I'm seeing high speed horse pursuits

Could this entail Skyrim's first DLC pack? TES V:Skyrim - Need for Steed!
High speed horseback pursuits, with success dependent on the quality of your steed :teehee:
OT: Excellent idea, I love it. It'd be fantastic would be if the chances of their finding you out depended on a mix of stealth and infamy as stated above, and then if the crime/your infamy were severe enough bounty hunters would begin stalking you. What would be amazing would be the ability to become one such bounty hunter youself, and as you bring in wilder and more notorious outlaws your fame increases

(similiar to this idea but for those of us who dislike murdering people, except when they're hostile or criminals...)
Oh also, the idea of messengers travelling between cities carrying words of your dastardly deeds is superb. Naturally, those craftier and less scrupolous among us would make it both a habit and an art to hunt such worthy prey