Delay the console release

Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:20 pm

Speaking as an Xbox user, I honestly think it would be best if Crytek dev'd Crysis 3 for the PC, and waited for the next gen of consoles to release before porting it over (launch title?). This way, everybody is happy; both sides get a better quality of game. Sure, some of us would have to wait a little longer, but surely the increase in final product quality would be worth it? I wouldn't say this for most titles, but impressing visually is a major part of Crysis.

Just my 2 cents.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:36 am

Crysis 3 for PC next year and for consoles NEVAR or 2014 when the next gen gets released! They can focus on the pc then and make some potato-blowing graphics and awesome gameplay. You're right. Everyone (le moi) is going to be happy. Crysis 3 is going to be a "real" pc game and not a console adjusted game like Crysis 2. They can adjust it for the consoles later like they did with Crysis 1.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:31 pm

They cant afford to make the same mistake with crysis 2 again (never completed it btw), was a big let down.
If they can delay crysis 3 on to next gen consoles that would be great but I don't see it happening;They should however make it specificly for the pc, to win back the hardcoe audience.We will see if crytek has made things better in due time.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:36 pm

Crysis 3 for PC next year and for consoles NEVAR or 2014 when the next gen gets released! They can focus on the pc then and make some potato-blowing graphics and awesome gameplay. You're right. Everyone (le moi) is going to be happy. Crysis 3 is going to be a "real" pc game and not a console adjusted game like Crysis 2. They can adjust it for the consoles later like they did with Crysis 1.
To be honest, I'm not sure why any multi-platform gameplay doesn't have the PC as a lead dev. Surely it's simpler to create the best game you can, then take a look at the console specs and see how best to reduce the visuals? If you make a console version and then try to hack it onto PCs, you're pasting upgrades onto an ultimately outdated mainframe. It's a rush job as opposed to one that serious time and effort has been invested in, and only an idiot would think this won't show.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:14 am

One problem. Both Microsoft and Sony have stated the next-gen consoles won't arrive until AT LEAST 2015. Plus its smarter business-wise to release it this gen. Anyway, I'm happy its being released this gen. How many of you will actually be able to afford a new next-gen console to play C3 anyway? PS3 was $600 when it first came out, and we all know very few people owned one.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:54 am

This thread is silly. As if we are anywhere near next gen consoles. 360 and PS3 have plenty of life left in them and I'm sure Crysis 3 will look amazing on 360. The Cryengine 3 has matured since the release of Crysis 2 and I'm confident the game will be better for it.

All Crysis games, with the exception of Warhead of course, are now on console. Obviously, future Crysis games will continue to be multiplatform. That's the way it is. How do you think Crytek was able to grow so fast after Crysis 2? Multiplatform sales and (multiplatform) Cryengine 3 licensing.

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Josee Leach
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:29 pm

One problem. Both Microsoft and Sony have stated the next-gen consoles won't arrive until AT LEAST 2015. Plus its smarter business-wise to release it this gen. Anyway, I'm happy its being released this gen. How many of you will actually be able to afford a new next-gen console to play C3 anyway? PS3 was $600 when it first came out, and we all know very few people owned one.
Sauce on the 2015 release date? Not doubting you, just wondering.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:21 am

One problem. Both Microsoft and Sony have stated the next-gen consoles won't arrive until AT LEAST 2015. Plus its smarter business-wise to release it this gen. Anyway, I'm happy its being released this gen. How many of you will actually be able to afford a new next-gen console to play C3 anyway? PS3 was $600 when it first came out, and we all know very few people owned one.
Thats not true... Its a PLAN but not a fact. The xbox360 can exist with the new Xbox next year. Microsoft will not wait until 2015. The Devs already scream for better hardware. And Microsoft knows this. And a Crytek guy Leaked over twitter that there was a "Durango Meeting" in February. Durango is the Codename for the next xbox.
We dont have to wait until 2015. New Xbox is expected for a Fall/Holiday 2013 Release
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:25 am

This thread is silly. As if we are anywhere near next gen consoles. 360 and PS3 have plenty of life left in them and I'm sure Crysis 3 will look amazing on 360. The Cryengine 3 has matured since the release of Crysis 2 and I'm confident the game will be better for it.

