Describe your first character in Skyrim

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:20 pm

A Nord that will bear my name and I will probably go the melee way. I will apply some warpaint or tattoos and hopefully I can choose to support the separatists. Join a few guilds, like the Fighter's Guild if it is there or its equal. If the main quest sounds very tempting, I will pursue that one first. That's all I can tell before I know any more of Skyrim...
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:43 pm

I may bring back Gildas or Talon as old grizzled adventurers or their descendants Friehart Beornsen or Ogiiden Phenix. The names are a work in progress :user:

I hope they include European inspired braids/beards for Nords, and a Dreadlocks hairstyle for Ra'Gada.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:54 pm

We all know of the tragic happenings in Morrowind, but is everyone forgetting that was only a few decades after Oblivion?

Who knows what events could have transpired in Morrowind since then? (not a rhetorical question. I actually want to know)
Have the Argonians maintained occupation or have the Dunmer made a resurgence?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:29 pm

We all know of the tragic happenings in Morrowind, but is everyone forgetting that was only a few decades after Oblivion?

Who knows what events could have transpired in Morrowind since then? (not a rhetorical question. I actually want to know)
Have the Argonians maintained occupation or have the Dunmer made a resurgence?

Well, Most of Morrowind is ash and lava now. I think the Argonians would claim the Southern lands and the Dunmer have spread to other provinces.
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KU Fint
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:54 am

Well, Most of Morrowind is ash and lava now. I think the Argonians would claim the Southern lands and the Dunmer have spread to other provinces.

Yes, I realize that was the immediate outcome of the events that transpired soon after the Dawn of the 4th Era.

But Skyrim will take place 150 years after all that, so how can you be sure of the state of things?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:58 pm

My argonian is the descendant of the head of the Crimson Scars (my current argonian in oblivion.). Hes spreading his work to the north in skyrim to make sithis happy. I havent thought much about his story yet but those are the basics.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:29 pm

My first character (and most of them) is me so her name is Tayci. I am a redguard thief, smoothtalker, and assassin. I am short and curvy and use that to my advantage. I will do whatever it takes to ensure my survival, the survival of people I care for, and anyone I feel needs protection, but I won't hesitate to also steal from these same people if it's something I need or even want. I'll take any job someone will give me, but if I find a different solution or someone offers me either a better deal or I agree with them more then I will take it. I prefer swords and clothing so that people underestimate me, but I am the last person you want to upset or make angry.

I tend to be neutral but ii can always either be a saint Or a devil depending on who's in my way.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:53 am

Half Drizzt, half Jarlaxle. But good call anyway.

When I was reading your description that is exactly what I thought haha.

Anyway, here I go.

I will be playing with a Breton pure mage I have named so far Loic Rurane. Loic was born and raised in Wayrest and as with most Breton, was found to be proficient in magic. Loic went right to school after the examination and completed his training, recieving his first staff he had to enchant himself. The tradition in Wayrest goes that the initiate must demonsrate for the council of mages that he/she is proficient enough in magic by combining his own magical might and that of his staff in show. It ended up being Loic's turn and as he pronounced the words to activate his staff, something went terribly wrong.

The staff was not enchanted properly and as such the flamethower varient he was demonstating blasted into the council contibuting to some very serious burns. Unfortunately, Loic was dismissed from academy and never got his "Robes", signifying he was an accomplished mage. Loic flew from High Rock in shame, and turned to street performances to earn his next meal. He was doing one such show in Windhelm when the scroll he purchased with most of his gold malfunctioned, obliterating atleast eight onlookers. He was arrested and sentanced to death, being carried off into the dungeons proclaiming his innocence!

I'm sure you can see a trend here, Loic is a bumbling fool. As hard as he tries he always screws up somehow. Now while in prison he has told himself he can change, if he only gets one more chance, he will become the most powerfulll spell-hurler in Skyrim!

