no on-demand game saving, Shame crytek (:

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:30 pm

I am extremely disappointed that Crytek eliminated on-demand anytime, anywhere game saving in Crysis 2. For me and thousands of others, that totally ruined the game.
Crysis had on-demand and checkpoint game saving. Checkpoint game saving in Crysis 2 is in the code, it works, always has. Therefore, Crytek had to go out of their way to remove on-demand saving in Crysis 2! And for what purpose? Who benefits by removing this crucial feature that works? Certainly not the Crysis 2 developement team.
If the excuse had been "we choose not to spend time and resources to develope
on-demand game saving" I could accept that. But the game already supports checkpoint game saving so it would cost *ZERO* to merely leave in on-demand saving, just as it is in Crysis. There's simply no conceivable reason for Crytek to deny the gamer their right of choice to play Crysis 2 as they see fit. Checkpoint only saving forces the gamer to lose valuable progress, making him redo parts he has already done...over and over again. The game feels like work more than fun.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:58 am

You are wrong on this one. On-demand game saving is know to ruin the game play of video games, because instead of figuring out how to make your way through the different levels, you spend most of your time managing game saves. The decision not to have on-demand game saves is actually a very good design decision becoming more common with games like dead space proving that the careful placement of save stations can heighten the intensity of the game. If you are saving every 30 seconds you can't really be involved in the story, or get a feel for the flow and pace of the game. If you die every 30 seconds, and you are having to replay the same part over and over again, then you should consider changing the difficulty level, or changing up your game play style.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:24 pm

That's ridiculous.
Comparing a survival horror game to an FPS?

Crysis is about fun, creative gameplay - and checkpoints discourage that.

They should have added the option for the people that DO like to play with quicksaves. It's an easy option to toggle.
I respect the people that prefer checkpoints, but don't tell us quicksavers when we are immersed in a game or not. It's insulting.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:40 am

on-demand savegames would ruin the singleplayer experience.

If your to stupid to get through the level, try an easier setting...
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emma sweeney
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:41 pm

I like how checkpoint-defenders miss the point completely.

Each person has his or her own experience with a videogame.

Just because YOU don't like quicksaves, doesn't mean someone else won't.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:20 am

+1 for On Demand saving... some like it, some dont... i know i do :)
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Kari Depp
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:11 pm

on-demand savegames would ruin the singleplayer experience.

If your to stupid to get through the level, try an easier setting...

It didn't ruin the original Crysis.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:28 pm

How do you know, you only played it WITH quicksave.
C2 was clearly more exciting because you had to make it past the levels instead of just save/load your way through.

If it's there, we will ALL use it, therefor i wish for it NOT to be there...
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:25 am

How do you know, you only played it WITH quicksave.
C2 was clearly more exciting because you had to make it past the levels instead of just save/load your way through.

If it's there, we will ALL use it, therefor i wish for it NOT to be there...

Perhaps I never used Quicksave, and only saved/loaded from Autosave points.
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Jessica White
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:35 am

Many other new games are forgoing the on-demand quick save, not just dead space. Bulletstorm is another great game that didn't use it. If you want to play around and experiment thats cool, but for the sake of story telling, on-demand quick save does not help. Plus you can experiment and practice your base jump or whatever you want to do just fine, because a lot of the time you spawn back relatively close to where you die. This game isn't designed for experimenting. Play Crysis 1, or Warhead, or Just Cause 2, or GTA, if you want to do stuff like that. Crysis 2 is very much, more than almost any other game, driven by story. In my opinion, the best way to experiment with a game, and try different strategies, is to bump up the difficulty level, and see what you have to do in order to survive. That makes more sense to me. Crysis 1 had to have on-demand quick save, because the auto saves were very far apart, if they had been closer together, then I would say the game would have been much improved without the quick save feature. But one of the major reasons that Crysis 1 is a far superior game to Crysis 2 is because it was completely open world, and it was designed for experimenting. This game, Crysis 2, would have only been more hindered by a quick save option.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:32 pm

Crysis 2 is very much, more than almost any other game, driven by story.

