In desperate need of modding help!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:54 pm

First off I must tell that I'm a noob at modding.

Now to the problem:

I've tried to retexture the red silk robes (known as robeuc01 by file name) to a blue colour. For the retexturing I've used GIMP and wacthed how it applies on the actual mesh in nifscope, where it looks fine.

In the CS I have no prolems creating the new set of robes (I do this by editing the heretic robes and change all the nif files to my retextured ones and save it as a new form with an uniqe ID), but when I try to dress up an NPC with these robes I get an error dialoge box reading:

EDIT: I had misspelled the errormessage a bit and have now corrected it (forgot the f at the end of the filename(I have created a retextured female model too, also without any problems. The male version in the screenie is just an example))

Model Load Error in: meshes\clothes\RoyalBluerobeuc01\f\RoyalBluerobeuc01f.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.

Continue Playing?
"Yes to all" will disable all warnings this session.

Then I click yes or else the CS closes itself, and then I get a second error dialouge box reading:

Could not find parent node extra data for 'BSAEmeshes\clothes\RoyalBluerobeuc01\f\RoyalBluerobeuc01f.nif'.

(Then the "Continue Playing?" stuff)

Again I click yes and I'm presented with a third dialouge box:

The bipend part 'meshes\clothes\RoyalBluerobeuc01\f\RoyalBluerobeuc01f.nif' should be scinned for 'LCD'.

(Then, of course, the "Continue Playing?" stuff)

When I click yes now I get no more dialouge boxes, but find that the parts of the NPC where my robe should be are completely invisible.

What is it that causes this problem and how do I fix it?! I've tried to solve this problem myself for nearly a week now, but I just can't seem to fix it with my noobish skills.

I have tried to create a normalmap for my texture using the normalmap plugin, but I can't seem to really understand any of it and the 3D preview is just blank, so I have instead used the file and renamed it to exactly the name of my retextured file with the _n to try and create a normalmap for it.
Can my problem somehow be related to some sort of inverted stuff or that the normalmap isn't linked to my texture or something? If that's the case how do I fix this?

I'm not sure about wether my texture has some sort of alfachannel or something, and I don't really know how to create one.

P.S: If it is of any relevance my computer runs Windows Vista.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:12 pm

Are you sure you have the correct Nif ? in the Nifskope screen you posted it is named RoyalBluerobeuc01m.nif (note the m before the .nif extension) but in the error it is looking for a nif named RoyalBluerobeuc01.nif (no m before the .nif !) so it might just be a misspelling and due to that the game can not find the NIf it is looking for !
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April D. F
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:26 am

The invisibility issue is caused by a missing normal map. A normal map has the same name as the texture, but with _n at the end of it. What you need to do is copy the normal map from the original robe (in this case, you would copy robeuc01_n), paste it to another folder and rename it to whatever you named the blue texture and put _n on the end. Once this is done, move the new normal map to the same texture folder as the blue robe texture you created. That should solve the invisibility issue.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:20 pm

The invisibility issue is caused by a missing normal map. A normal map has the same name as the texture, but with _n at the end of it. What you need to do is copy the normal map from the original robe (in this case, you would copy robeuc01_n), paste it to another folder and rename it to whatever you named the blue texture and put _n on the end. Once this is done, move the new normal map to the same texture folder as the blue robe texture you created. That should solve the invisibility issue.

But this is excactly what I have done, that's why I can't understand why this problem occurs, because then this problem shouldn't occur at all.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:38 am

Are you sure you have the correct Nif ? in the Nifskope screen you posted it is named RoyalBluerobeuc01m.nif (note the m before the .nif extension) but in the error it is looking for a nif named RoyalBluerobeuc01.nif (no m before the .nif !) so it might just be a misspelling and due to that the game can not find the NIf it is looking for !

Hmm, maybe, I'll have a look at it and see if it solves my problem.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:44 pm

I've tried both your methods, (I've even done all my work over again) but still nothing seems to be working for me...

Does anyone know about a detailed retexturing tutorial that explains everything from recoulouring the texture, creating the normalmap properly, applying the texture properly to the mesh, and how to get the new object into the CS without any problems, and then adding the new object to a NPC or the world?? (Which also axplains it in a way beginners can understand?)

Then I might have a chance to get a grip on this.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:22 pm

I've tried both your methods, (I've even done all my work over again) but still nothing seems to be working for me...

Does anyone know about a detailed retexturing tutorial that explains everything from recoulouring the texture, creating the normalmap properly, applying the texture properly to the mesh, and how to get the new object into the CS without any problems, and then adding the new object to a NPC or the world?? (Which also axplains it in a way beginners can understand?)

Then I might have a chance to get a grip on this.

Some questions to consider:

What program are you using to alter the textures?

What file format are you saving the textures in?

As for a good tutorial, try
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sam westover
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:14 pm

Some questions to consider:

What program are you using to alter the textures?

What file format are you saving the textures in?

As for a good tutorial, try

Program: Gimp as said in the origial post.

File format: .dds (with the BC2/DXT3 compression and I have generate mipmaps checked)

I'll try to check out that tutorial and see if it can make some sense for me.

But still, thanks for your help so far.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:26 pm


Just a tip on forum ettiquette: you're more likely to get helpful responses to your post if you call it something less generic than "Modding question - need help!". Try a brief description of the problem in your title or sub-title, so people with the relevant expertise can decide to read your post.

E.g., "Retexturing/nif importing problem" would inform people like me (with no NIf/texturing experience) that there's no point in my reading the thread, and it will tell expert modelers that this is a problem they may be able to solve.

Sorry if I sound like a scold. Good luck with your problem!

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Philip Rua
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:32 pm


Just a tip on forum ettiquette: you're more likely to get helpful responses to your post if you call it something less generic than "Modding question - need help!". Try a brief description of the problem in your title or sub-title, so people with the relevant expertise can decide to read your post.

E.g., "Retexturing/nif importing problem" would inform people like me (with no NIf/texturing experience) that there's no point in my reading the thread, and it will tell expert modelers that this is a problem they may be able to solve.

Sorry if I sound like a scold. Good luck with your problem!


Thanks for the tip Picador, I'll see what I can do about this.
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