Hi all
Interesting bug that I have noticed to do with the Rebuilding the Blades quest. Take a follower to Delphine, she goes through the dialogue to accept your follower and then she just goes about her normal routine without talking to the companion and taking them. This quest has worked fine in previous playthroughs but not this one (a couple of mods added such as Ultimate Follower Overhaul). The reason I mention UFO is that it is the only one that alters this quest. Disabling UFO does nothing, nor does completly removing the mod.
After scouring the internet I have found little apart from a dead thread on the nexus forums which describes the problem but with no solution found, so I am wondering if this has been encountered by anybody else and solutions/workarounds found.
That nexus post: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/746612-delphine-wont-recruit-my-follower/