» Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:38 pm
I am enjoying the perc system TBH. Now don't get me wrong... I love my table tops (I have a d20 and a d4 sitting on my desk!), however I always found it tedious when I wanted to plan a character exactly what stat was needed at what level and so on to max my potential. I always found that "immersion breaking."
With the perks, I think it actually builds immersion value. I know that if I pick HP and One Handed Perk, I pretty much just upped CON and STR. If I pick Speechcraft and Mana, CHA and WIS. Now instead of worrying about how my character will turn out by raising numbers... I have a visual chart that pretty much shows if I go this way I become stronger in this way.
That said, I do wish there were somewhere I could look at damage done, % to hit and the wacky stuff like that. I know of console but I am on PS3 so...