Describe your first character in Skyrim

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:24 pm

Three words: Breton. Mage. Sword.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:59 pm

My character will probably be an Argonian or A Dunmer.

Spear wielding if its included.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:24 pm

all i know is that he is going to be an assassin that duel wields daggers and works for the Dark Brotherhood

Heheh...We work for the same hand...

I intend to be exactly like this...

And by hand I meant the Dark Brotherhood.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:45 pm

Heheh...We work for the same hand...

I intend to be exactly like this...

And by hand I meant the Dark Brotherhood.

lol im not gonna choose a race till i see how they look and if their abilities changed
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:56 pm

Well, this time, I'm doing a woman I think.

Dunmer, haven't figured out the name yet. She will be sort of a nightblade, but I think I'll just main with dual spells and use single/dual dagger/s only sometimes.

Roleplaying-wise, I have yet only come up with that she will be a devoted daedra worshiper, probably focusing on Azura or Hermaeus Mora.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:56 pm

i used redguard in morrowind and I really liked it, I never really used it in oblivion though, so i might do that.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:10 am

I have no idea his name, but he's a tall bulky Nord and he wields the biggest baddest slashing or blunt weapon to be found (whether that be a warhammer, claymore or axe). He possesses no magical abilities (unless you consider his ability to easily smash in the skulls of any of his unfortunate victims magical) and doesn't have any ranged weapon on him either. He won't partake in crime unless there is a significant gain for himself. He does whatever he feels like, and those who don't agree with his decisions usually pay with their life. He's stubborn to the core, and has no fear.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:15 am

*Cracks knuckles* Here we go.....

Aldas the Blueblood

Altmer war-wizard wielding a halberd and uses mainly shock spells, wearing medium or heavy armor. He worships the daedra lords: Hermaeus Mora and Jyggalag.


Heavy or medium armor (depends on if they put medium armor back in)





Pole-Arms *crosses fingers*

He is very tall, even for an altmer, very thin but has an athletic build, has a short thick beard and slicked back pure white hair, his skin lies more to a pale white color rather than the gold color, his eyes are blue and his veins are very noticeable. He is among the oldest people in tamriel, making him very knowledgeable due to all the time he's had to study arcane dark magics and politics. Becoming a demilich is his dream, and so is becoming a chronomancer.

That's all for now, still thinking up the bio.

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clelia vega
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:07 pm

Name: Milos Blackscale
Race: Argonian

Age: I'm not sure how Argonians age, but he'd probably be in his 30s or something. He's not necessarily a grizzled old veteran, but he's been through and seen a lot.

Physical Description: Taller than average, but only slightly so. Black complexion that is slowly fading with age, with a brilliant red throat, chest, and belly (though if possible I'd prefer making them purple or gray somehow). His head is topped by a ringed crown of small horns, with the two lateral horns being the longest. His eyes are beady and red, but if it's possible in Skyrim, I'd like to make them green.

Bio: Milos Blackscale was born in the slums of Bravil to a lower class Argonian family. His ancestors had emigrated from Black Marsh centuries before, leaving Blackscale far removed from his Argonian roots. Hell, the closest he'd ever been to Black Marsh was a short stay at some rowdy lodge in Leyawiin.

As a juvenile, Blackscale often traveled into the wilderness around the Nibenay Basin with his father, who was a hunter. Through this, he'd picked up the way of the bow, the spear, and the art of stalking his prey by moving silently. By the time he'd reached his teens, Blackscale was a seasoned bowman and spearman, and was quite handy with a regular blade as well.

In search of greater opportunities and riches, Blackscale left his family and moved to the Imperial City. City folk didn't care very much for the meager pelts and bushmeat that Blackscale managed to scrounge up, and he was having a hard time making ends meet. His options were all gone, except... thievery. He knew he didn't have it in him, but it was his only choice. Every morning, he'd leave his home in the waterfront to go to the Market District, where he'd hopefully snag a few septims—enough for a meal. He stuck to large crowds, rifling through their pockets as they were distracted by merchants and entertainers. By the end of the day, his pockets were fat with septims. This was easier than he thought!

