Describe your first character in Skyrim

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:15 am

There are a few topics that do pretty much the same, but they are scattered and most are not meant for detailed character descriptions, this one is. Basically, what I want you to do is describe the first character you will play in Skyrim, assuming you have something in mind already of course. Feel free to go into as much detail as you want, describe his appearance, combat tactics, personality and anything else you want really. Let's fill this thread with some fun characters, and maybe inspire those who are undecided or just look at how people intend to play the game. I'll start, I don't have a name for this character yet, so I'll just refer to him as Urge for now.

Urge is a Dunmer, with dark gray skin and bright red eyes, black hair and battle scars to tell of his long career as a mercenary and blade for hire. He's of medium build, muscular but not bulky, he favours speed and agility over brute strength and size. He's snarky, cocky and at times rather arrogant, but he knows the value of being well liked by people, it makes getting work easier, though he's by no means afraid of making enemies. After the loss of Morrowind he has come to dislike Argonians, regardless of their involvement, he sees the invasion as an affront to his people and while he's not stupid enough to attack any Argonian on sight, he won't be going out of his way to help any of them and is more than likely to stab any Argonian employer in the back if a better oppurtunity comes along. Urge is also a Dunmer traditionalist and has never liked how the Empire basically robbed his people of their identity (In his eyes), his opinion is that the Empire should just crumble and die already and let people live their own lives as they please. A world in conflict has more work for mercenaries anyway.

Urge is an oppurtunist and pragmatist at heart, dedicated above all to his own interests and self preservation. Life as a mercenary hasn't done much to change that, in a career where you risk your life for a living, you quickly learn to look out for yourself. Urge will aspire to do the right thing in most cases, but only to an extent and if he feels that it's not in his best interest to follow the law or moral values of society, he won't. He takes pride in getting the job done no matter what, and will do whatever it takes to ensure that it stays that way. He always considers all the options carefully, and almost always chooses the most efficient one, allthough if the cost is too great he will concede and find some other solution, if one is alienated from society, finding work gets pretty tough. While Urge has no problems with murder, theft or crime in general, he takes pride in his work and follows his own code of conduct. He will not disgrace himself by sinking to the level of a common bandit or thug. He sees the laws and moral values of society as guidelines to ensure that he fits in well enough, but the rules are easily bent or broken if that's what it takes.

Urge does not consider himself a hero, but as a practical man, he understands that a world that gets eaten by a giant dragon will be pretty devoid of work, women and wine, so it's in his best interest to ensure that doesn't happen. He is not concerned with saving the world per se, but rather with preserving his own place in it.

In combat, Urge will favour light or medium armor for moderate protection without sacrificing to much mobility. He prefers fighting with swords or daggers, either dual wielding or wielding a sword in one hand and a fireball in the other, destruction magic is something he is naturally talented in, and it's an effective way of surprising, scaring or impressing people. He's prefers being too quick for the enemy to retataliate, but he keeps a shield handy most of the time just in case. He doesn't feel the need to carry a bow, a fireball is the only ranged weapon he needs. He is not above poisoning his weapons or laying traps for his enemies and he knows that a skilled warrior knows when to retreat just as he knows when to attack.

Urge has a taste for wine, ale, women and the occasional bit of Skooma, allthough he's trying to cut back on the last one.

So yeah, that ended up long, feel free to post your own characters now.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:39 am

all i know is that he is going to be an assassin that duel wields daggers and works for the Dark Brotherhood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:58 am

Conan-like Nord.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:56 am

Ulfang the Wretched, Nord barbarian. Like always, I'll play through the game with at least two characters before going for my master-file, which will inevitably be an Imperial named Turin Turambar.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:29 am

Unfortunately my character is quite similar to your's Urge.
I stole the general idea for this character from a book.

He might be called Vadras, but I'm not really decided yet, but for the purposes of this I will call him Vadras.

Vadras is a dunmer. He is quite slender, rather than bulky, but is still muscular. He has long white hair and (if it's possible) purple eyes instead of the standard red.

