» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:55 am
[/quote] See, I feel the opposite way.
Let's say I'm playing a level, and I quickly go through and kill everything up until the very end. But at the end, there's a group of enemies I can't beat yet. Every time I die, I have to restart the level. By the third try, the first 90% of the level is a waste of my time, because I've already proven - twice - that I'm fully capable of surpassing that challenge.
Why should I have to replay the entire level just to take multiple cracks at a tough set of enemies at the end?[/quote]
I can only agree, i HATE to have to play the same arera over and over again becoz i keep dying just b4 the check point, it actually have made me quit playing alotta otherwise good games,..
Its as u said, a gigantic waste of my time, and it gets dull and downright annoying very fast,..
And i really cant see the point in doing save points in a PC game of 2011, Save points came from the consoles, (when they had no memory onboard) fair enough, that was the best option back then..
but lo and behold, now consoles DO have onboard memory, But the developers still incorperate save points in theyr products?? I just dont get it,... And worse, now they even force the outdated concept on us poor PC players!!! (Bulletstorm, COD MW2, BFBC2,) i could go on and on,...
Just leave the save points, but incorperate the quick saves, and all can play the way they prefer,...
-Another issue i really dont see the point in, is theres NO aim toggel option, having to constantly hold right mouse button, tires my hand muscles, and it seriously affects my aim after a while,..
(I know ill just have to manually edit the cfg file,) but still, it cant be very hard to incorperate in the options menu,.. sry for going off topic wit my rant,
Regards DEE-TRON