If you dont like the topic then leave, no one wants to hear your bull s#it. Yes, its "just a game", but people still want to find where things in the game fit in the real world. If you dont have anything to say about the topic other than critisizing people for what they think, well..again no one wants to hear your bull s#!t
Wow, way to take critisim there sparky..
Ok hows about this..
"I see your point, you are TOTALLY right, I mean how can the Ranger possibly have more DT than combat armor, this just makes no sense at all. Whatever shall we do??"
Is that better?
I mean what exactly did you expect to come of this thread?
You think the armour will get changed?
Perhaps someone will tell you some personal opinion about why 'they' think the armor is strong, one that fits in with something you were thinking.
Will that make things better?
The answer is very simple, the ranger armor is strong because it is the armor of the desert/veteran rangers.
They are one of the toughest npc's in the 'game'.
Would it make sense for their armour to be pretty rubbish?
The 'game' makes their outfit cool and strong because that how it wants them portrayed.
Typing in special characters to get around the chat filter doesn't make your post sound cool or hip.
If anything it just showcases your complete and utter lack of vocabulary.
Forums aren't a place for everyone to cuddle and agree on everything, I happened to find your question both baffling and a little funny tbh.
Others find it intriguing, I merely attempted to point out the eventual pointlessness of such a debate.
You may indeed be correct about wondering about the effectiveness of that particular armour but in the grand scheme of ridiculous/fantastic things in FO is it really that important?
I will however take your advice and leave this thread, your a very rude person and I don't particularly want to talk to you anyway.