Due to his slenderness, he is not very strong or tough, but he is extremely agile and quick. He favors dual wielding two light longswords, such as scimitars or katanas, but can use a variety of weapons quite well.

He is ambidextrous and has an uncanny able to control each of his hands seemingly separately, but they work together very well. He also is extremely quick on his feet and can dodge and sway from attacks to offbalance his opponent. But what really sets him apart from other swordsmen, apart from his extreme skill, is his ability to fight with his head and get into the mind of his opponent to know what his opponent's next move is before he even knows. Vadras uses this ability to set up feints and tactics where he can find an opening and slip a scimitar through his opponent's defenses.

When not fighting, Vadras is usually trying to amass as large a fortune as he possibly can. It's not so much the money that he wants, but the fame and reputation he gets while earning that money. He is a shrewd businessman and conversationalist. Again, he uses the uncanny ability to seemingly read minds to glean information from conversations that the person he's talking to did not knowingly give. He then sells that information to whoever wants it, or uses it himself to aquire a certain item, or assassinate someone.

As a person, Vadras is very complex. He is easygoing, he is able to let that which does not matter, or is outside of his control, slide. But at the same time, he wants absolute control over everything he possibly can, and using his conversation techniques, he achieves this quite easily. The people he backstabs, he is able to convince them to attack other people. He is able to use almost every situation or person for personal gain, usually by weaving the right lies and letting on the right truths, but sometimes just by stabbing whatever is in his way. Every decision he makes is carefully calculated to take into account every possible outcome.

He is also quite eccentric and, when the situation permits, quite a funny and witty person. During negotiations with 'less smart' people, he will often make fun of them wittily so they don't even know they were just made to seem stupid. During fights in which he is outmatching his opponent he will give him tips, or mock him, right before he kills him. Also during fights, he always has a huge grin on, even when he seems on the verge of being killed. Nothing brings Vadras more joy or excitementment than balancing on the edge of disaster, just to see if he can make it all the way across.

Back in Morrowind, he had an elite mercenary company that followed his every word. Most of his company was killed by argonians, the rest on other assignments. But Vadras does not have any animosity towards argonians, despite them destroying his company. He simply views it as a roll of the dice, an event beyond his control, and as such was able to move on with his life and become a solo mercenary.
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:35 pm

I'm going to be the great-great-great-grandson from my character in Oblivion.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:24 pm

Unfortunately my character is quite similar to your's Urge.
I stole the general idea for this character from a book.

He might be called Vadras, but I'm not really decided yet, but for the purposes of this I will call him Vadras.

Vadras is a dunmer. He is quite slender, rather than bulky, but is still muscular. He has long white hair and (if it's possible) purple eyes instead of the standard red.

Due to his slenderness, he is not very strong or tough, but he is extremely agile and quick. He favors dual wielding two light longswords, such as scimitars or katanas, but can use a variety of weapons quite well.

He is ambidextrous and has an uncanny able to control each of his hands seemingly separately, but they work together very well. He also is extremely quick on his feet and can dodge and sway from attacks to offbalance his opponent. But what really sets him apart from other swordsmen, apart from his extreme skill, is his ability to fight with his head and get into the mind of his opponent to know what his opponent's next move is before he even knows. Vadras uses this ability to set up feints and tactics where he can find an opening and slip a scimitar through his opponent's defenses.

When not fighting, Vadras is usually trying to amass as large a fortune as he possibly can. It's not so much the money that he wants, but the fame and reputation he gets while earning that money. He is a shrewd businessman and conversationalist. Again, he uses the uncanny ability to seemingly read minds to glean information from conversations that the person he's talking to did not knowingly give. He then sells that information to whoever wants it, or uses it himself to aquire a certain item, or assassinate someone.

As a person, Vadras is very complex. He is easygoing, he is able to let that which does not matter, or is outside of his control, slide. But at the same time, he wants absolute control over everything he possibly can, and using his conversation techniques, he achieves this quite easily. The people he backstabs, he is able to convince them to attack other people. He is able to use almost every situation or person for personal gain, usually by weaving the right lies and letting on the right truths, but sometimes just by stabbing whatever is in his way. Every decision he makes is carefully calculated to take into account every possible outcome.

