First, a disclaimer: I'm a tinkerer. I have spent more time modding oblivion then playing. However, I think I'm *finally* almost done. I'm trying really hard to avoid quest and house mods.... Unless you guys have some you'd recommend I check into, I don't think my brain can take deeply investigating more huge swathes of mods this month! lol.
Okay. Since the thread seems to have faded into somnolence, I figured I'd do this to try and bring it back. I present to you, Sjadows list o' mods (for today, anyway.)
Behold - 99 mods o' o'blivion on d' wall...
Bain Packages:
000 - Oblivion by Bethesda.7z (0669F487)
Yes, I know you all think I'm crazy, but when I'm tossing around a lot of mods, for whatever reason, Oblivion likes to corrupt itself. Having this around lets me simply start wrye bash, and use bains anneal function. Any corrupt/missing files? Fixed!
001 - Sjadows Ohmes-Raht v0.1.7z (066375F6)
Some time ago, I snapped up a version of Tabaxi and customized it. This is the result. No, you can not has.
002 - Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v3_2_0.7z (3D495B4D)
003 - UOMP 1.5 MOBS.7z (440973B5)
Unofficial Official Mods Patch, rebalanced for MOBS.
004 - USIP MOBS FCOM 1.4.7z (73F25676)
Unofficial Shivering Isles patch, also rebalanced for MOBS/FCOM.
005 - OOO_133_Complete.7z (01C01D0F)
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. Best starting point in the business, imho.
006 - OOO_134_Beta_5_Patch-15256.7z (316172B2)
Newer, more beta-y version. Tastes of fresh.
007 - MartsMonsterMod355ReleaseFull.7z (8226E5CE)
008 - MartsMonsterMod355b5_ESM_ESP_Updates-14442.7z (5C1DE338)
009 - MartsMonsterMod37beta1andMMMForSI-17784.7z (93962DA1)
Marts Monster Mod.. Plus all the newer bits that are fit for consumption. (Well, when I installed it.)
010 - Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items 4.5b.7z (AEF034B8)
Mmmmmmm. Frans creatures/items are crunchy and good with ketchup.
011 - FranArmorAddOnV2 + bonemold helm + ordinator.7z (B8B6FE31)
012 - Frans level 30 items by Maltz 1.0.7z (2126181B)
Some addons to Frans.
013 - OWC 1.08b.7z (8014858E)
014 - OWC Patch 1.08b to 1.085b.7z (A8BD0695)
Oblivion WarCry. For those who don't like having Diablo creatures suddenly invade Tamriel, there's a nospawn option available.
015 - Bobs_Armory_Oblivion1_1.7z (1E222C0B)
"This mod adds 113 new, original helmets, shields and weapons, which are scattered throughout the game via leveled lists. These are not reskinned stock models, or gleaned free content from the net. All are new. "
016 - Loths_Blunt_Weapons_ver_3.7z (E14D8906)
New blunt weapons.
017 - Exnems Runeskulls 1.0.7z (4D3A03F3)
Okay. I've only encountered one or two of these in-game. Some of you will automatically say "Overbalanced! Cheap! Cheat!" and yes, they can be abused that way. Personally, I've no use for a weapon that drains more gold then I've made in 10 hours in one hit (recharge fee), and enchanting clothes nets you a whole lot less. I've nowhere to sell it, because nobody can afford it anyway... And they're pretty. >.> That being said, new version of FCOM and co should have a rebalance for them.
018 - TIE-in by Ulrim v1.2beta3.7z (23623475)
Tamriel Immersion Experience. Actually, this "lite" version for usage with FCOM is now hopelessly out of date, the current version for this application is 0.42 TIE4MODS. Whoops. lol. However, it's possible to navigate to just about any quarter of the Imperial City by travelling through the sewers. Takes a LOT longer though. And carry a couple cure disease potions. Otherwise, you'll be staggering out, if you survive at all. As a level 1 or 2 character, it's... Well, almost impossible. Mostly, I try and follow the occasional wandering Imperial Soldier, he's got the armor to take down tomb raiders equipped with enchanted stuffs!
