The term "Dermal Exposure Optimization" is a term I coined at TES Eye Candy during the time I did stuff for the Exnem/HGEC body mod, as a humorous way of describing tweeks to vanilla or other pre-existing meshes to be more... *ahem* exposing.

This mod provides three altered Vanilla female clothing meshes, reconformed to fit the Exnem body: Leather Armor, Merc Adventurer, and Merc Charmer. Additionally, the vanilla underwear was altered (but provided as an optional), and contains a base body that has fixes and improvements to the midriff and rear region. The changes are as follows:
Reshaped bust, bared midriff, lower-cut pants, higher-cut jacket, more rounded butt, more properly shaped boots, fixed UVW on midriff mesh part, slightly altered bellybutton, undershirt removed from neckline region, fixed excess concavity in the tailbone region (underlying body) (newer screenie, no undershirt)
Removed sweater "bra" in neckline (wouldn't that itch?), fixed bust line to not look unnaturally pushed up and tiny (C'mon, this is Exnem! The problem existed even on the pure Vanilla version) expanded neck line for more cleavage exposure, higher-cut jacket, lower-cut pants, removed spurs (they bugged me...), raised heels on boots, fixed UVW on midriff mesh part, slightly altered bellybutton, fixed excess concavity in the tailbone region (underlying body)
Removed exposed bra for a bit more cleavage Lower-cut panties, higher-cut sleeveless T-shirt, fixed UVW on midriff region, slightly altered bellybutton, pointier... ah... covered up bits, fixed excess concavity in the tailbone region
REQUIREMENTS: Exnem body mod (can't link here, can't be too hard to search for

Meshes were further Exnemized from the original batch of Exnemized vanilla replacers.
USAGE: As per Exnem body mod and Vanilla usage rights.