You can't possibly be serious.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:10 pm

Crysis 2 is very much, more than almost any other game, driven by story.


W H A T ! ? ! ? ! ?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:43 am

On-demand saving is horrible. I'd play an AWESOME level in Crysis 1 and it'd be hard as ****. But see, I'm low on ammo and health and am so close to the end of the level. I just want to save so badly but must resist to doing such a cheap thing because that ruins the fun in the game. It ends up I can't resist, do an on-demand save and oh wait.....I just ruined the challenge of the game. Instead of feeling satisfied that I made it all the way through the level I feel neutral. I love the feeling of satisfaction when accomplishing a challenging task. On-demand saving takes that away.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:04 am

On-demand saving is horrible. I'd play an AWESOME level in Crysis 1 and it'd be hard as ****. But see, I'm low on ammo and health and am so close to the end of the level. I just want to save so badly but must resist to doing such a cheap thing because that ruins the fun in the game. It ends up I can't resist, do an on-demand save and oh wait.....I just ruined the challenge of the game. Instead of feeling satisfied that I made it all the way through the level I feel neutral. I love the feeling of satisfaction when accomplishing a challenging task. On-demand saving takes that away.

See, I feel the opposite way.

Let's say I'm playing a level, and I quickly go through and kill everything up until the very end. But at the end, there's a group of enemies I can't beat yet. Every time I die, I have to restart the level. By the third try, the first 90% of the level is a waste of my time, because I've already proven - twice - that I'm fully capable of surpassing that challenge.

Why should I have to replay the entire level just to take multiple cracks at a tough set of enemies at the end?
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:27 pm

If you dont like quicksaving, then dont use it. How can something that is only an option ruin a gameplay experience? If you like dying and hearing the same dialogue and starting from the same point over and over then thats you, but most of us want to have fun and experiment with the gameplay, and that is very risky to do if you cant quicksave. To beat crysis 2 I had to play like a boring sneaky guy, because if I ever tried doing exciting superhero -like stunts I would die within seconds. Funny, because I could do stuff like that all the time in Crysis 1 and I played on Delta every time. I blame it on the removal of quicksaves and the weakening of the nanosuit.
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JR Cash
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:46 am

Crytek said "LOL" to the quicksavers and "watch them cry about it"

Theyre drinking your tears now

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Imy Davies
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:54 pm

+1 for Quicksave

Sandbox games are all about freedom of play like being able to set up a scenario: ie, ambushing enemy patrols with a VBIED, setting traps in Huts, bowling with soldiers, etc. Its hard to set that kind of think up in Crysis 2 and its kind of forcing you just to kill everyone in less creative ways and proceed

Having an option for it would be fine. Even on consoles, since other games HAVE done it...all it required was for them to hit Start ->Quicksave in the menu. But having it enabled should disable achievements/trophies for beating the campaign on higher difficulty levels since it would make it easier. I just want it in purely for more freedom of play.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:46 am

Crysis 2 is very much, more than almost any other game, driven by story.


W H A T ! ? ! ? ! ?

Compared to other first person shooters I would say so
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:55 am

[/quote] See, I feel the opposite way.

Let's say I'm playing a level, and I quickly go through and kill everything up until the very end. But at the end, there's a group of enemies I can't beat yet. Every time I die, I have to restart the level. By the third try, the first 90% of the level is a waste of my time, because I've already proven - twice - that I'm fully capable of surpassing that challenge.

Why should I have to replay the entire level just to take multiple cracks at a tough set of enemies at the end?[/quote]

I can only agree, i HATE to have to play the same arera over and over again becoz i keep dying just b4 the check point, it actually have made me quit playing alotta otherwise good games,..
Its as u said, a gigantic waste of my time, and it gets dull and downright annoying very fast,..

And i really cant see the point in doing save points in a PC game of 2011, Save points came from the consoles, (when they had no memory onboard) fair enough, that was the best option back then..
but lo and behold, now consoles DO have onboard memory, But the developers still incorperate save points in theyr products?? I just dont get it,... And worse, now they even force the outdated concept on us poor PC players!!! (Bulletstorm, COD MW2, BFBC2,) i could go on and on,...

