Should I join or Destroy the dark brotherhood?
I am currently playing a sneak archer/dagger user. My RP is "Adventures with Faendal" and I use light armor, but I have RPed mainly "morally correct" but willing to do some immoral things when it gets the job done (I did the thieves guild up to the Skeleton Key).
My question is, should I join the dark brotherhood or destroy it? I always get mad that they kidnap me, but I'm not sure if I want to join this go around or not
Get a great dagger to partner Mehrunes Razor relatively easily, can go back to mainly doing sidequests as per my RP, get decent armor (that likely won't replace nightingale)
Get really good Ancient Shrouded Armor that is perfect for my build, but takes a while, and takes me off of side quests, and also looks kinda dumb (if it looks like regular shrouded), BUT would allow me to give my armor to Faendal
I like that the Ancient Shrouded gives one handed damage rather than strictly backstab damage, but I still don't know what to do. Advice?