*sweats profusely* Wow that was a lot of reading and I haven't even gotten to the RP Yet.
I am afraid I'd have sign out of this, it's moving too fast for me to keep up. Sorry for the incovience!

While I am sorry that you're leaving, I must say that I thank you. This is far too busy already, although not saying that it's a bad thing, it is quite hard to keep up - especially with other commitments.
Not the fish. But the http://c1.ecolocalizer.com/files/1318/files//2009/09/lowland-tapir-yawning.jpg. Some raw meat is good. Kraven will bring back some Tapir meat for the two Dunmers. As it's his custom to do so.
That's quite possibly the ugliest creature I've ever seen!
Here's a better pic of a http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01378/Tapir_1378406i.jpg, and these are the cuter ones, imo. :hugs:
That's one of the cutest creatures I've ever seen!

I don't think we are getting over this rule though:
We're not. Apart from a couple of spammy posts, we're discussing the RP (Arathorn's dillema, the Tapir etc)
Sorry if I came across as a moaning A-hole, I didn't mean to cause any trouble; thanks for all being so responsive.
I'll try to get a post up soon, I certainly have a lot to write about.

I suspected that most people would assume me as an Npc, I joined late and have taken a strange role; on the other hand though I did make a post stating who I was and what I was doing.
I'll clear everything up in my next post I hope.
Really, I don't blame you. I just wouldn't cope with that either.