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3E 398. Elsweyr are on the back foot. Zelinin had been a total loss and hiring the Nords was an unimaginable mistake. The casualties had been large, too. Some killed, most injured, others captured by the Bosmeri forces.
This is the War of the Xylo, later known as The Five Year War.
It all began in 3E 394 when Khajiit Bandits attacked a Bosmer logging Caravan heading for Valenwood from the Tenmar Forest. The Caravan never mad it to the Xylo River. Clan Leaders of Valenwood claim the attack was savage in a way that it wasn’t an attack on the beings, but the race itself.
3E 395, the Bosmer retaliate by attacking the South-western Elsweyr city of Torval. The Khajiit claim that this is how the war began. Bosmer insurgents allegedly attacked the city without provocation and took the lives of over 1000 citizens. They would have kept going, too, if it wasn’t for Khajiit Jungle Tribes driving the Bosmer back into Valenwood.
For three years, intense, merciless and closely matched warfare has been raging. Many different and previously unseen fighting tactics have emerged during this war, notably the Khajiit tree-cutting teams (See: http://imperial-library.info/content/oblivion-mixed-unit-tactics) that literally felled the trees where the Bosmer archers were positioned.
For all this time no clear leading side has emerged. Recently, however, Valenwood has gained a tiny edge. Earlier in the year, the Mane of the Khajiit had employed Nordic advisors to assist with tactics to help Elsweyr to win her war. However, this advice was not well suited to Khajiit forces (See: http://imperial-library.info/content/morrowind-cherims-heart-anequina), the plate mail the Nords supplied was too heavy and hot for the furry Khajiit.
The last of these conflicts was the Battle of Zelinin where Elsweyr was badly beaten. Furious, the Mane sent the advisors back to Solitude, so the Khajiit could revert back to their old way of fighting.
This is the time between Zelinin and the ultimately table turning Heart of Anequina
One of these ‘other’s, mentioned above is the Commander of a determined, but relatively inexperienced company of Elsweyrian Guerrilla Soldiers.
The company is rather loyal to their Commander and is desperate to find him. They will save their wise Commander, for they want to show Valenwood that they are not down and out and that Valenwood are not as strong as they believe.
Departing from a small town near Corinthe called Heimthor, the band of soldiers will trek to Valenwood, or thereabouts, until they come across their Captain, not caring how many Bosmer they kill along the way.
Meanwhile, Valenwood is celebrating its recent string of victories and is beginning to believe that the war is theirs. Clan leaders are not the least bit worried about Elsweyr sending the Nords home. Even though Elsweyrs little troubles seemed to arrive at the same time as the Men from the North.
One particular group of Bosmer Partisans is particularly happy with their success in Zelinin. In fact, it’s almost drunk with it, unaware that the war is still raging on.
Their pleasure is justifies, however. The small band of men made many captures and kills during Zelinin. One Prisoner Of War they are perhaps most proud of is a Commander of an Anequinean Company.
The group has great plans for this cat. Torture, teasing and some more torture before finally murdering him. They view this as a huger success, as the company, without their revered chief, would be lost.
Little do they know, that company is out there, searching for their Commander.
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Who are you? Well that depends. Who do you want to side with?
Valenwood: You are one of the Partisan guards, holding the Khajiit commander prisoner. The Commander just happens to be the same one the Elsweyr Group lost
You do not have to be the home race of the country you’re representing (i.e. A Nord fighting for Elsweyr would be fine), just as long as it makes sense (e.g. A Bosmer fighting for Elsweyr doesn’t make sense).
What are you doing? Once again, that depends on who you side with.
Valenwood You will be guarding your fortress and looking after the prisoners. When I say looking after, I mean making sure they don’t escape. To make it more interesting, we will develop a sub-plot.
PvP battles are also likely and will be encouraged. More info in the rules.
Where are you?
Valenwood West of the Xylo River, South West of Heimthor, near a village called Thaira. Elsweyr does not know this.
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? Romance is allowed, although I see it as unlikely
? Write in third person
? No Character Controlling, unless the controlled characters are ‘extras’ (healers, Senche-Raht, extra guards, etc)
? Only interact with Characters that are controlled by a user (no having a full conversation with a healer or Alfiq)
? You can be strong and tough, but don’t be uber. No one is good at everything.
? No Mind Reading
? You can have more than 1 character, but no more than 3.
? PvP and fights are allowed, but please notify all parties that you wish to involve and get clearance from them and the GM’s (Ni! & Schmuty Buncis)
? Ni! will be the GM for Elsweyr, Schmuty Buncis will GM Valenwood.
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Character Sheet
Who you're fighting for:
Skills – 10 max – non game skills allowed:
General Appearance:
Other Items:
Brief History:
Reason for Fighting:
Approved Sheets:
This is an idea that has been playing around in my head for a while and I finally put it into action. I was lucky enough to get Schmuty Buncis to co-host it with me.
Suggestions to the story and improvements are welcome