That's more what I imagined for the fort. Nothing epic and more a collection of tents/sleeping quarters with a very rough and loose palisade then anything that really resembles walls. They aren't the Romans after all and being so elated with victory, defense against a defeated enemy is likely the last things on most of the Bosmers minds.
That's what I originally imagined, but then others said we were in a fort, so I got confused.... :bonk:
Kraven was so good to give water to the Khajiit prisoner! Applause! I like Kraven....too bad he's already in a relationship...

Daenalin stole my apple! Should I be outraged, or should I react with sympathy toward the hungry Bosmer? I'm not sure how to react--offense, initially--but maybe I'll just shrug and let him have it? What would you like Raven to do, Werewolf&Vampire?