He is also quite eccentric and, when the situation permits, quite a funny and witty person. During negotiations with 'less smart' people, he will often make fun of them wittily so they don't even know they were just made to seem stupid. During fights in which he is outmatching his opponent he will give him tips, or mock him, right before he kills him. Also during fights, he always has a huge grin on, even when he seems on the verge of being killed. Nothing brings Vadras more joy or excitementment than balancing on the edge of disaster, just to see if he can make it all the way across.

Back in Morrowind, he had an elite mercenary company that followed his every word. Most of his company was killed by argonians, the rest on other assignments. But Vadras does not have any animosity towards argonians, despite them destroying his company. He simply views it as a roll of the dice, an event beyond his control, and as such was able to move on with his life and become a solo mercenary.

I'm getting a certain Drizzt vibe. Anyway, it seems like your character is a lot less bitter and cynical than mine. My character took the loss of Morrowind hard, he sees it as an insult towards al Dunmer and as a horrible betrayal by The Argonians, especially after slavery was abolished and they were given their freedom. He's not stupid, he knows that not all Argonians are the same, but he still doesn't like any of them and any Argonian would have to work very hard to earn his respect, earning his trust is essentially impossible. Urge (Again, temporary name) plays all the angles and is loyal only to himself, and he expects any sensible person to act the same way, thus he always expects to be betrayed eventually.

Something I forgot to add, Urge is obsessed with gathering information. Information is power, and anything from tactical documents or battle plans to a cooking recipe or a poem about cheese has value to Urge, any information at all could potentially be usefull in some way. His motto, so to speak, is "The more you know about your enemy, the easier he is to kill. The more you know about your friends, the more ready you are for when they inevitably betray you" or something along those lines.

During combat he is quite the oppocite, he's not a psychopath, but he likes his enemies to think he is. When he fights, his eyes light up and he hacks his enemies to pieces, often in front of their comrades. The more frightened the enemy is, the more likely he is to make a mistake, and Urge uses this for everything it's worth. If you fight Urge, you will face someone who is deadly calm, yet seems to be filled with burning rage and bloodlust at the same time.

EDIT: This character is absically the same as my first character from Morrowind and Oblivion, I've heard conflicting sources on how long Dunmer live and the Wiki is no help at all, so whethet this is the same person or not remains to be seen.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:37 am

Character name: Ancotar
Race: Altmer
Class: Mage-conjurer type
Preferred armor: Robe or light armor.

Ancotar, Master wizard of the mages guild, is a curious and slightly arrogant one, while spending most of his time at fort caractacus running experiments, he accidently blew up fort caractacus. Most of the debris landed on aleswell, killing Diram Serethi, Sakeepa, and Adosi Serethi. He turned himself in to the Imperial Legion, was expelled from the mage guild, and sent to serve his time in prison. But the imperial prison was full, so they shipped him out to Skyrim. What happens next? i guess we wont find out until 11.11.11
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:40 am

Nord/Breton named Ahtii, skilled in light armor, fast runner, long jumper and great with swords, if the game allows that. A quick killer that is the last thing a victim will ever see.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:37 pm

Female Imperial Bounty Hunter, who is also a werewolf. Eccentric, sarcastic and bears no respect for human life, she displays an archeavallian personality. Favors the Axe, the spear and the bow.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:01 pm

My 1st character will be a Female Breton named Sophia Lockhart, she is a Warrior Battlemage hybrid and is originally from High Rock. She has been sealed away for the last 200 yrs by Talos after she became the Champion of Cyrodill to prepare her for the fight against Alduin. Talos gave her some of his blood and declared her his champion and then the hibernation for 200 yrs started. I'm still not sure how that's going to work out lore wise but I'll find a way.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:10 pm

I have not decided on race either altmer or breton it depends on how they come out in the game. But my first character is going to be a mage with a sword for backup. as for the name i always pick a person from history or literature, if im altmer im going to go with Memnoch, if im breton im going with Nicolas Flamel, because bretons have french names.

