Descension, is a mature guild, meant for players who wish to belong to a community. We will provide an excellent leadership, which is in the form of a council, that focuses on building a guild where players can log in and have fun in the form of raids, pvp, and guild events. We care about the players in our community and want the best for the guild not just an individual.
Alliance: Undetermined atm
Things we will provide
Vent/Mumble Server
Community: Some of our members play multiple games. Our guild began in Star Wars the Old Republic Website:
Our guild will be a mixture of Central, West Coast, and East Coast Timezones. Our events/raids will occur in CST.
Things we will focus on
PVE: Descension will be a Semi-hardcoe Raiding guild where we will kill the toughest bosses and be competive against other guilds when it comes to Progression Raiding.
PVP: We will help our Alliance push the campaign to its limits so we may crown an Emperor. Question is.... Are you strong enough to be the one?
Crafting: We will be looking for Master Crafters to sell to the ESO Community.
Fun: Lets kick some @$$ and have fun doing it.