Loic has a tendency to skulk and pout, and due to his expulsion from the School of Magic in Wayrest, holds a slight prejiduce(sp) against all Breton Mages he sees in his travels. He is paranoid about this issue and thinks they make fun of him behind his back because he didn't make it in school. Loic will work for Breton mages, just don't expect him to be the obedient little dog about it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:34 am

bump because this thread is lots of fun and I don't want it to die just yet
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:20 am

like your enthuasim

I'm going to make a dark elf whom is in the moral gray area that only does things out of a whim. i wield a bow and dagger. I use magic to lay my traps as i wait in the shadows if i'm discovered then i will turn my enemies into blocks of ice. Elevnar is a nimble one who uses only light armor because it's against his own code to die hiding in a coat of steel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:35 pm

epic rogue mage
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Len swann
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:30 pm

Yes, I realize that was the immediate outcome of the events that transpired soon after the Dawn of the 4th Era.

But Skyrim will take place 150 years after all that, so how can you be sure of the state of things?

Lava tends to be kinda hard to get rid of without a massive concerted effort, I'd say Morrowind is basically screwed. And my Dunmer is not happy about that.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:43 pm

Lava tends to be kinda hard to get rid of without a massive concerted effort, I'd say Morrowind is basically screwed. And my Dunmer is not happy about that.

Not necessarily true. Sometimes eruptions can be sudden and short-lived, and the lava can harden in much less than 150 years. I'm not sure of the exact nature of the eruption though, so it's difficult to say. Also, I thought only Vvardenfell sustained the most extensive damage, and that the Dunmer were driven out of the mainland, or at least the southern parts, by the Argonians? Maybe us Dunmer could have repelled the invasion during this time, but again it's hard to say. I guess we will have to wait and see until the 2nd book or Skyrim.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:15 pm

Mine will be -

Dark Elf Male (Yeah with a Khajiit name DEAL WITH IT)
Sign : The Lady (Unless another sign's bonus is too good to pass - hopefully they're well balanced enough though)

Generally good intentions but definitely not a knight in shining armor.
Emphasis on playing it safe, likes the odds heavily in his favor when it comes to combat and will use everything he can to make it so - stealth, poison, magic, advantageous position, etc.

Main skills - Sneak, Marksman, Alchemy, Illusion
Favors traveling as light as possible, as being able to run quickly is essential to his health. Short blade, bow, dagger, light and flexible armor, dark clothing.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:03 pm

Typical condescending Altmer Sorceress, yes mister khajiit, I'll have a chat and a joke with you, do you realise the massive effort and forbearance required on my part to even pretend you are my equal. Gives money to beggars, because the plan is to get rich and a few coins don't matter, helps the needy and poor without question because it's the right thing to do, but will always stay in the most expensive inn in town. Considers using black soul gems on Necromancers an amusing irony.
A good shotsword, an enchanted robe, a healing touch, and an arsenal of destructive magical energies with bells on is enough for any occasion.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:15 pm

"Knightmare".Hes an imperial descendant of my Oblivions character(Knightmare).The title "Knightmare" is passed from father to son when the father dies.Family is allowed to only have one son.

After hes father died he got the title and decided to leave Cyrodiil.He moved to Skyrim to live with his best friend,Kingston.Tough Nord warrior."Kingston" is also a title he got from his father that died many years before Knightmare's father died.Kingston hides in cabin in the mountains.Hes a vampire.Just like his father and grandfather.He tries to keep his teeth off Knightmare's neck.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:22 pm

"Knightmare".Hes an imperial descendant of my Oblivions character(Knightmare).The title "Knightmare" is passed from father to son when the father dies.Family is allowed to only have one son.

After hes father died he got the title and decided to leave Cyrodiil.He moved to Skyrim to live with his best friend,Kingston.Tough Nord warrior."Kingston" is also a title he got from his father that died many years before Knightmare's father died.Kingston hides in cabin in the mountains.Hes a vampire.Just like his father and grandfather.He tries to keep his teeth off Knightmare's neck.


So you'll be playing as a 90's boardgame that came with VHS tapes? :P
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:29 pm

So you'll be playing as a 90's boardgame that came with VHS tapes? :P

Hahah yeah I got the name from the old game.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:23 pm

Hahah yeah I got the name from the old game.