I will keep this file for as long as i can and max out all my skillls. and i will become a vampire or werewolf after i max out all the skills they get a bonus in.
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 am

Either a nord with a traditional nord style name or imperial with a traditional imperial sounding name...perhaps constantinius aurelius
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:17 am

Name : Thaeron Winterson
Race : Imperial

The 8th descendant of the Champion of Cyrodiil, he is an experienced, but sometimes over confident Ranger who wields two swords and a bow as a backup. He loves nature and has an equal love for collecing treasure and wealth, adventuring being his only way, besides hunting and selling, to gain any significant gold. He is a bit morally gray, though he generally tries to be a good person, he isn't above violent resolutions for disputes, even if they are small. He is socially awkward, having spent the majority of his advlt life following the way of Kyne in the forests, and most of his childhood life in training. He has a love for the snowy tundras of the north, and spends much time there, but also loves hunting in the more southerly birch forests. He also has a terrible temper if angered, once killing a man for claiming a deer that he had just hunted, and was thusly imprisoned. He deals with a mental illness, a darker side in him that relishes in wanton destruction, mutilating corpses, and surrounding itself with gore. He tries to keep it below his surface but every day is a struggle for him, his mental illness sometimes claiming the better of him as he hacks away at a bandit's corpse.
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louise fortin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:12 am

I'm not setting up his actual future and path in Skyrim, just the simple stuff, so, here we go.
Name: Fenrir (A monstrous wolf of Norse legend.)
Age: 32
Class: Ranger
Race: No
Features: Brown hair, ponytail, thick 5 O'Clock shadow, green eyes, 4 claw marks in beard from a bear (if we can have those.) Stands at about 6 foot
Armor: Leather, Chainmail armor with a hood. over armor.
Weapon: Two of And a good ol' bow, preferably elven.Has a belt of throwing knives and carries a small hatchet.
Morality: A bit towards the good side, not your stereotypical goody two-shoes hero.
Magic: Dables a bit in Illusion for it's stealthy benefits, and Destruction for its various uses, lighting arrows, starting fires, etc, useful, since he is a woodsman and survivalist.
Skills: Excellent with a blade(s) and a bow, excellent at survival and living of the land, moderately educated in the arcane arts. Also rather adept at blacksmithing, learning from an early age from his dad, who forged his two swords.

Fenrir lived a normal tribal life, in the village of the Wulf clan. He got his first hunting knife at age 5 and was a regular mead drinker by 10. At an early age he was already learning how to survive in the wild from his father, Asbjorn, his father also taught him smithing, a tradition from in his family as it was their renowned trade of the village.
It was customary of his tribe for on their 18th birthday, a male Wulf had to go on a solo expedition into the wilderness for a month to ascend to manhood, then after, if they lived, choose to leave or stay with the tribe. Fenrir left on his expedition in to the deepest, most uncivilized part of Skyrim. He was doing fine 2 weeks in, he had his own mini-house, campsite, and plethora of weapons and hunting supplies, and his two swords, a gift from his father right before he left. On his 16th night, he saw smoke in the horizon, in the direction of his village. He ran for a whole day, non-stop, only taking his swords. He arrived to find the smoking ruins of the Wulf village. Found his father dead in his smithy and his sister under the rubble of his old cabin.
He turns around to look in the deep red eyes of a jet black dragon. The dragon simply looks down at him, standing a good 15 feet above him. It flicks its tale and send Fenrir flying into his old cabin, knocking him unconscious.
He wakes up to a band of Imperial Horseman try ropes around his hands and throwing him over a horse, after which he blacks out again. They took him in believing him to be the harbringer of the destruction, not believing his stories of the dragons. He wakes up in jail, awaiting his execution for a crime he didn't commit. Until the dragons arise.