Just leave the save points, but incorperate the quick saves, and all can play the way they prefer,...

-Another issue i really dont see the point in, is theres NO aim toggel option, having to constantly hold right mouse button, tires my hand muscles, and it seriously affects my aim after a while,..
(I know ill just have to manually edit the cfg file,) but still, it cant be very hard to incorperate in the options menu,.. sry for going off topic wit my rant,

Regards DEE-TRON
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:35 am

The decision not to have on-demand game saves is actually a very good design decision .

I would love to see what the quicksave haters would say if Crytek took the next logical step, eliminate saving altogether. If you die, you go all the way back to the very beginning of the game, first level. But why stop there? If you die, all your settings are erased. If you die, you must reinstall the game.
What say you lilkillpappy, good idea?
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matt white
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:20 am

I'm surprised you guys aren't bringing up the obvious in this discussion. "Autosave" with no option for "On-demand save" is a console first person shooter characteristic. Crysis 2 is a console game ported to the pc.

If you look at ANY console game ported to the pc, you will see that most of them follow this same routine.

Thats why I was surprised to see the guy in this thread who keeps mentioning Dead Space. Why even bother to bring up Dead Space when it too is a console port. Its not that they took out the on-demand saves, its the fact that they were never intended to be there for the console developed version which is then ported to the pc. That is why so many original fans are feeling the sting of the console with Crysis 2.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:23 am

My reason for prefering to have the option to quick save is if I'm playing a game and have to go out for any reason, I can quickly save my progress and carry on when I get back, instead of having to lose all my progress like I do with the current system.

If Fallout 3 didn't have quicksave I'd still be on the first mission with the amount of times that one crashes, but thanks to them using the quicksave option (which is also in the console versions of the game) I can save my progress every few minutes so I only lose a little bit of time rather than hours worth.
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:58 am

I'm surprised you guys aren't bringing up the obvious in this discussion. "Autosave" with no option for "On-demand save" is a console first person shooter characteristic. Crysis 2 is a console game ported to the pc.

If you look at ANY console game ported to the pc, you will see that most of them follow this same routine.

Thats why I was surprised to see the guy in this thread who keeps mentioning Dead Space. Why even bother to bring up Dead Space when it too is a console port. Its not that they took out the on-demand saves, its the fact that they were never intended to be there for the console developed version which is then ported to the pc. That is why so many original fans are feeling the sting of the console with Crysis 2.
I'm not buying that. There are all kinds of user interactions with F keys. The code, the mechanics for doing quicksave are fully developed due to checkpoint saving, it's in the game already. Port or not, Crytek had to make changes for the PC version, QS could have been one of them. Saying they were forced to not allow QS is absurd.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:38 am

works fine
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:39 am

I'm surprised you guys aren't bringing up the obvious in this discussion. "Autosave" with no option for "On-demand save" is a console first person shooter characteristic. Crysis 2 is a console game ported to the pc.

If you look at ANY console game ported to the pc, you will see that most of them follow this same routine.

Thats why I was surprised to see the guy in this thread who keeps mentioning Dead Space. Why even bother to bring up Dead Space when it too is a console port. Its not that they took out the on-demand saves, its the fact that they were never intended to be there for the console developed version which is then ported to the pc. That is why so many original fans are feeling the sting of the console with Crysis 2.
I'm not buying that. There are all kinds of user interactions with F keys. The code, the mechanics for doing quicksave are fully developed due to checkpoint saving, it's in the game already. Port or not, Crytek had to make changes for the PC version, QS could have been one of them. Saying they were forced to not allow QS is absurd.

Oh thats definately why they did it. I'm not denying that they could have mapped it easily to the F keys, the point I'm making is that when games are developed for the console and then ported to the pc, they keep the settings the same for consistency. Crysis 2, Call of Duty 4, Black Ops, etc, are all prime examples of this.
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