Half Drizzt, half Jarlaxle. But good call anyway.
When I was reading your description that is exactly what I thought haha.
Anyway, here I go.
I will be playing with a Breton pure mage I have named so far Loic Rurane. Loic was born and raised in Wayrest and as with most Breton, was found to be proficient in magic. Loic went right to school after the examination and completed his training, recieving his first staff he had to enchant himself. The tradition in Wayrest goes that the initiate must demonsrate for the council of mages that he/she is proficient enough in magic by combining his own magical might and that of his staff in show. It ended up being Loic's turn and as he pronounced the words to activate his staff, something went terribly wrong.
The staff was not enchanted properly and as such the flamethower varient he was demonstating blasted into the council contibuting to some very serious burns. Unfortunately, Loic was dismissed from academy and never got his "Robes", signifying he was an accomplished mage. Loic flew from High Rock in shame, and turned to street performances to earn his next meal. He was doing one such show in Windhelm when the scroll he purchased with most of his gold malfunctioned, obliterating atleast eight onlookers. He was arrested and sentanced to death, being carried off into the dungeons proclaiming his innocence!
I'm sure you can see a trend here, Loic is a bumbling fool. As hard as he tries he always screws up somehow. Now while in prison he has told himself he can change, if he only gets one more chance, he will become the most powerfulll spell-hurler in Skyrim!
Loic has a tendency to skulk and pout, and due to his expulsion from the School of Magic in Wayrest, holds a slight prejiduce(sp) against all Breton Mages he sees in his travels. He is paranoid about this issue and thinks they make fun of him behind his back because he didn't make it in school. Loic will work for Breton mages, just don't expect him to be the obedient little dog about it.