Deserter's Fortress

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:25 pm

Deserter's Fortress
Kyung-Bum Lee (Dree74)

Release Date: November 11th 2011.
Version: 1.0.0.
Requirement: Fallout New Vegas and Lonesome Road DLC.
Youtube Video:

Deserter's Fortress is a quest mod that comes with its own worldspace, interior cells,
items, traits, perks, crafting recipe and a challenege achievement.

Main Story involves NCR tracking down Scott Morrison, the 1st Recon deserter who is vigorously causing troubles in the west.
Due to the storming war between NCR and Legion, NCR cannot allocate many men for this mission.
Thus, NCR is now recruiting mercenaries to join MP squad to track down.

Mojave Outpost is now broadcasting recruitment message via radio channel.



1) Unzip DesertersFortress.V1.0.7z with 7zip or other unzip utility.
2) Copy DesertersFortress.esm into \\falloutNV\data folder
3) Copy DesertersFortress.bsa into \\falloutNV\data folder
4) Copy DesertersFortress.nam into \\falloutNV\data folder
5) Copy LODSettings folder into \\falloutNV\data folder
6) Copy Sound folder into \\falloutNV\data folder
7) Play the game.


1) Delete DesertersFortress.esm
2) Delete DesertersFortress.nam
3) Delete DesertersFortress.bsa
4) Remove DesertersHighwayWorld.DLODSettings from \\FalloutNV\data\LODSettings folder
5) Remove DesetersFotress folder from \\falloutNV\Data\Sound\fx folder


Voice Actor Credit

Edourad - Lt.Grant
Aranas - Scott Morrison
Teechan "TardisChan" - Furious Fox/Female Mercenary
Vladimir Parezanovic - Male Mercenary/Peterson
Nikola 'Hellskiller' Djokic - Mad Mechanic
Jeff Bogan 'Airahan' - NCR Radio Recruiter
Ethan Kellogg - Others


License and Contact

You do not have permission to redistribute/repackage any of the contents without my permission.
Contact me via my facebook page or Nexus PM. If I do not respond, it means "NO".

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:47 am

wow dude.. I'll check it out :)
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Posts: 3397
Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:12 am

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