Err... why is that a poll ? Even a SINGLE SELECTION poll ? Why would anyone want only ONE of these ? Why would anyone NOT want any of these ?
> Multi core processor support in the engine
Will probably be there anyway
> Implementation of one of the latest Direct X APIs
Will be there for sure anyway
> Implementation of proprietary technologies like Nvidia's PhysX
Will very likely be there anyway
> Full scale & trouble free support for scalable graphic solutions like Crossfire and SLI
Probably wont be there, too rare
> Official support for OpenAL based Creative EAX Advanced HD to make it work under Windows Vista and 7 using Creative ALchemy software
We'll get good audio, most likely. OpenAL ? Possible.
I was gonna say something very much along those lines, except i doubt they will use PhysX as someone pointed out they already use Havok, which is more widely supported
And as far as SLi and Crossfire support goes, i think it's 50/50 weither or not they add this support, but if you ask me its not really worth it anyway. What sensible person pays for a graphics card twice only to get about 10% performance increase on average, not me... ill stick to a GTX300 series card thanks

Surely, it will look a great deal better than oblivion, but I'm more concerned about optimizations and returns to old methods, such as reopening all of the cities, making larger capital cities, adding real windows, much more ambient sound dynamics etc. Hopefully Beth will implement some of these.
And your right, i felt a bit let down or cheated when playing oblivion, there i am walking around the wilderness and i have to load another exterior to go into a castle, they could have made that alot more immersive if you ask me, and as for real windows i think they can make semi real windows but i still cant see why in this day and age of computer graphics you cant open a door and walk in a house, no-one can say that's not possible