All Crysis games, with the exception of Warhead of course, are now on console. Obviously, future Crysis games will continue to be multiplatform. That's the way it is. How do you think Crytek was able to grow so fast after Crysis 2? Multiplatform sales and (multiplatform) Cryengine 3 licensing.
Really? The 360 was already showing the strain with Crysis 2. It has very poor lighting, shadows refresh ~2 times a second, framedrop is typically notable for multiple periods during MP matches, textures are often horrifically low-res for many seconds when you first walk up to them while the processor catches up... I could go on, believe me. And CryEngine 3's upgrades seem pretty focused around new graphical features which will increase hardware demands... then there's the graphical restrictions console devving places on PC versions... I just don't see why you'd ship such a game on hardware that was designed to be as cheap as possible in 2006.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:08 pm

One problem. Both Microsoft and Sony have stated the next-gen consoles won't arrive until AT LEAST 2015. Plus its smarter business-wise to release it this gen. Anyway, I'm happy its being released this gen. How many of you will actually be able to afford a new next-gen console to play C3 anyway? PS3 was $600 when it first came out, and we all know very few people owned one.
Sauce on the 2015 release date? Not doubting you, just wondering.
They said it last year at E3.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:36 am

One problem. Both Microsoft and Sony have stated the next-gen consoles won't arrive until AT LEAST 2015. Plus its smarter business-wise to release it this gen. Anyway, I'm happy its being released this gen. How many of you will actually be able to afford a new next-gen console to play C3 anyway? PS3 was $600 when it first came out, and we all know very few people owned one.
Thats not true... Its a PLAN but not a fact. The xbox360 can exist with the new Xbox next year. Microsoft will not wait until 2015. The Devs already scream for better hardware. And Microsoft knows this. And a Crytek guy Leaked over twitter that there was a "Durango Meeting" in February. Durango is the Codename for the next xbox.
We dont have to wait until 2015. New Xbox is expected for a Fall/Holiday 2013 Release
Lol, in theory yes. In reality, no. If Mircosoft were to release the next gen xbox in 2013 (which I know for a fact they won't) it would steal sales away from the xbox 360. Microsoft won't allow that so they can maximize xbox 360 sales. And even if there has been a meeting about the next xbox, development will take a while (At the very least 4 years), which is also the reason we won't see a new xbox next year

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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:36 am

oh god annoying from 343 forums. well u sure do live up to ur name because ur the biggest fanboy ive ever seen. defend 343 is all u can do.
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Austin England
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:59 am

One problem. Both Microsoft and Sony have stated the next-gen consoles won't arrive until AT LEAST 2015. Plus its smarter business-wise to release it this gen. Anyway, I'm happy its being released this gen. How many of you will actually be able to afford a new next-gen console to play C3 anyway? PS3 was $600 when it first came out, and we all know very few people owned one.
Thats not true... Its a PLAN but not a fact. The xbox360 can exist with the new Xbox next year. Microsoft will not wait until 2015. The Devs already scream for better hardware. And Microsoft knows this. And a Crytek guy Leaked over twitter that there was a "Durango Meeting" in February. Durango is the Codename for the next xbox.
We dont have to wait until 2015. New Xbox is expected for a Fall/Holiday 2013 Release
Lol, in theory yes. In reality, no. If Mircosoft were to release the next gen xbox in 2013 (which I know for a fact they won't) it would steal sales away from the xbox 360. Microsoft won't allow that so they can maximize xbox 360 sales. And even if there has been a meeting about the next xbox, development will take a while (At the very least 4 years), which is also the reason we won't see a new xbox next year
Nope. Microsoft will Release a new Xbox next year. Thats a fact. Look at they 1st party line up. Thats simply nothing, only Halo4 is Microsoft big and last title for this gen.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:00 am

Lol, in theory yes. In reality, no. If Mircosoft were to release the next gen xbox in 2013 (which I know for a fact they won't) it would steal sales away from the xbox 360. Microsoft won't allow that so they can maximize xbox 360 sales. And even if there has been a meeting about the next xbox, development will take a while (At the very least 4 years), which is also the reason we won't see a new xbox next year

Nope. Microsoft will Release a new Xbox next year. Thats a fact. Look at they 1st party line up. Thats simply nothing, only Halo4 is Microsoft big and last title for this gen.

It doesnt take 4 years to develope on new hardware... Most of the 360 launchtitles got done in 1-2 years. I will play on the new Xbox xmas 2013 :)
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:51 pm

LMAO, believe what you want. Just don't be disappointed when 1) There's no official announcement of it at E3 2012, and 2) It doesn't come out next year because it's not coming out at the very least until 2015. I've already disproved this whole "new xbox is coming out next year", you however continue to state it without any real proof. Also I didn't say developing GAMES takes 4 years, developing consoles however... for proof just look at how long this gen consoles development took
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:50 am

1. Crysis 3 not final.. Crysis 4 on next-gen..

2.PC DX11 consoles DX9 .. that's all the difference .. everything else is viewed under a magnifying glass..Crysis 2 still have best visuals on consoles..Crysis 3 would be better than Crysis 2 on consoles..(you do not believe in Crytek?) I personally have no doubt in the graphics when we speak about Crytek with Cryengine 3 .. I was more concerned with gameplay of Crysis 3 .. and judging by the statements.. gameplay would be in the style of a Crysis 1 that I wanted..

