1. When the dragon crashed to the ground in the new trailer, the soil appeared to deform under it, and as it came to rest, it piled up as if pushed forward by dragon's slide ...
2. In the http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/8495/skyrim720p.jpg there is a tree that has broken off at the base and fallen over, and the broken area appears freshly broken as in real life if a tree has been smashed over by something...
While these aren't 100% proof of deformability, they are at the very least indicators toward the possibility of deformability. And now I wonder how far it could go ... ?
In the cave with the running water in the trailer, many people in other threads are now wondering if that water is dynmically generated, or if it's hard-coded to flow in seperate streams about the central up-raised portion. It appears to follow dynamic generation and if so, that would mean if you somehow altered the soil there, that the water might take a wholly different path or set of paths. So if water if flowing in a cave, and you do something to collapse that part of the wall, would it then flow entirely differently? Toward what end? Would water play a role in some of the challenges that make up how you could proceed forward in a dungeon with seemingly no way forward? Perhaps you alter the water flow, and use the water to push down other invisible portions of the wall that you didn't know were weak?
This leads to a few more questions:
3. Can we somehow deform the terrain ourselves?
4. Are there spells that will do this?
5. Can we dig in a riverbed, and thus over time, cause the river to alter course?
6. Could that newly diverted water flow into a neighboring town and wreak havoc upon it?
7. Could dragons use these systems to attack villages without having to personally invade them?
8. Might we be standing in a town where a river flows nearby and suddenly have a raging waterfall flowing through the town?
It all seems like too much coding and hard work, for whatever purpose I can't begin to imagine at this time, other than for pure visual shock and awe. I just don't think that would be enough incentive for them to take the effort to program this. But damn, if they did, Skyrim's achievement would be nothing short of miraculous (and it already pretty much is anyway) ....
If you spot any further evidence of deformability, or have any theories, please add them here.