Cheesy right? haha, whatever, wrote it in like 5 minutes, and its 12, so I'm not thinking straight rightnow.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 pm

My dunmer Nerevar came back from Akavir with powerful magics upon finding morrowind gone he stopped at solstheim to console his broken people then went to skyrim to deal with dragons and learn more magics before he
RAZES BLACKMARSH TO THE GROUND using all he has learned he isn't racist but he mourns for the loss of his home and yearns for vengence on all responsible for the suffering of his people.

sorry just found out what events led up to this game I am not all
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:37 pm

My character is a Nord mercenary named Balforn (ancient flame in old norse) he has long black hair and beard, but not an enormous beard. He is a big fella with stone cold, blue eyes. He is a Nord that
cares very little for the lives of others and he thinks of himself as a beast, and the enemy to whoever he is paid too fight for is he's pray. He has been the main muscle in many mercenary group's across
tamriel. This time he's in Skyrim after spending some time in jail att an imperial fortress after he killed the wrong target in an assassination quests from an unknown faction.
He loves to use axe, and one axe in each hand he loves even more. He dresses up in heavy armor with a silver helmet forged in the shape of an bear, and no lesser soldier can even touch him.
so he has wandered the provinces in search of another warrior who can give him a real fight and wound him. He has yet to find one...
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:51 pm

a shadow mage who uses blade and magic
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:58 pm

My dunmer Nerevar came back from Akavir with powerful magics upon finding morrowind gone he stopped at solstheim to console his broken people then went to skyrim to deal with dragons and learn more magics before he
RAZES BLACKMARSH TO THE GROUND using all he has learned he isn't racist but he mourns for the loss of his home and yearns for vengence on all responsible for the suffering of his people.

sorry just found out what events led up to this game I am not all

I know how you feel man, Argonians better watch themselves around me, that's all I'm saying.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:56 pm

Well, it's a toss-up. I can either start with my traceuse (that is, a female practitioner of parkour) who dual-wields crossbows (assuming such nonsense is implemented, I will make do otherwise) and a penchant for combat pragmatism, or I can begin play with a mage character, Dr Philip LaForeze. I may be going for the latter, if only because I can explain him a lot better right now.

First, you need to understand that Phil isn't native to the world of Nirn. I mean, come on... nobody walks around with that kind of name in Tamriel. No! He is, in fact, from Earth. Just wait, it gets better. SCIENCE IN MY MAGICS! OH NOEZ!

My theory on magic at this point is dealing with a genetic restriction on the essential reserves needed to produce change. That is, to say, people don't produce mana; what mana is exactly, I still haven't gotten around to figuring that out, but it's possible it may be some sort of free radical (bad for health, but beside the point) or unknown chemical floating around in the body. I need to think about it more.

Anyways, this genetic restriction can be bypassed by mutations, and no, not the hokey Hollywood definition. Being a recessive X-linked abnormality, it doesn't show up very often, and when it does, it usually manifests in chromosomally normal men, who, as we all know, have an X and Y six chromosome. Unfortunately for Phil, he has this mutation, although he isn't aware of it; not only does he lack the requisite information (being a physicist), he also does not regenerate mana naturally (that being a function of the conversion of ATP). However, the important thing is that his body has the capability of converting other sources of magic into mana, and store it safely for later discharge.

In short, Phil is a sorcerer, or, if you prefer Morrowind's take on it, born under the sign of the Atronach. His major skills will probably be Conjuration (bending space-time), Destruction (Fire, Ice, Shock; through the acceleration/deceleration of particles), Alteration (shields primarily, electromagnetism), wherever telekinesis is going, Stealth (holdover from being in a horror game), and some sort of melee skill which will be sorely neglected.

As for how he got into Nirn, I don't even know where to begin. He was on an expedition in Greenland for some odd reason, and next thing he knows, in prison with a killer hangover. Poor sod probably still thinks he's on Earth, I bet.

I can see it now: "Physics! ... *slips on sunglasses* YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:27 am

I remember there was something i was reading where it would give you names according to the race you want to be. can anybody direct me to what im talking about? Lets say i wanted to be a Kajiit. it would list a bunch of names that a normal Kajiit would have that you can give your new character. i dont remember where i saw all this...
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:14 pm

Uhhhh, the Tamriel Rebuilt namegen utility?