Thievery was just like hunting to him: he'd choose his quarry, move silently, and go for the kill. He was damn good at it, too. Almost too good. Overtime, it became more than just pickpocketing—he'd begun breaking and entering. Now THIS was where the money and the thrills were at! He'd loiter about in wealthy districts until he found a mark, then follow him home and watch him for a few days. His schedule morphed to mirror that of the mark's, and at the first opening, he'd pick the lock (which, he had a strange innate aptitude for) to the house, slipping in unnoticed and tiptoeing out with all the valuables. It was too easy, until one night, he'd miscalculated greatly. After slipping into the house, it turned out one of the inhabitants was awake! Scared and confused, Blackscale did the only thing he knew how when he was cornered—retaliate. Before the poor sap could even scream, he was lying in a pool of his own blood with a dagger sticking out of his throat. The other inhabitants of the house would surely find out, too, so Blackscale felt he had to kill them or face the full extent of the law. Without even batting an eye, he'd murdered them in their sleep. It was as if he'd become as tenacious and fierce as the animals he once hunted.

He had to get out of there; The Imperial City—no, Cyrodiil itself, wasn't safe anymore. The Imperial Reserve seemed like a good spot to lay low, but how long could he possibly last out there? The only choice was to head to the other provinces. Black Marsh was an obvious choice, but he was so out of touch with his culture that he wouldn't have fit in; he was a stranger in his own homeland. They'd probably think he was some sort of Imperial spy, anyway. Morrowind was a no-go for that reason, too. The native Dunmer were seething with anger towards Argonians, which compounded the problem. Elsweyr was always in turmoil, it seemed. Maybe High Rock or Hammerfell could work, but going to Hammerfell meant crossing the massive Alik'r Desert. But hey, he could easily get to High Rock if he crossed through Skyrim.

Blackscale made his way northward. By now, the Imperial City's guards had to have found the bodies, and they'd definitely be on the lookout for whoever was behind the crime. Those svckers. The way Blackscale saw it, his plan was foolproof. No matter where he ended up, he could hole up and find work in Solitude or Winterhold for a few months until things died down, and either way, he could get used to the native customs. How much longer could he really lay low anyway, what with his kleptomania and newfound bloodlust?

Combat Style: As a former hunter, Milos Blackscale is adept with a bow, but he is also quite handy with daggers and swords. If spears are in, his background in hunting could make him good at using those, too. True to his thieving/roguish nature, Milos prefers to stalk his enemies from the shadows, but can attack with brute force when necessary. Wears light armor for ease of movement and agility.

Magic: In his free time, Milos dabbles in different schools of magic, mainly Illusion and Alteration, to make his professions a little easier. He also uses a bit of restoration magic (field medicine) to aid himself in the wild.

Religious Beliefs: Nocturnal (no brainer), Hircine

Sorry if its TL;DR or half-assed. I really just came up with the whole backstory today.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:52 pm

Orc: Obould Many Arrows

Birth sign: warrior

Class: warrior

2nd character

Nord: Wulfgar

Birth sign: warrior

class: warrior
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:45 pm

I always decide on something new once we learn more info lol.

Race: Khajit
Class: Blood-drinker (hybrid - revolves around axes and health absorbs if they are still in TES)
Skills: 1h-Axes, Restoration(if AbsorbHealth is still in that school), Light-armor, Athletics/Acrobatics, Destruction, Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing.

Play-style: Basically want to Dual-wield Axes for bleeds - while regularly swapping one hand to have life-leech DOTs running. Lastly destruction for yet another DoT effect, probably entropic based if they still have it in Skryim. Also plan to enchant both axes with aborb-health (again..if that enchant/spell is still in Skyrim)
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Ian White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:09 pm

A burnt pile of roasted meat. Some shattered bones sticking out of it. A couple of half-molten armor pieces. A broken sword and a cleaved shield.

Throw all of this on a pile and you can imagine what my argonian character looks like after his first dragon-encounter. :biggrin:
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:32 pm

Bosmer or Imperial (maybe Redguard) female Huntress. Favors bow and sneak for the kill, athletics when luck runs out and she realizes *she* is the prey, restorative magic skills combined with alchemy (herb lore) for that additional connection to nature and survivalism, and some good mercantile and other social skills to get good prices for what she hunts and being able to get information without threats. Favors common clothing and fur based armor and clothing when surviving the elements, going for studded leather when exploring indoor locations she doesn't know. Although the bow is her primary tool, as a hunter she also knows how to wield a short blade in tense situations, based on her experiences with knives for the skinning and prepping. Would also have artistic skills (probably music) if that was included, as it's part of her background story.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:30 pm

I think I'm going to be a Nord... but play him as a thieving hedgewizard.
(throwing)daggers, short-bow, illusion, alteration, alchemy, stealth, light armor.

