Sybbyl, I would like to ask you something. You are indeed doing some character controlling, of mine and Count Lauriel's char. I myself did not mind in the way you did it, but the fact is that we had not reached that point yet, Aravi still had not answered Nee-Wom's invitation. Count Lauriel might mind that.... It happened before, with you using Arathorn's character to answer yours. (oh, unless like Master Thief, you thought it was an NPC...)
Therefore, if you could, from now on, either not controll other people's characters or ask them before you do it, if you would like to, I would be very grateful

Not trying to start an argument or anything, but from my understanding it is always nice to ask! And it also seems to be some kind of rule around RP'ers. I wouldn't know, I am a begginner.... Again, I did not mind in this instance, but other people might!

EDIT: Master Thief, we shall AVENGE THE TAPYRS!

It is a dish best served cold... let them think we forgot it. Let them...