I already sent the sheet to Schmuty Buncis and he approved, so here it goes (oh, an the name of the char is a reference to something...):
Character Sheet
Name: Nee-Wom
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Race: Argonian
Who you're fighting for: Elsweyr
Birthsign: The Steed
Skills – Sneak, Spear, Athletics, Dodging, Short Blade
General Appearance: His scales are of a brownish green, almost with a muddy look. They are well-suited for the swamps of his home province, and served as a fine camouflage for the time he spent there in guerrilla. He his of short stature, and maintains a fit body: one cannot expect to survive much time as a warrior if one is not physically able;
Hair: He sports no hair, as all Argonians do, rather he has a single brown fin running across the top of his head ;
Eyes: Emerald-green;
Weapons: A barbed spear; two steel daggers which he keeps at his belt;
Armour/Clothing: He usually wears no more than a pair of green shorts and an olive shirt; belt with some pouches and where he also keeps his two daggers;
Other Items: A backpack for travelling, obviously, where he keeps his gear plus a small tree-shaped wooden statuette which he holds to very dearly. It is a reminder of Argonia and his roots.
Personality: Nee-Wom is a friendly individual. He likes to talk, having grown up in a big family, and is eager to befriend new people. However, he holds a particular resentment against Dunmer in general, thanks to the years he spent fighting them, and the number of friends and hatchkin he has saw them kill. He is agile not only of movement but also of thought and speech, and quite an active and unquiet fellow, with a short patience, had he not been born under the sign of The Steed. That does not mean, however, that he has a bad temper. Quite the contrary infact, he is an easy guy to deal with.
Brief History: Nee-Wom was born near the northern borders of Black Marsh, in a small village. Among his family he had a normal childhood for an Argonian, and his daily routine consisted of few more than lurking around the swamps with his numerous brothers and sisters, swimming and playing. However, near his tenth birthday, the village where he lived was raided by a Dunmer party that ventured and his parents killed.
Together with some of his kin, he was welcomed by a band of wandering outlaws, who dedicated their lives to the goal of protecting the borders of Black Marsh from slavers. He grew surrounded with warriors, and as Nee-wom got older, he learned how to fight with the spear and the blade, as well as the arts of fighting in the swamp and forest. Many guerrilla attacks on Dunmer groups ensued.
Eventually though, the group dispersed, and Nee-wom (already a young man) travelled to Cyrodiil with his two older brothers, the only ones left from the hatch. They entered the province by South, through the county of Leyawiin. His brothers settled in the city, but Nee-Wom was not born for a quiet life. He seeked more fighting, and as such, he travelled north, to the Imperial City, where he joined the Arena. As a gladiator there, he fought for some months, but founding no real thrill in those battles, he couldn’t wait for an opportunity to leave.
Eventually, he heard of the War raging between Valenwood and Elsweyer, and quickly took a boat down the Niben. He reached Elsweyr, and proceeded to enlist as a mercenary in a company.
Reason for Fighting: Nee-Wom has no particular reason to support the Khajiit in their war against the Bosmer. It just happens that he is a mercenary, and he wants to fight while profiting. As soon as he arrived in Elsweyr, he enlisted himself as a mercenary.
Here it is

Hope it isn't too newbie. I had thought of making a rough old anti-social mercenary character, but upon seeing how much introverts there were already, I thought someone had to keep things funny :biggrin: so my character is pretty much a friendly guy. I do hope there aren't too many clichés stuck in there lol
Looking forward to RP with everyone, I see lots of interesting characters around!
ps: Schmuty Buncis I made a correction to the sheet here, because I had referenced a belt in the "weapons" section, for the daggers, but forgot to include it on the "clothing" section : / I hope that isn't a problem!