019 - FCOM_Convergence_Beta9.9.7z (71FA2F89)
Obvious. However, FCOM 9.9.5 is coming out soon.. Lots of cool new stuff.
020 - FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.7z (7EB6028A)
Entropic Order.... Should be interesting, I havn't actually encountered it yet.
021 - Audia Arcanum Sound Overhaul by IlmrynAkios v2.0.7z (D2A73E4F)
022 - Audia Arcanum Sound Overhaul by IlmrynAkios v2.1 Patch.7z (A1B2476A)
023 - Footsteps of Heroism (AASO 2.1 Patch) by IlmrynAkios v1.0.7z (B330C80F)
Sound overhauls are really, really needed, imho. I'm a bit of an audiophile. You really don't want to know how much my headphones run.
024 - More Immersive Sound by Deckard v1.d.7z (7F333470)
025 - More Immersive Sound Edited by Brumbek v1.0.7z (ECEEFF64)
More sounds! Background sounds, this time.
026 - Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul v0.9 by PsychEroc.7z (F9CD7730)
Mmmm. Sounds.
027 - Storms and Sounds by Deathless Aphrodite and lilith v3.7z (B2E46409)
One of the first problems I noticed with Oblivion - no thunderstorms! This fixed that quite nicely.
028 - Symphony of Violence by migthegreat v0.5.7z (78B5C41F)
Combat sounds, overhauled!
029 - _Enhanced_Weather_1_3_5-16544.7z (5DEBED77)
I'm actually only using the SI module for this right now. You'll see why later.
030 - Enhanced Water by LprMan v2.0-8011.7z (022A9337)
031 - Enhanced Water SI Add-on by halo112358 v0.1-17345.7z (6707581C)
After trying many, many water mods... This one seems to be my favorite.
032 - EVE_for_Francesco_BAIN_Installer_update-24078.7z (736691AE)
033 - EVE_for_MartigenMonsterMod_BAIN_Installer_update-24078.7z (C5BFDAE2)
034 - EVE_for_Oscuro_Oblivion_Overhaul_1_3_BAIN_installer-24078.7z (1FEE0F34)
035 - EVE_HGEC_BodyStockandClothing_BAIN_Installer_update-24078.7z (4C684974)
036 - EVE_Stock_Equipment_Replacer_for_FCOM_1_4-24078.7z (761D67A5)
Eyecandy Varients Expansions. Basically, take the overly well known "HGEC" female body replacer, through in a lot of options (Extra Buff edition, smaller, uh, upper sizes, etc) and then make armor/clothing replacements for all the listed mods.
037 - Necs High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC.7z (49086BAA)
Makes faces look better, decreases seams.
038 - (869263AF)
You Are Here allows OBSE scripts to get player location - forest, home, cave, ruins, etc.. This in turn is used to hook...
039 - ScreenEffects by qzilla v1.0.7z (0AAB5A43)
Which alters brightness and color contrast and lots of other things, and is called by...
040 - Ambient Dungeons by KalendraStar v1.2.2.7z (81FD1C4B)
To give a much more immersive underground experience. This, combined with a couple other things listed later on, results in a dungeon crawling experience where... Well, you'll get a discount detect life spell in a heartbeat just to know there's something sneaking up on you outside of your torchlight! It makes any dungeon/cave/ruin seem... huge. Like you're stumbling around in the dark, with just enough cheap torchlight to get by, desperately hoping nothing else sees you first.
041 - Rainbows in Tamriel by Deathless Aphrodite v3.0.7z (E5349C71)
Must have.
042 - Cobl Cosmetics Res 01.7z (C1254BEC)
043 - Cobl 1.70.7z (5F7FF0FC)
044 - COBL_170_to_171-21104.7z (89C18FDE)
Common Oblivion. Yet another of Wrye's brilliant ideas, this also packs part of Tamriels NPCs revamped in it, as well as some new eyes, hairs, races... Turns out Wrye got permission to grab one of the earlier versions of Tabaxi, which is also integrated as an Ohmes-Raht. However, these have different eyes... And mine is white.
