They didn't have any other way to get the troops in. The Institute had the technological advantage.
I don't know what you expected them to do to win.
They didn't have any other way to get the troops in. The Institute had the technological advantage.
I don't know what you expected them to do to win.
ITT: no one cares that the MM and RR do the same damned thing, proving that as long as you aren't racist every sin is forgivable.
Which is why the Great War was justified, I assume?
The Institute is right, all else are crap.
In my first playthrough, I played as the Institute. I was truly impressed with the Institute's technology (story-wise since this is obviously fiction) and true desire to help mankind when one of its snobbish pencil necks handed me seeds to pass to a synth to grow in some farm. The seeds were genetically engineered to soak in rads but would still be safe to eat. Seeds like these, if they work as the Institute scientists desired, would truly save the wasteland.
Compare that to the Brotherhood of Steel that just wants to kill everything, or the idiotic Railroad that thinks a toaster is a human. Pfft.
Anyway, since Fallout 4 is quite repetitive, I didn't want to go to an earlier save or restart, so I watched the various endings on YouTube.
I was right, the Institute's ending is the only desirable ending in the game.
Of course, the ending that I truly desire does not exist... I really want to have my own faction take over the Brotherhood of Steel, Institute and Minuteman, and kill all the idiots in the Railroad.
The ending is also super lackluster. In past Fallout ending vids, the narrator would talk about the various deeds that the player did in the game, but no such thing exists in this one.
Everyone knows the Railroad and Minutemen doing it isn't against their code or purpose just like YOU DO.
So I don't know why you said that.
Are you kidding me? both of them are about saving lives.
You got it already in a game called Fallout 3. That one was all about becoming either the Messiah or the Antichrist, with the morally gray option made intentionally unavailable.
And Beth does not like repeating themes.
I just visited the BoS and Codex wikis and neither specifically outlaw nuclear weapons.
The BoS wasn't even started over nukes. It was started over F.E.V.
Well, it's about preventing another Great War and rebuilding humanity.
The Brotherhood gradually building up humanity is as forgotten as Jesus' part about wealth being evil.
And... that would be why I hate the whole BoS faction in 4 I guess. Nukes. They're using nukes to save the world?
Elder Lyons did it first.
But it was against Nazis the Enclave so we ignored it.
Ooooh, what fools we were.
i'm still sure the conservatives use his image only for pure propaganda. And they think he was still a kid, easy to manipulate, but they forget he actually be so dangerous in Boston, yup
Could you give me examples of attempted genocide outside of Fort Strong and the Institute?
Unchecked racism is a problem.
Checked racism is also a problem.
But there is a gulf the size of the Marianna's Trench between the two re: people being killed.
If you do the minutemen route the data you got from the Institute's network shows that there is another entrance to the institute through the sewers, could've used that one instead of using a robot that does nothing but shoots lasers and throws mini-nukes, especially when you tell the local population that you have come in the name of peace.
Going back to the topic, there is also the fact of blowing up the nuclear reactor so not only you just blew up 200 years worth of knowledge and science but also have contaminated EVEN MORE the charles river, hope those water filters are powerful enough
Could be argued "This is the weak way". Or "Let's just do good because it's the right thing to do because evil is bad". And let's not forget "Taking lives to save lives". Railroad at least value equality. Minutemen? Just good for the sake of good. Can't imagine the Railroad going "Let's accept evil" though.
I want a faction that embraces everything even if opposed due to conflict and never judges/acts like they know better. XD
The guild place from the first Fable comes to mind. Guildmaster even stated as such. Always thought something like that should exist in Star Wars.
Okay but think about that.
The institute seals off every single access point to their secret headquarters except for the one that simple common folk can find?
It was a plot point to let you do the MM ending. Nothing more, nothing less.
They said something about "ventilation", but honestly, that's a pretty weak excuse. Especially if that air is going through the sewer...
The Institute is NOT composed of complete morons who would bury themselves alive if the teleporter broke?