That is awesome sir.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:25 am

Fernin Val Manche aka Fernin the Vermin

2 handed :hoping for pole arms
1 handed: hatchet

Birth Sign: The Lady
Preferred stat boost: Stanima

Equipment: Wears an asembly of leather and fur armour, he carries a hatchet for most combat, a dagger, and a spear for multiple foes. Also carries a small knife and bone needle for needle work to mend his light armour. traveling cloak(hope)

Fernin is the son of a Breton father and Nord mother. Most of his looks is nordish, scruffy brown hair, brown eyes, gruff looking and a bit of scowl on his face. Hes very wiry and is a bit on the short side compared to other nords, which they get on him about. Hes not one for a short anger but if you keep he'll svckerpunch you in the mouth. Gruff temperment, and always one to raise and eyebrow and scowl whenever he doesn't get something. Hes not a stranger to spirits and is exceptional even by nord standards for his liver. In the early years he worked with his father in a tannery and learned to skin, press, and tan those hides. Due to working in the tannery for so long he has a pungent smell about him that seems to carry with him.

His parents were killed by werebeasts and has a dep hatred for all of Hircine's minions. His father war gourded by a great wear-boar the size of a bear. He then went to join one of the city gaurds in the area and learned much about the criminal underbelly and so called rebels of the empire. He had his hand in bringing some of them in to meet their fate. Then during a mix-up he met an old friend and persuaded him otherwise about this rebellion of sons of Skyrim from imperial rule, and convinced that his fellow Nord brethren would accept him. This lead to him teaching the 'rebels' of the gaurd shifts, gaurd procedures, and the stash of contraband and helped them get it. The other gaurds learned of this they tracked him down but he was caught. EXECUTION TOMMORROW!

I'm working on his reason a bit more for switching sides. I'll probably change most once I understand exactly whats going on with this civil war.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:51 pm

Zaphod's just this guy, ya know?
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:49 pm

Zaphod's just this guy, ya know?

What guy, where?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:47 am

My character name is Vanna. She is a female Bosmer born in Valenwood. She was captured in her teens during a Khajiit raid. After a year of travel she was sold illegally in Cyrodiil to an Altmer mage who kept her in his dungeon and "used" her. Shortly after a particularly violent "disagreement" with the Altmer she killed him and escaped. Still wild and untamed to the ways of civilization she took shelter in an Ayleid ruin. She was found by a Dark Elf whom she fought in the ruins for days using hit and run tactics. The Dark Elf finally subdued her and took her to the Imperial City where she was forced to fight in the Arena. Eventually, she was able to escape the Arena when the opposing Arena team attempted to kill the Arena Grand Champion in his sleep.

She is a scout type character that uses bows and daggers only. Anything else is too heavy and awkward. She doesn't like men and will attempt to kill any man that tries to touch her. She's good at stalking her target unnoticed giving her potential at being an assassin. I would like her to look something like Assuming that Skyrim has a tattoo system in place. (Not sure if that was mentioned or not). She is young, only about 21 years old. She still has a lot to learn.

Birthsign: The Steed
Skills: 1 Handed (Dagger), Marksmanship, Athletics/Acrobatics, Stealth/Sneak, Light Armor
Attributes: Luck & Speed
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:16 pm

My character name is Vanna. She is a female Bosmer born in Valenwood. She was captured in her teens during a Khajiit raid. After a year of travel she was sold illegally in Cyrodiil to an Altmer mage who kept her in his dungeon and "used" her. Shortly after a particularly violent "disagreement" with the Altmer she killed him and escaped. Still wild and untamed to the ways of civilization she took shelter in an Ayleid ruin. She was found by a Dark Elf whom she fought in the ruins for days using hit and run tactics. The Dark Elf finally subdued her and took her to the Imperial City where she was forced to fight in the Arena. Eventually, she was able to escape the Arena when the opposing Arena team attempted to kill the Arena Grand Champion in his sleep.

She is a scout type character that uses bows and daggers only. Anything else is too heavy and awkward. She doesn't like men and will attempt to kill any man that tries to touch her. She's good at stalking her target unnoticed giving her potential at being an assassin. I would like her to look something like Assuming that Skyrim has a tattoo system in place. (Not sure if that was mentioned or not). She is young, only about 21 years old. She still has a lot to learn.

Birthsign: The Steed
Skills: 1 Handed (Dagger), Marksmanship, Athletics/Acrobatics, Stealth/Sneak, Light Armor
Attributes: Luck & Speed

The wild rose with lethal thorns :wub: .
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:53 pm

My Argonian Vanguard enters Skyrim on a quest to exact justice for the crimes against his people. The Dunmers karma have caught up with them, and a thousand years of slavery, cruelty, and torment must be repaid in blood, every last drop.
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