I know, bad idea right? That's what makes it fun and at least I won't be whaling through the game on my first try if it's too easy.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:15 pm

Name- Yevgenii (heh) Class- Straight Up Sith Lord (SUSL) :P

Dunmer, Black hair, Mean-looking mug

Uses Restoration, Alteration, and Destruction for Magic

And either a two-handed blade or dual-wielding long swords.

Sneaks around, or while invisible, looking to one-hit some fools or force lightning their face, thereby melting it.

Then goes to the local tavern, tips a few beers, and snags some bar wench for the night. Rinse and Repeat.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:56 pm

My character will be the same type of character I've always tried to play. Nord Warrior/Mage type dude. Emphasis on Melee combat, and using touch magics and conjuration mostly to back me up. Like I said in another topic it's taken me forever to get that character rightfully balanced, and I never wanted to try and look it up. But right now in Oblivion, he's a beast.

Main Skills are, Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Destruction, Conjuration and Alteration (because I hate Oblivions lock pick system). But now that we don't PICK our main skills, it might be a little more difficult to get him right. But my basic philosophy is use ONLY his racial buffs for the melee, and when given the choice between a warrior type item (say a bonus to Block or Heavy armor) and a Mage type item (like fortify intelligence) almost always use the Mage one. Oh, and take the Mage sign. Beig a Nord in itself is good enough to be a decent melee fighter, it's the magic part that need work.

So yeah, in Skyrim I'm gonna try and recreate that type of character.
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meghan lock
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:29 pm

I will make either a Nord or a Breton named either Harald or Alain a crusader/paladin-ish type of skill-focus. Heavy armor, blade, blunt, restoration, maybe destruction, armorer and block.
It will be a good character who helps people and I will join a fighters guild-ish, knightly order and any other with a good cause.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:30 am

The description of my first character in Skyrim will contain a short aftermath story of my character from Oblivion. :biggrin:

Following the sacrifice of Martin Septim which lead to the defeat of Mehrunes Dagon by the hands the Avatar of Akatosh, Karl Dragonheart the mighty mage and knight brother of the Blades went into a period of solitude in a secret mountain hideaway where he mourned the lose of a man he called both friend and emperor. Until a thought passed through his mind and he journeyed to Cloud Ruler Temple seeking support from his fellow Blades and then to see one man that had proven to be a strong ally of the Septim bloodline when he supported Martin's claim to the throne, chancellor Ocato, before he set out across Tamriel on a quest.
The thought that had struck Karl Dragonheart's mind was so simple. When he first meet Martin Septim at Kvatch, Martin was then a priest of Akatosh. But from Martin himself he had learned that a priest's robe had not always been Martin's choice of clothing before that he had been a mage. And mages are not bounded to the same woves as priests are, in particular the wove of celibacy, and also considering the fact that Martin was a good-looking young man. It would be most unlikely that no woman had found themselves attracted to Martin Septim and considering a strong fact that everyone has been young, rash and foolish at least once or twice in their lives. A faint glimmer of hope had been lightened in Karl Dragonheart's mind and heart to the possibility to find a child carrying the blood of Martin Septim in its veins, be it a bastard child or not.

As Karl Dragonheart set out on his quest he did not do so alone, as support from the Blades four brave volunteers joined him and as their search took them first across every corner of Cyrodiil and after many long months of searching they eventually stumbled across the order of the Knights of the Nine and their divine relics of the Divine Crusader. Karl Dragonheart soon managed to enlist their aid in his quest for the heir of the Dragonborne, however with all the lands of Tamriel to search and no more help from the Blades safe from the brave four volunteers and the occasional information from secret Blades-agents. Karl grew concerned that his quest would fail without the aid of his four companions.
Being one of the most powerful practicians of the arcane arts in Tamriel and being the son of Nord and an Altmer, Karl Dragonheart's lifespan was far greater then that of his companions. So he sought a way to prolong their lifespan and he found a way, with the armour of Pelinal Whitestrake he sought to connect his companions to it and his own life-energy. Though reluctant at first both his companions and the highest ranking member of Knights of the Nine eventually agreed to have it preformed in absolute secrecy. Once the ritual was completed Karl Dragonheart and his four companions set out to the provinces of the Empire on their search.