045 - (9CBA3D59)
046 - FF_Real_Thirst_-_Cobl_1_0-15168.7z (189A6A8E)
Another mainstay you probably all know and love.
047 - Harvest Flora.7z (9DD13311)
Slightly newer than the one packaged with OOO.
048 - Realistic Fatigue by abo v2.2.7z (C9BAB938)
God, my character is so WEAK! *pant, pant* Fortunately, other characters fall down too, and I have a backpack I can shrug off at the start of combat... Which means I'm only carrying the 30 feathers of weight I need to fight with. Brilliant!
049 - Realistic Health by abo v1.2.7z (0221D39F)
In the dungeon, the mighty dungeon, my sight fades out and I can barely see a !$!%!$ing thing since my dungeons are already dark.
050 - Realistic Levelling by abo v1.12.7z (706817B3)
I love this.
051 - Streamline_3dot1_Open_Beta-10400.7z (188C7231)
I'm sorry, but as much stuff as my Oblivion handles, this is simply required. Although, I suppose it should say something: All this, and I can exit oblivion without crashing.
052 - Supreme Magicka by flyfightflea Strategy Master v0.88d.7z (B856EA12)
I installed this when I was trying to play a mage. I'm sorry, but with the setup I'm running, vanilla magic system is just too weak. This buffs it up - just a little bit.
053 - UL.7z (9B79C5AA)
Unique Landscapes. All of them. In a BAIN installer I threw together myself. Very sveldt.
054 - Cobl RH (D5F1BBA6)
Realistic Hunger. Adds a dinner plate, doesn't interfere with alchemy properties, hooks lots of stuff from other mods and labels them as foods, too. Doesn't let you eat rat meat. Genious!
055 - (E4913D83)
Ah, the backpack I can shrug off when I see something trying to sneak up on me. Occasionally falls through floors. It's an irritation I'm willing to live with, as opposed to turning into an explosion-of-everything-i'm-carrying when combat starts.
056 - Inventory_is_a_backpack_ESP_updated_to_0p6-21721.7z (8EA3F180)
Update patch.
057 - (4F9E1B7A)
058 - (8C1FF479)
If you don't know about these, you should. These were the very first Oblivion mods I ever installed.
059 - Diverse_Grasses_Landscape_LOD_4096-9279.7z (BC200A00)
060 - Diverse_Grasses_Main-9276.7z (11CBB1D6)
HTF did some brilliant work here.
061 - KoldornsLODnoiseReplacer-9952.7z (90249876)
It looks less jarring this way.
062 - Animated_Window_Lighting_System_-_Meshes_v5-1-5-19628.7z (04E69801)
063 - AWLS_-_Brumbek_Mixed_Textures_v5-1-1-19628.7z (AB69DCFA)
I've never gotten these to work before this week - My god, they're incredibly cool! I love 'em! So very needed!
064 - Better_Cities_4-3-4a-16513.7z (965BFED8)
065 - Better_Cities_Resources_4-3-2-16513.7z (39D2548F)
I was just trying these out... It turns IC into a hodgepodge of a million people going "Hey wouldn't this be cool?" - tbh, if it wasn't for all of the Ayleid stuff imported into the IC, I don't think I'd mind. As it is, it just comes across as a jumble of.. Stuff. I removed it after about an hour.
066 - DesuChans_Demon_Huntress-24854.rar (441F064E)
Very cool light armor mashup.
067 - HGEC_Rogue_Mage_and_Scoundrel_Outfits_1_1-19009.7z (8DAFB158)
I particularly like these. They're not excessive at all.
068 - Gizmodian_Sorceress_Outfits-20637.7z (62897186)
069 - Gizmodian_Sorceress_Outfits (4EDBC8C5)
For those occasions when your character needs to look elegant.
