heh Haven't had any troubles with the scar, but I'm having a couple weapon issues too... The Majestic will stop reloading and shooting, and somehow manages to disable my melee. Fixes when I die. Might be happening after I manually reload a few times? Didn't even realize what was happening at first, but I had to do the first couple of sections after first obtaining the Majestic over enough to figure it out.
Also, the marshall in my game got borked. Happened after the first suit disabled scene, think I was supposed to be disarmed but kept my weapons. Since then, I can only stock 4 spare rounds for the shotgun (as in: 10/4). When I grab a fresh one, it's always 10/-6. I can only grab 4 shells at a time for it, so if I unload all of the ammo, I can only get 8 shells per ammo refill box. Seems to have carried on to the shotgun attach on the scarab, when I equip it is says I have inf/inf ammo. Get a 'no ammo' message when I try to fire it. Unlike the Majestic issue, this isn't fixed by dying or restarting the client... appears to have been a permanent effect on my save.