This does exactly what it says in the title. It delays the DLC from starting immediately. Click the title to go to the download page.
It stops the annoying messages that display when a new DLC is loaded, and requires that you be within a certain distance of the broadcast location before you can pick up the radio signal. Once you do have the signal, you have to listen to the WHOLE thing in order to get the quest and map marker for the location. This was done because I like it that way.
So, enjoy not being bombarded with "DLC Loaded" and "Level cap increased" messages in your new games.
Comes in a fomod ready archive.
Dead Money: Prevents the messages from popping up when Dead Money is enabled on a new character. It limits the radio transmission range to just a bit further out than Novac. Also introduces the requirement that you listen to the ENTIRE broadcast before you get the quest or the location.
Honest Hearts: Prevents the messages from popping up when Honest Hearts is enabled on a new character. It limits the radio transmission range to just around the southern edge of The Strip. Also introduces the requirement that you listen to the ENTIRE broadcast before you get the quest or the location.
Old World Blues: Prevents the messages from popping up when Old World Blues is enabled on a new character. It limits the radio transmission range to just to the western side of Nipton Road Pit Stop.