Is that what you're talking about? You gonna tell us about your character, or do I get to bask in my SCIENCE! some more? Heh.
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The Time Car
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:20 pm

My very first character will be a Nord called Svadilfari, A cunning warrior, fast and brutal, He never lost a fight. As a chappel-hater, he likes to slay people who keeps talking to him about the gods and saying The Nordic Gods are lesser.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:22 pm

I'm getting a certain Drizzt vibe. Anyway, it seems like your character is a lot less bitter and cynical than mine. My character took the loss of Morrowind hard, he sees it as an insult towards al Dunmer and as a horrible betrayal by The Argonians, especially after slavery was abolished and they were given their freedom. He's not stupid, he knows that not all Argonians are the same, but he still doesn't like any of them and any Argonian would have to work very hard to earn his respect, earning his trust is essentially impossible. Urge (Again, temporary name) plays all the angles and is loyal only to himself, and he expects any sensible person to act the same way, thus he always expects to be betrayed eventually.

Something I forgot to add, Urge is obsessed with gathering information. Information is power, and anything from tactical documents or battle plans to a cooking recipe or a poem about cheese has value to Urge, any information at all could potentially be usefull in some way. His motto, so to speak, is "The more you know about your enemy, the easier he is to kill. The more you know about your friends, the more ready you are for when they inevitably betray you" or something along those lines.

During combat he is quite the oppocite, he's not a psychopath, but he likes his enemies to think he is. When he fights, his eyes light up and he hacks his enemies to pieces, often in front of their comrades. The more frightened the enemy is, the more likely he is to make a mistake, and Urge uses this for everything it's worth. If you fight Urge, you will face someone who is deadly calm, yet seems to be filled with burning rage and bloodlust at the same time.

EDIT: This character is absically the same as my first character from Morrowind and Oblivion, I've heard conflicting sources on how long Dunmer live and the Wiki is no help at all, so whethet this is the same person or not remains to be seen.

Half Drizzt, half Jarlaxle. But good call anyway.

Vadras also believes in doing everything for personal gain, every action is weighed to see how much it will benefit him, without regard to others, unless he sees a way he can use those 'others' for even greater personal gain later.
Vadras also believes that each bit of information gatherable, no matter how seemingly trivial, could always help him in the future, either by selling that information or personally acting upon it.

The main difference between Vadras and 'Urge' seems to be how they view life. Vadras takes life a lot less seriously, more of a challenge or a game. What the Argonians did to Dunmer, vadras does not feel animosity because he doesn't really view himself as a Dunmer. He views things more like he is an individual that does not inherently belong to a group simply because of race. An affront of Dunmer as a whole does not equal a personal affront. Though he does feel that Dunmer as a race are inherently superior to all other races.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:26 pm

Half Drizzt, half Jarlaxle. But good call anyway.

Vadras also believes in doing everything for personal gain, every action is weighed to see how much it will benefit him, without regard to others, unless he sees a way he can use those 'others' for even greater personal gain later.
Vadras also believes that each bit of information gatherable, no matter how seemingly trivial, could always help him in the future, either by selling that information or personally acting upon it.

The main difference between Vadras and 'Urge' seems to be how they view life. Vadras takes life a lot less seriously, more of a challenge or a game. What the Argonians did to Dunmer, vadras does not feel animosity because he doesn't really view himself as a Dunmer. He views things more like he is an individual that does not inherently belong to a group simply because of race. An affront of Dunmer as a whole does not equal a personal affront. Though he does feel that Dunmer as a race are inherently superior to all other races.

Yeah, Urge is damn proud to be a Dunmer, he reveres their ancient traditions and customs and he's having a hard time coming to terms with the destruction of his homeland. Add that his long career as a Mercenary, killer for hire and adventurer has left him rather cynical and jaded, he's seen the world at it's worst.

Allthough, that does not mean he's walking around pissed off all the time, he enjoys a good time, after an adventure he'll have some drinks, find some women and get some R&R. He doesn't see a reason to sit and brood all day and complain about the loss of Morrowind, but if he is reminded of it, it will ruin his mood. If someone glaots about it, he will kill them or at the very least beat them within an inch of their life. He may be a proud Dunmer with a certain resentment for Argonians, but he's a sensible man and he looks out for himself first and foremost, putting himself even before his homeland.
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