070 - All_Natural_0_9_4-18305.7z (A0E161B7)
All Natural... Enhanced Weather + Atmospheric Weather System + Natural Weathers. + ties in to deathless aphrodites storms, sounds, weather. Includes enhanced seasons (changes color saturation / contrast based on season/area.) Plus darker nights (again using screeneffects.) Plus real lights, which ties light sources to actual light emitters (candles, fires, windows, etc) and gets rid of all the excess light sources in caves and such... Meaning there's huge areas that are absofreakinlutely PITCH BLACK.

Does not yet add weather to SI... Which is why I'm still using the enhanced weather SI esp.
071 - Fixed_Meshes_and_Textures-18305.7z (2A2674CF)
072 - Real_Lights_Fix-18305.7z (59DE7B17)
Two fixes for All Natural 0.9.4
073 - QTP3_Redimized.7z (37657997)
Texture replacer.
074 - DarkUId DarN by Gothic251 v1.6.7z (C3F2F441)
When this came out, I went "Finally. A UI redesign I can get behind." Since it's editable, and because of the flexibility and ease of BAIN, this is now a completely customized one that gives me the UI I like without having to be edited ever again.
075 - DarkUI_Recolored by Luchaire v1.5.5.7z (EBAEF377)
Colors the UI itself blue. Perfect, and goes with the red used in other places without any clash at all.
076 - Atmospheric Dark UI Loading Screens by Galahaut 3.55.7z (0E1465BA)
Thousands of pictures. Has an esp full of random, pithy quotes that I happen to like quite a lot. Especially with my load times.
077 - RealSleepExtended2_1_1.rar (CF0B4B52)
Finally, a sleep mod that doesn't !$%!4ing hamstring me on the way out of the imperial prison.
078 - (F01B3464)
Monsters with an intelligence of over 30 may now seek out a random door to an interior and go through it. Undead army wanders into small town...
079 - ElsweyrAnequinaV1.rar (19379FC0)
It looks really, really cool. And I'm playing an Ohmes-Raht. If I like it when I get there, you'll probably see it stay in my list.
080 - (1FA314EF)
Required. Default guard behavior is... Stupid.
081 - LivingEconomy-3_70-withmissingCutthroatMerchants-4432.rar (EEEE4D23)
Again, slightly different from the OOO version.
082 - _Book_Jackets_Oblivion_High_Res-5570.7z (A6244BAC)
I'm a bibliophile.
083 - Q__More_and_Moldy_Ingredients_v11-5065.rar (92577488)
Delte - Thanks for turning me on to this one. (I think it was you.)
084 - AliveWaters by Windsurfer v0.6.7z (C8E00FE1)
Adds some shipwrecks, debris around bridges, basically, makes it more fun to go swimming. Unfortunately, there's nothing like the underwater caves you found in Morrowind.
085 - Bank_of_Cyrodiil-3172.7z (C59D31C9)
Because I need some place to put all that gold... I probably won't get. lol.
086 - Gold_is_an_inventory_item_0p56-21881.7z (A1D09AFD)
Because Reneer's Gold Mod seems to be hopelessly broken, and I doubt it's going to get fixed any time soon. Also, this can rename all gold as Septims, which makes more sense.
087 - (EFAFE619)
One of my absolute favorites.
088 - Stealth_Overhaul-6359.rar (5A61BA55)
I'm trying this out for size. It seems good, but I'm not sure if it'll fit just yet. Basically, forces a rogue to be more rogue like and less knight in heavy armor with a bastard sword wearing sandals and being super sneaky.
089 - Thievery_in_the_Imperial_City-5156.rar (50868802)
I keep hearing great things about this. I'm nervous about having a fence in the IC.... Just robbing the jewelry store blind alone is worth a lot!
090 - (5187E9F7)
The old version looked horrible. This is an update, lets see if it looks more like the pictures on my system.
091 - Shivering_Book_Jackets-16247.7z (ABF9FA04)
Still a bibliophile.
092 - Darker_Regal_IC-9322.rar (050D1DB5)
Makes IC look more like pre-oblivion lore said it should. IMHO, makes it look much more like a rich, very old, very sveldt capital would.
093 - Improved_Doors_and_Flora-8298.7z (E68A60FF)
094 - IDFUpdate-8298.7z (46708404)
Makes things look more photorealistic.
