I've created much of my character's history (I'll write it all out later), and I'm creating a new class for him: the Highlander.
I used his history and official Lore to guide my decisions. For example, as a player, I really dig the bow. But, I will not choose Marksmanship as one of his seven Major Skills because of who he is and where he comes from. He's a Nord. He comes from the north, where the terrain is uneven, rocky, and frosty. With the trees and rocks, distance weapons would not be a favored weapon among the Nord. One only has to look at the race's favored skills to support that thought.
No, Ryce (the name I chose--I'll tell you about that, later, too), is a strong, face-to-face brawler. He's going to be a heavy armor + axe + shield type of guy.
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Endurance, Strength
Combat Skills: Block, Armorer, Heavy Armor, Blunt.
Magic Skills: Destruction, Alteration, Restoration.
The combat skills are understandable. We're talking about a mean, snarling, highland warrior, here. But Nords are also somewhat magical. They have "The Art" flowing through their veins like almost all of Tamriel's inhabitants.
Nords, as a race, are favored with Restoration. That's why I picked that one for the class. Then, looking at the Nord Specials, those of the race get a protection spell, Woad. And, this led me to Alteration. Another Special they get is Nordic Frost, a touch spell that delivers frost damage. Thus, Destruction came into play.
These guys are like the mythic Vikings (not the real ones) of literature. They're the Aesir and Vanir from Conan's universe. They're not quite barbarians, and, at the same time, they're not as advanced as the Imperials.
The Highlanders are trained for combat in their frozen, forested, rocky clime. Strong muscles support layers of cold weather furs in addition to heavy armor. They are experts with all forms of martial weapons, swords and axes and maces alike, both single and two handed. And, the Nords of Skyrim are expert smiths, masters of techniques unknown in other parts of Tamriel.
Of the Magika arts, the Highlanders learn of protections (Alteration) and healing magics (Restoration). And adding to their fierce ability with weapons both bladed and blunted, the Highlanders know how to use the Arts to destroy and kill (Destruction).
In a face-to-face confrontation, there is not much more terrifying than a quick paced, screaming Nord, swinging his weapon, with death in his eyes.
My character, Ryce, will favor the Shield and Axe. And with his Destruction magic, he will focus on touch spells, often weakening his opponent through shear martial combat, then delivering the killing blow with a touch of his hand.
Then, he will walk away. A reaver. A slayer. A dealer in death.