Just saw this post. Sorry that's just what I thought of when I read allusions to cannibalism... :shrug:
Come to think of it that could be a good premise for a misc quest (look for the members of a lost expedition in the mountains), but it'd probably be dangerous for the game rating wise so I don't see it happening. Also I bet it'd be pretty hard for the developers to pull it off well.
I've seen cannibalism done in other games before (Fallout 3 included, in fact, that game even had a perk that let you do it.) so I don't see why it would be a problem.
bosmer ar cannibasl O.O... didnt know that... and i alway play like a bosmer
Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle

And you see, that's just one more reason people don't like Bosmer, at least, it's one reason I don't.