After nearly a hundred years of constant searching and the deaths of two of his companions in battle as they desperately tried to prevent the empire from collapsing, Karl Dragonheart returned to Cyrodiil only to find the very heart of the Empire of Tamriel he loved, besieged by war.
Disheartened by his failure to find an heir of the Dragonborne and seeing his beloved Empire of Tamriel tearing itself apart, Karl Dragonheart gathered as many people he could find that was still loyal to the old empire and lead them into a secret mountain vally in the border region of Cyrodiil and Skyrim, the old akaviri stronghold of Pale Pass. He later used his most powerful enchantments to conceal the entrance making it next to impossible to find the entrance without knowing how.
As the years passed and the empire crumbled and desperately clinged on to its fragments, Karl Dragonheart rebuilt the remnants of the old akaviri fort of Pale Pass and around it a city was born, which by now was the last bastion of the old empire. During these years the effects of Karl Dragonheart's spell that kept his companions young slowly started to wear off and they grew older and older, though Karl Dragonheart with his altmer and nord blood remained somewhat young in body. Together with his two remaining companions and the elders of the city he formed his own Elder Council that would wait for a new Dragonborne to rule them and their city and from it rebuild the empire.

As almost 200 years passed since the end of the Oblivion Crisis, the pain in Karl Dragonheart's heart slowly and lightly began to fade as he feel in love and had three children, the first two were twins, two sons. He named the eldest Martin in honour and memory of his old friend and emperor, the younger twin he named Ingvald in memory of his nord-father, though being twins they looked a lot different from one another. Karl Dragonheart's third-born was a daughter he named Erissa, whom he and his sons treasures more then anything.
As terrible unrest began in Skyrim and few words from the remaining Blades were heard, Martin Dragonheart set out to gather news for his father but after many long years he never returned and his brother Ingvald Dragonheart set out to find his lost brother and so begins Ingvald Dragonheart's adventures in Skyrim.

My first character in Skyrim:
Name: Ingvald Dragonheart
Race: Breton/Nord (haven't decided yet..)
Class: Mage
Sign: The Ritual
Age: ?
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:08 pm

My character is called Daiyus gro-Dyyg, and as you can probably tell from the name, he is an Orsimer (Orc). He was born under the sign of the Mage, which gives him a natural affinity for magics (respective to most of his race anyway). He tries to uphold the spirit of his people by being extremely self reliant, and being a crafstman at every opportunity. He has a love of smithing, and would rather enter battle with his own customised equipment. This is bolstered by his own enchantments. In battle he favours a single long-sword in his right hand, allowing Destruction and Conjuration magics to flow from his left. He wears a mixture of light and heavy armours, but always wears a hood.

He also specialises in Alteration and Restoration, as a lifetime of wandering in the wilds of the world have taught him that relying on his magic can reduce his need to carry many items such as potions and lockpicks. He tries to travel as lightly as possible.

He will happily help people in trouble, but will meet cruelty with swift retribution. He is not overly aggressive though, always attempting to negotiate and allow the local populace to decide the fates of wrongdoers, as opposed to himself.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:48 pm

Torden is a Dunmer mage who, although born on Solstheim to Dunmer parents, was abandoned by his parents who were not married yet and felt the child would anger their respective families. Because of this, Torden was brought by a local Nord family and wasn't exposed to the xenophobia and racial superiority that a normal Dunmer would have been. it was this tolerant upbringing that lead to him defending the rights of other races, usually Argonians, from other Dunmer. He eventually got a reputation in Solstheim for being nice to the beast races, which was often seen as an insult to other Dunmer, but eventually this reputation would bring him into contact with an agent of the Twin Lamps, an anti-slave organisation, who enlisted Torden to their cause. Unfortunately, while attempting to free some slaves belong to a rich slave dealer, Dweveryth Carvaanu, the aforementioned agent murdered Dweveryth and trapped Torden in the room with the body while he escaped with the slaves (The agent believed in sacrafices for a good cause and knew Torden would take take the blame for the crimes, allowing him to get the escaped slave out of Solstheim and into the more tolerant Cyrodil). Torden escaped from the scene of the crime but was identified by Dweveryth's personal guards. To escape punishment Torden and his foster father Himmel Whitecloud (his wife had died of illness two years earlier) left Solstheim for Skyrim where Himmel had many relatives to stay with.

