» Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:14 pm
I don't know if this is really pertinent or not to this thread, but in the past I downloaded a few mods that altered something in Solstheim, and merged them into a single plugin (so I only had to load up one .esp). Some were MW-only, some were MW-BM only, and some were MW-Trib-BM dependant, and I really didn't pay attention to the load order ( read, ".esp dates").
Silly me.
I spent a long time fixing Landscape problems (open seams, etc.) and other things. Nowadays, if I download a new mod that I want to use, WHATEVER its dependencies, I invariably save it (after "cleaning," which I also invariably check for necessity) as MW-Trib-BM dependant, just to assure myself that such won't happen again. But then, I don't have to worry about releasing my stuff to the General Community.
As long as some people (and, more power to 'em) only play with MW, or MW + 1 expansion, there will be those who cannot use a mod dependant on all three. But as your thread responses indicate, the vast majority of people playing now, or who may take up this game in the future (? how long has it been out now?) can and will be using the GOTY or MW plus both expansions. Complaints from users are more likely to center around "Does it conflict with TR?" or "Does it conflict with ?"
Echo Magic Wind0w's comments about making the new functions/bugfixes of the expansions at least available in any new mods (well, maybe not texture replacers, for example) whether actually used in the mod or not, annoyance with dependencies on some other (non-Bethesda) mod, and releasing mods as .esms (I like to load up new, untried mods in the CS, and see asterisks (*) on everything that is new/changed, without having to first convert an .esm to an .esp).