For instance, do you think that based on the screenshots Skyrim is using a deferred lighting solution?
I hope not.
Deferred rendering = all-encompassing term
Deferred lighting = kind of deferred rendering
Deferred shading = kind of deferred rendering
But, I'll admit, deferred lighting has fallen so out of favor that nobody acknowledges it existed.

It's far too early to tell, based on static screenshots. I hope they do use deferred shading, though, at least for interiors' sakes. Deferred shading would be kind of useless outdoors, as there is usually very few lights, and deferred shading is also completely impossible to implement for alpha transparency (foliage, etc). So what you have to do is still do a forward rendering pass just for anything transparent. And then you have to make sure to limit lights in the forward pass, as to not kill performance.
I'm not positive, but I think they could technically switch between forward and deferred rendering at load screens, say, between interior and exterior cells. You can switch between rendering paths in a lot of the tech demos I have compiled and run. Intel has a particularly good demo, where they use a DX11 Compute Shader to speed up deferred shading considerably. It's usually called "tile-based" deferred shading.