Once they reached their destination however, Himmel confronted Torden and told him that, as it was his actions that had forced both of them to uproot their lives, Torden was simply too dangerous to continue to stay with him and told him that he must leave the settlement Himmel's family was living in. Torden was giving some supplies and then asked to leave. Torden took up a job as a trader, buying goods in one town and selling them in the next. it was in one of these towns that Torden heard the grim news that the Minisrty of Truth had fallen upon Vvardenfall and that Argonians had invaded Morrowind in it's weakness. Now Torden wasn't exactly the most patriotic Dunmer, but the news shocked him, his homeland invaded, many of his people no doubt slaughtered, possibly even his birth parents. Torden was filled with overwhelming amounts of shock, sadness and most of all, anger. unsure of what to do, Torden left the town immediately to try and make sense of what was going on, and what should he see beside a nearby lake but an Argonian. For reasons he didn't know, Torden started walking up to the Argonian, who saw him approach (but unable to identify his race, as Torden often wears a hood to keep out the snow) and yelled out to him "hey there friend, have you heard the good news". This was simply too much for Torden who started running at the lizard-man as fast as he could, his hood blown back in the strong wind. The Argonian recognised the danger and attempted to flee into the lake, but the anger inside Torden boiled inside him like a thunder storm, it was too much for him and exploded outward in the form of a lightning bolt shooting at the Argonian. It hit the surface of the lake and electrocuted the Argonian, whose silent screams of pain released as bubbled moments before he died, his smoking body floating to the surface.

Torden had collapsed upon the shore, by the time he awoke, two things dominated his mind. The first being that he had just killed someone out of anger, a person who personally had nothing to do with his troubles, but instead he had instead judged him by his race, a behaviour he had always scorned. the second thing in his mind was his new-found discovery of his magic powers which, despite the nature of it's discovery, intrigued Torden greatly. It was these two thoughts that guide Torden through his life after these events, which was split into him larning more about his abilities, and his trying to repent for his murder of the Argonian. his earlier attempts at the later involved serving at a chapel of the Nine, but eventially Torden came to the conclusion that the Nine do exist but they don't do much. Torden now tries to repent for his actions by campaigning against the growing belief among Dunmer that Argonians should be killed.

Race: Dunmer
Class: Mage
Chosen Weapons: Mostly just Lightning destruction magic
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:13 pm

Reasy for my monster post? :)

Ariake is a Breton, born under the Mage in a small backwater mountain village in High Rock. In his child years, he'd cause his next of kin to worry because his prime occupation was to find and get to know every noock and cranny of every hill and mountain around him, sometimes dissapearing for an entire day, which is where he got his drive for exploration and discovery. He never remembered his father as he died shortly after his birth. His world turned upside-down when his mother died as well at the age of ten. The already spartan conditions of living in the mountains meant noone was willing to take in an extra mouth in his home village. Thus he had to move to the outskirts of Evermor to live with a cousin. What followed was the most brutal part of his life. High Rock underwent many violent changes in the centuries since the Oblivion crysis, changes the guard had to focus their full attention to. As a result, even a civilized settlement like Evermor was rithe with crime, especially the young of the poor who had little other choice to get by. Even though he was living in a city, Ariake learned there the law of the jungle, suffering much at the hands of stronger kids who lived by the notion that anything the weaker had, belonged to them. Overtime, he coped by learning to fight back when he could, or escape where he couldn't. This abysmal lifestyle went on for four years, and by the time it was over, Ariake felt most at home in visceral close-quarter combat, even though he was a Breton.
Though the conditions were rough, Ariake did not abandon the sense of justice and goodwill that his late mother worked so hard to develop. After becoming adept at fending against the Evermor's hazards for himself, he began using his newly honed "talents" to help those less able than himself. By chance, one of those "less able" turned out to be the neese of a minor noble, a certain Gallin Clavian. As gratitude, Clavian took him in under his wing, away from the hell of Evermor's streets. For the next three years Ariake lived in the noble's estate as part guest and part servant, helping with whatever he could. There his spark for learning was noticed and Clavian made possible Ariake's education under the tutelage of a resident scholar. He studied with great enthusiasm, especially for the arcane arts, and was well on his way to becoming a fully fledged mage apprentice.

Unfortunately, his golden years came to an abrupt end. For generations, High Rock's nobility was in constant rivalry with each other that manifested in an unseen war of lies, disinformation, sabotage and, more often than not, assasinations. Ariake was curious of this unseen struggle that Clavian waged, but whenever he asked, he'd only get the reply "Don't dive into this pit. It's a jungle even worse than the one you've been in.". Apparently the jungle proved too much for Clavian, as one day he simply disappeared without a trace, and his whole household came apart without him. Unwilling to return to the nightmare of the streets, Ariake instead chose to leave Evermor altogether and seek the life of an adventurer. The caution he honed in his ill neighbourhood taught him not to get ahead of himself, and thus he started small, doing simplejobs for whoever needed help: hunting down rabid animals that pestered struggling farms, message deliveries, surveys for sholars, and the like. He also did some work for the Mage's guild, though he never got beyond the rank of Associate simply because of his questionable origin. In High Rock's Mage's Guild, how high you could climb is completely dependant on how high you are on the social ladder. High positions are instantly given to noble sons and daughters of nobles who fund most of the guild's activities, and the rest have to content themselves with positions below them. In time, as Ariake honed his skills, the caliber of his work increased with them: from odd jobs to hunting bandits and smugglers, all the way to treasure hunting in locations to dangerous for anyone else. People also started hiring him as a mercenary for difficult tasks, where he shaped a good reputation for his reliability and sense of honor. Those same merc jobs, however, spelled his undoing.

