Here will lie the list of Guardians to fight the Darkness, post here or give the OP a PM for your platform and Gamertag/PSN ID. Format will be "Forum Name=Platform Name". Please let the OP know for any mistakes or corrections.
A little knowledge goes a long way.
Okay, so I didn't take a break, but I'm glad I didn't. Rather than worry about leveling, I decided to go ahead and finish up Vanguard quests since I was about 100 away from the circle being complete.
Once I did this, apparently I was at level 2. Who knew. I rushed as fast as I could to the Tower and talked to the Vanguard dude and lo-and-behold, armor available for sale! I bought a chest plate and increased my Light by 5. As soon as I donned, it, BAM! I flew halfway to level 24.
So, that seems to be the key: level up Vanguard or get extremely lucky at finding Light loot.
I decided to visit the cave on the moon people were talking about, and damn, I counted 6 people just standing there shooting at it. I was a bit surprised word of this is spreading like wildfire.
Tomorrow, I'm strictly playing Vanguard quests.
Oh, and I got my choice of three exotic bounties, and wouldn't you know it, the one I picked was for a stupid hand cannon. Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiscarded. I'd rather get something I'll use than some trinket I won't.
Between my pulse rifle and sniper rifle, with blade as backup, I'm holding on pretty good. I also finally managed to get past a strike without anyone in my party dying. Another first.
See you on the battlefield, babes.