095 - Improved_Fruits_Vegetables_and_Meats-10487.7z (25769256)
096 - Improved_Trees_and_Flora-8500.7z (13A4054B)
097 - Improved_Trees_and_Flora_2-11891.7z (523A98DB)
098 - ITF2Update-11891.7z (FFEF5557)
In fact, so do these. They're all by the same guy, too.
099 - ImprovedSignsComplete-9498.7z (7B1F6919)
Improves almost all the shop signs in Tamriel.
100 - kalikuts_green_glass_retex.7z (A495023F)
I can't stand the lime green of the default glass everything. This is much more laid back and beautiful.
101 - LBM_Weathered_Direction_Signs_1.3.7z-4165.7z (8BAD5EBF)
Because the signs on roads have been there forever... Now they look like it!
And, subtracting the 2 for better cities, we have... 99 mods.
Since I figure somebody is going to ask for the load order just to try and figure out how I manage to exit Oblivion without crashes by and large, I'll tack this in a codebox:
Active Mod Files: 00 Oblivion.esm 01 Jog_X_Mod.esm 02 ScreenEffects.esm 03 You Are Here.esm 04 EnhancedWeather.esm [Version 1.3.5] 05 All Natural Base.esm [Version 0.9.4] 06 Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm 07 Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm 08 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.71] 09 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.34] 0A Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.7b1] 0B FCOM_Convergence.esm [Version 0.9.9a7] 0C Cobl Races.esp [Version 1.52] 0D Cobl Races TNR.esp [Version 1.53] 0E Cobl Races TNR SI.esp [Version 1.53] 0F Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.2.0] 10 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0] 11 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp 12 DLCShiveringIsles.esp 13 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.4.0] 14 Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp 15 Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp 16 Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp 17 Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp ++ FCOM_Francescos.esp [Version 0.9.9] ++ FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp [Version 0.9.9] 18 FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp [Version 0.9.9] 19 Fran Armor Add-on.esp 1A Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp 1B Atmospheric Loading Screens - Random Quotes.esp 1C EnhancedWeather.esp [Version 1.3.5] 1D All Natural.esp [Version 0.9.4] 1E All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 0.9.4] ++ All Natural - EW + NW + AWS.esp [Version 0.9.4] 1F All Natural - Enhanced Seasons.esp [Version 0.9.2] 20 Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp ++ Enhanced Water v2.0 HD - SI Addon.esp [Version 0.1] ++ Symphony of Violence.esp 21 MIS Low Wind.esp 22 MIS New Sounds Optional Part.esp 23 Atmospheric Oblivion.esp 24 Rainbows.esp 25 WindowLightingSystem.esp 26 AmbientDungeons.esp [Version 1.2] 27 AliveWaters.esp 28 AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp 29 AliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.esp 2A Book Jackets Oblivion.esp 2B diversegrasses.esp ++ Item interchange - Extraction.esp [Version 0.74] 2C Q - More and Moldy Ingredients v1.1.esp 2D Living Economy.esp 2E Living Economy - Items.esp 2F Cutthroat Merchants.esp 30 FF_Real_Thirst.esp 31 FF_Real_Thirst, Cobl.esp ** Book Jackets DLC.esp ++ EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp 32 HGEC Rogue Mage & Scoundrel.esp 33 GizmodianSorceress.esp 34 ExnemRuneskulls.esp ++ FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.esp [Version 0.9.9] 35 Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.69] 36 Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63] 37 OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp [Version 1.69] ++ FCOM_Cobl.esp [Version 0.9.9] 38 Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp 39 FCOM_BobsArmory.esp [Version 0.9.9] 3A Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp ++ FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp [Version 0.9.9] 3B Oblivion WarCry EV.esp 3C FCOM_WarCry.esp [Version 0.9.9] 3D Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.34] 3E OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp 3F FCOM_Convergence.esp [Version 0.9.9] 40 FCOM_OscurosOverhaul.esp [Version 0.9.8] ++ FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.esp [Version 0.9.9beta2] 41 FCOM_RealSwords.esp [Version 0.9.9] 42 FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp [Version 0.9.9] 43 Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp [Version 3.7b1] ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp [Version 3.7b1] 44 Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp [Version 3.7b1] 45 Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp [Version 3.7b1] 46 Mart's Monster Mod - Foxes.esp [Version 3.7b1] 47 Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Version 3.7b1] 48 Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp [Version 3.7b1] 49 Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp [Version 3.7b1] 4A Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp [Version 3.7b1] 4B Mart's Monster Mod - Durzog Addon.esp [Version 0.10] ++ FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp [Version 0.9.9] ++ FCOM_BobsGuardUnity.esp [Version 0.9.9] ++ FCOM_Archery.esp [Version 0.9.9] ++ FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp [Version 0.9.9] 4C FCOM_MoreRandomSpawns.esp [Version 0.9.9] 4D FCOM_MoreRandomItems.esp [Version 0.9.9] 4E TIE In.esp [Version 1.2b] ++ TIE In - ExnemRuneskulls.esp [Version 1.2b] 4F TIE In - FCOM Convergence.esp [Version 1.2b] ++ TIE In - RealSwords.esp [Version 1.2b] ++ TIE In - MMM Gems.esp [Version 1.2b] ++ TIE In - MMM Craft.esp [Version 1.2b] ++ TIE In - DiverseGuardUnity.esp [Version 1.2b] ++ TIE In - BobsGuardUnity.esp [Version 1.2b] 50 Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 0.18] ++ Fransfemale.esp ++ MMM-Cobl.esp [Version 1.69] ++ EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM.esp ++ EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer for OOO.esp ++ EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4MMM.esp 51 300 Regal Imperial City 2.esp 52 thievery.esp 53 za_bankmod.esp 54 Knights.esp 55 Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9] ++ EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Knights.esp [Version 3.7b1] 56 Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp [Version 3.7b1] ++ FCOM_Knights.esp [Version 0.9.9] 57 ElsweyrAnequina.esp 58 xuldarkforest.esp [Version 1.0.2] 59 xulStendarrValley.esp 5A xulTheHeath.esp 5B XulEntiusGorge.esp 5C ULFallenLeafEverglade.esp 5D xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp 5E xulChorrolHinterland.esp [Version 1.2.1] 5F xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp 60 xulBravilBarrowfields.esp [Version 1.3] 61 xulLushWoodlands.esp [Version 1.3] 62 xulAncientYews.esp 63 xulAncientRedwoods.esp [Version 1.6] 64 xulCloudtopMountains.esp 65 xulArriusCreek.esp 66 xulPatch_AY_AC.esp [Version 1.1] 67 xulRollingHills_EV.esp [Version 1.3.2] 68 xulPantherRiver.esp 69 xulRiverEthe.esp 6A xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp [Version 1.0.2] 6B xulImperialIsle.esp [Version 1.6.1] ++ FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp [Version 0.9.9] 6C Harvest [Flora].esp [Version 3.0.0] ++ Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.0.0] 6D EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp 6E kuerteeInventoryIsABackpack.esp 6F kuerteeGoldIsAnInventoryItem.esp 70 Real Hunger, Cobl.esp [Version 1.6.1] 71 RealisticFatigue.esp 72 RealisticHealth.esp 73 RealSleepExtended.esp [Version 2.1] 74 Syc_AtHomeAlchemy.esp 75 StealthOverhaul.esp 76 RenGuardOverhaul.esp 77 RenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.esp 78 RealisticLeveling.esp ++ Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp [Version 0.74] 79 Get Wet.esp 7A ScreenControls.esp ++ Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp [Version 3.7b1] ++ EVE_KhajiitFix.esp ++ Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp [Version 1.53] 7B Bashed Patch, 0.esp 7C Streamline 3.1.esp 7D kuerteeWanderingEncounters.esp 7E Sjadows Ohmes-Raht v0.1.esp [Version 0.1] 7F DesuChan's Demon Huntress.esp 80 ImprovedSigns.esp
Now. Comments, suggestions, insights? I'm sure somebody, somewhere is still reading this list... C'mon, Delte, update us on your install! I'm curious.