3.Topic is stupid .. your query on the verge of fiction

PS. New Xbox would be in Q3 2013 or Q1 2014 not later...!/RealtimeCevat/status/192681459461537793!/RealtimeCevat/status/192680779162202113

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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:33 am

Really what I want is that they bulid the full game for the PC and then strip out what is not needed for the console version. I Have seen this done back when Devs were smarter(pre 2005). The PC version alway had more EVERTHING because the power was there to do. But these day they don't get you make better games when you make the best PC game possiable then work backwards to give the streamline but still core version of the game for consoles. **** this gen for messing over devs heads and thank goodness PC is coming back HARD to POWER melee them back into line. The Wii U will be good (Metroid/smash bros fanboy) but already my PC can beat it if Crysis 2 was put on it. I have DX11 and it has DX10. I win.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:17 pm

Is Crysis 3 even going to have DX10 support?
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Harry Leon
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:20 am

it better not b DX11.1 only
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:11 am

This thread is silly. As if we are anywhere near next gen consoles. 360 and PS3 have plenty of life left in them and I'm sure Crysis 3 will look amazing on 360. The Cryengine 3 has matured since the release of Crysis 2 and I'm confident the game will be better for it.

All Crysis games, with the exception of Warhead of course, are now on console. Obviously, future Crysis games will continue to be multiplatform. That's the way it is. How do you think Crytek was able to grow so fast after Crysis 2? Multiplatform sales and (multiplatform) Cryengine 3 licensing.
Really? The 360 was already showing the strain with Crysis 2. It has very poor lighting, shadows refresh ~2 times a second, framedrop is typically notable for multiple periods during MP matches, textures are often horrifically low-res for many seconds when you first walk up to them while the processor catches up... I could go on, believe me. And CryEngine 3's upgrades seem pretty focused around new graphical features which will increase hardware demands... then there's the graphical restrictions console devving places on PC versions... I just don't see why you'd ship such a game on hardware that was designed to be as cheap as possible in 2006.

To answer your question, yes. Really. ;)
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:34 am

This thread is silly. As if we are anywhere near next gen consoles. 360 and PS3 have plenty of life left in them and I'm sure Crysis 3 will look amazing on 360. The Cryengine 3 has matured since the release of Crysis 2 and I'm confident the game will be better for it.
Lolwut!? Both consoles now are less powerful than some modern mobile phones. The life left in them is purely down to people allowing them to remain 'alive'. Technology moved on irreversibly years ago.

All Crysis games, with the exception of Warhead of course, are now on console. Obviously, future Crysis games will continue to be multiplatform. That's the way it is. How do you think Crytek was able to grow so fast after Crysis 2? Multiplatform sales and (multiplatform) Cryengine 3 licensing.
Yeah, because wars was also on con.. oh wait. Half of the products released under the name of Crysis are now on console, half. Not that it makes any sort of difference, or is any ground upon which to base an argument for its continuation.

I could easily be a PC elitist here, but I think I'll be a little more objective. Crysis 3 shouldn't be designed on PC and ported to console; BF3 did this, and on consoles it's just not all that great. DICE put too much into the game, and when it came to scaling it back, they just haven't been able to do it all that well. Of course, neither should the game be ported from console; that leads to more problems of graphics, FoV and control limitations.

What Crytek should do, if they intend to cash in on this gen of consoles (which they obviously do), is spend a little more time and money, and develop the game separately for each platform. Now that doesn't mean 'separately' in the sense that we're told Crysis 2 was developed, which seems to have consisted of developing the game to a very low threshold and then tuning it for each system; it means not letting the two builds influence each other. The game should be developed for the complexity and varied controls of the PC on the PC version, and for the restricted specs and controls of the console on the console version. That is the only way you'll get a game which makes the best use of both systems. Of course, we all know that'll never happen, and if it did, the forums would simply be awash with console gamers upset that they can't use fists like their PC counterparts.
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kevin ball
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:24 am

Lolwut!? Phone more powerful than PS3 or Xbox?
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Big Homie
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:11 am

Lolwut!? Phone more powerful than PS3 or Xbox?
Something I found after a quick Google search:
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:00 am

Lolwut!? Phone more powerful than PS3 or Xbox?
Something I found after a quick Google search:

This current gen is technically ageing... badly.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:00 am

Lolwut!? Phone more powerful than PS3 or Xbox?
Something I found after a quick Google search:

lol.. "The next GPU on the Snapdragon S4 is better than the Xbox 360 and the one after that will be better than the PS3," Dave Durnil, Director and General Manager of Advanced Content and Gaming at Qualcomm told Pocket-lint.

GPU of Xbox 360 more powerful than PS3 GPU.. this guys probably don't know this...

What's the difference if the games no one will do for
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