Urge is a Dunmer, with dark gray skin and bright red eyes, black hair and battle scars to tell of his long career as a mercenary and blade for hire. He's of medium build, muscular but not bulky, he favours speed and agility over brute strength and size. He's snarky, cocky and at times rather arrogant, but he knows the value of being well liked by people, it makes getting work easier, though he's by no means afraid of making enemies. After the loss of Morrowind he has come to dislike Argonians, regardless of their involvement, he sees the invasion as an affront to his people and while he's not stupid enough to attack any Argonian on sight, he won't be going out of his way to help any of them and is more than likely to stab any Argonian employer in the back if a better oppurtunity comes along. Urge is also a Dunmer traditionalist and has never liked how the Empire basically robbed his people of their identity (In his eyes), his opinion is that the Empire should just crumble and die already and let people live their own lives as they please. A world in conflict has more work for mercenaries anyway.
Urge is an oppurtunist and pragmatist at heart, dedicated above all to his own interests and self preservation. Life as a mercenary hasn't done much to change that, in a career where you risk your life for a living, you quickly learn to look out for yourself. Urge will aspire to do the right thing in most cases, but only to an extent and if he feels that it's not in his best interest to follow the law or moral values of society, he won't. He takes pride in getting the job done no matter what, and will do whatever it takes to ensure that it stays that way. He always considers all the options carefully, and almost always chooses the most efficient one, allthough if the cost is too great he will concede and find some other solution, if one is alienated from society, finding work gets pretty tough. While Urge has no problems with murder, theft or crime in general, he takes pride in his work and follows his own code of conduct. He will not disgrace himself by sinking to the level of a common bandit or thug. He sees the laws and moral values of society as guidelines to ensure that he fits in well enough, but the rules are easily bent or broken if that's what it takes.
Urge does not consider himself a hero, but as a practical man, he understands that a world that gets eaten by a giant dragon will be pretty devoid of work, women and wine, so it's in his best interest to ensure that doesn't happen. He is not concerned with saving the world per se, but rather with preserving his own place in it.
In combat, Urge will favour light or medium armor for moderate protection without sacrificing to much mobility. He prefers fighting with swords or daggers, either dual wielding or wielding a sword in one hand and a fireball in the other, destruction magic is something he is naturally talented in, and it's an effective way of surprising, scaring or impressing people. He's prefers being too quick for the enemy to retataliate, but he keeps a shield handy most of the time just in case. He doesn't feel the need to carry a bow, a fireball is the only ranged weapon he needs. He is not above poisoning his weapons or laying traps for his enemies and he knows that a skilled warrior knows when to retreat just as he knows when to attack.
Urge has a taste for wine, ale, women and the occasional bit of Skooma, allthough he's trying to cut back on the last one.
So yeah, that ended up long, feel free to post your own characters now.