Haha. Hilarious. Daenalin is sixist a bit. But Kraven respects women...sort of. But they are manly men. :ahhh:
Well, at least you will have a female friend to endure the testosterone fueled bull-crap.
Funny thing about that is that Vedda "befriended" my character who is also named Raven(She's Imperial though) in the other RP. Although Raven was almost ready to drain her dry and then shoot her with lightning. I still didn't forget about how she broke into Raven's room in the Inn.
Well, Raven will put Daenalin in his place, if pushed to it. She is one tough cookie. :toughninja:
All right, everyone. I'm off to bed as well... Don't go too far without me!

See ya in the morning, while I'm drinking my first delicious cup of coffee... ^_^