I'm having a blast building, can't wait to play the game!
My thoughts exactly - I finally went to Diamond city at like level 16.
I'm having a blast building, can't wait to play the game!
My thoughts exactly - I finally went to Diamond city at like level 16.
The settlements I think are a great addition to the game. other than some tweeks on the building, my only complaint is the radiant quests associated with them...I really don't like those and have to wonder if anyone does. I can't see how the settlers manage to get themselves kidnapped regularly with as many turrets I have set up.
This opinion is valid, but like all opinions, it's just yours....
The thing about the settlement system that SOME people (ahem) seem to miss is that you are supposed to be role playing a character in a post-nuclear apocalypse world that is struggling to rebuild itself. The last point is critical, as Todd Howard stated: the world is trying to rebuild itself in Fallout, or at least the USA is. What better way to offer immersion to players than to allow them to actually do some of the rebuilding themselves rather than simply handing them developer-made content? Keep in mind that one complaint that was heard/seen for FO3 and FONV was that there was not enough indication of rebuilding, although that made perfect sense for FO3 because Washington DC remained a war zone in constant conflict. In Fallout 4, you, the player, can actually rebuild areas of the Commonwealth (and yes, profit directly from doing so... see below).
Building settlements is a TERRIFIC way to gain XP without constant combat grinding as well as the immersion points mentioned above. You gain XP for anything you create and you wind up creating a LOT of content via settlement construction. Not a lot of XP per item, but you make so many things that you will easily gain several levels without even realizing it. I can easily gain more XP from settlement building than any quest reward - the difference isn't even close. Of course, you can also gather caps and materials this way without combat.
In other words, it is a non-combat option to immerse yourself and ... role play, yes, in a role playing game. It's a critical mechanic for allowing character diversity.
It would be great if one day people would understand that its a big difference if you say "its a complete waste of time" compared to "for me its a complete waste of time".
I have however spent roughly the same amount of time in my castle than in the rest of the game world and I love it
There is A LOT of room for improvement though imho: Glitchy shopkeepers, placement of objects is fiddly, option for no collide and no restrictions would be nice. Other things like object limit and more stuff to build have been (partially) fixed by the awesome mod community.
Make sure you look around your settlement area (all area's within the green zone). I've seen objects vanish and not go in to my inventory and then pop up somewhere else when I exited workshop mode, but so far knock on wood (ha!) I haven't lost anything. You can also scrap objects and then they are gone.
+1 The Settlement thing is fantastic. The modding potentials it opens up are mind boggling.
When you go to place them you will see a number on the items icon. You still have them you just cannot see them until you go to build again.
As far as I can tell they are specific to that settlement so you will not be able to build them anywhere but in that settlement.
1. Go back to a save where you have plenty of stuff.
2. Build a ton of junk.
3. Store the junk.
4. Close your workshop mode.
5. Save Game, Quit Game, Reload Game (4 through 5 are optional)
6. Reopen your workshop mode and navigate to the selection icon for the types of junk you stored.
7. Do a screen cap to show that your junk is not there.
8. Send your bug report to Bethesda.
I predict that what you will see is that your junk will be enumerated in the icon for the pieces you made and then stored. If you try to do steps 6, 7, & 8 at a different settlement from the one where you built and stored the junk, it will not work.
On a side note - am I correct in saying there is no way to name guns in PS4 version? I would really like to name settlers jobs but have no way of doing that right now. Provisioner and named characters are all I've got right now.