The order of the demo and when they are released is 100% up to EA... Same thing with media being released. I don't understand the negativity when we should be happy that a demo is coming (well aside from ps3 users I would be angry if I were them).
I really don't care when the demo is released. I am comforted by the fact that its been announced and will come out eventually... All you people do is demand more and more. Honestly, who cares when the demo comes out? It is clear the Xbox demo was rushed too soon, and hopefully the other demos will come out when its ready instead of too early. The demo was announced early to comfort us and yet you demand more like a release date right away, its kinda spoiled. I understand the enthusiasm, but it gets a bit carried away sometimes.
This does not necessarily partain to the posts in this thread, but to all the PC whiners out there.
That's a slightly sad fact to bear, but it's also the truth. .... What else can we do but endure for a while....