After a while, Ariake noticed a disturbing trend. Most of the outlaws that he was hired to exterminate had with them evidence of correspondence with anonymous nobles, who paid them exorbitant sums to do their dirty work. Though he saw evidence, he had no real proof, and could only content himself to simply dealing with the consequences and leaving the source alone. The "source", on the other hand, thought otherwise. Apparently, at the height of Ariake's career he became too ubiquitous of an obstacle for the High Rock brass that relied much on circumventing the rules to ignore. One day, upon returning from exterminating a goblin infestation for a village, Ariake was beset by guards. His charge - murder of a noble, his punishment - prison for 30 years. The whole farm knew that he wasn't anywhere close to the site of the murder when it happened. Also, not longer than a few days after his arrest, his sentence was changed from 30 years in a High Rock prison to life in a Skyrim prison (it wasn't uncommon to transfer prisoners to Skyrim's "Freezing Hells" for a fee; some of the Nordic prisons even turned it into a business of sorts), and even that was quickly corrected to execution. It didn't take much wit to understand that someone was "waxing the system", the same someone who framed Ariake in the first place.
In the events that take place in TES V, Ariake is at first conflicted between seeking revenge for his unjust conviction and fighting the immediate threat of the Dragon invasion. Later, though, he comprehends that Alduin is a far greater priority than a petty noble pulling strings with his coin, and focuses his attention appropriately. In combat, he employs a combination of swords and the magic he used the most during the years preceding his downfall: Destruction and Alteration. He wears light armor, as the thought of wearing something that would prevent him from escaping if necessary, an instinct he developed in Evermor, is quite literally alien. Since he never had any formal training as any particular class of combatant, he has no concept of "purism" and switches between sword and spell, dual swords and all magic without much thought, whatever the situation favors. The brutal rules of life in the streets of his childhood have resulted in him being inately cautious, prefering to anolyze what he's up against from the shadows before the opposition is even aware of his presence, and not rushing into the fray without need. Apart from his favourite two magic schools he also uses what little he managed to learn about the other ones from the scholar as side-skills.
Ariake is mostly altruistic, readily helping the needy and defensless for no reinbursemant. However, his history with the cruel mechanics employed by the nobles and the maleability of the law has left him with a deep resentment for politics and law enforcers. Thus he prefers to distance himself from them as far as possible.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:53 am

Pretty much my main Morrowind and Oblivion character again. A 26 year old (In our relative years, not in Mer years) named Olas Dren. He is a cousin to Vedam Dren and Orvas Dren (Now the descendants). Imprisoned for petty theft while traveling the province of Skyrim. Versed in Alteration, Blade, Heavy Armor, Destruction and Illusion, Olas was a mercenary back in Blacklight in his homeland. After receiving an epiphany from Azura in a dream, he quit his job and began to explore the world. With little money, he went around the places he traveled doing various jobs for meager pay (Explains his future theft and imprisonment). After traveling to Cyrodiil, Elsweyr and Valenwood, Olas decided to travel closer to home. Never being to Skyrim, he traveled to the city of ( Insert starting City). During his time in (Insert City) he was unable to pay for food, after paying for the cost of the inn. Stealing from a roadside market, the guards chased him down, and eventually arrested him.

Then the real story begins.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:08 pm

I've always just thought of my main characters as blank slates, and never gave much attention to their lives before the game starts. I sometimes have in my head a general idea of their personality and motives, but never any specifics about their past.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:57 pm


longest beard possible, coupled with a skullet (if possible) or otherwise totally bald.

i will shun all clothing and dual-wield shields and go around shield-bashing EVERYBODY I MEET.

if i can't dual-wield shields i will uninstall the game immediately and never touch it again.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:41 am

His name will be Jader. he will be Nordic. and his archetype will be that of Achilles :) but he will have a double personality. so Achilles at day and Bufallo Bill at night...hahahahaha
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gary lee
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