison
Ability: Man in the Mirror
- Silence

The Monk
Ability: Focused Aura
- 10pt Fortify Unarmored and Hand-to-Hand
Power: Mantra of Retribution
- Absorb Fatigue for 1 second, for 150pts on Touch
Power: Mantra of Clarity
- Cure Common Disease on Self
- Cure Poison on Self

The Pit
Ability: Bottomless
- 10pt Spell Absorption
- 20% Resist Paralysis

The Rift
Ability: Broken
- 50% Chameleon
- Stunted Magicka

The Seer
Ability: Dimsight
- 75% Blind
Ability: Foresight
- 50% Resist Normal Weapons
- 150pt Detect Animal
- 10pt Detect Key
- 20pt Shield

The Sirens
Ability: Irresistable
- 10pt Fortify Speechcraft and Personality
Power: Shriek
- 100pt Sound in 25 Area for 30 seconds on Target
Power: The Calling
- 100pt Frenzy Humanoid in 10 Area for 15 seconds on Target

The Spirit
Ability: Cast of Soul
- 10% Chameleon
- 25% Resist Common Disease
- 20% Weakness to Fire

The Stone
Ability: Like a Rock
- 20pt Shield
- 25% Resist Normal Weapons
- 20pts Burden

The Tinker
Ability: Tinker's Ingenuity
- 10pt Fortify Intelligence
Equipment: Lost Artifacts
- Active Dwemer Puzzlebox: Summon Steam Centurion for 360 seconds, cast when used
- Locksplitter: Quality 2.50 lockpick, 15 uses
- Craftsman's Probe: Quality 1.25 probe, 50 uses
- Odrosal's Hammer: Quality 1.30 repair hammer, 20 uses

The Toad
Ability: Hopyn
- 15pt Jump
Ability: Wart
- 15pt Drain Personality

The Virgin
Ability: Blush
- 25pt Fortify Personality
Power: Bed of Roses
- 50pt Charm on Touch for 60 seconds
- 10pt Command Humanoid on Touch for 60 seconds

The Wanderer
Ability: Wanderlust
- 5pt Fortify Endurance
Equipment: Trusted Gear
- Walking Stick: 2pt Restore Fatigue, constant effect
- 4 Golden Apples: 500pt Restore Fatigue/Health/Magicka

The Witch
Ability: Cauldron Craft
- 15pt Fortify Alchemy
Power: Black Hex
- 30pt Damage Luck on Target for 60 seconds
- 20 second Paralyze on Target
Equipment: Implement of Brew
- Witch's Alembic: Quality 1.30
- Witch's Retort: Quality 1.30

Some of the original signs have received starting Equipment as well.

The Lord: Golden Pantaloons, Fortify Personality 15 pts, constant effect
The Mage: Thinking Cap, Fortify all magic skills 5 pts, constant effect
The Steed: Quicksilver Boots, Fortify Speed 75pts, Burden 50 pts, constant effect
The Thief: Ebony Dagger
The Warrior: Gauntlet of Might, Fortify Strength 5 pts, constant effect

Have fun rolling a new character :biggrin:
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Hope Greenhaw
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