» Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 pm
People need to understand, that some features will likely never happen for a numerous reasons.
Destructible environments:
-Engine can't support it (Not 100% accurate, but I expect it not to).
-RPGs are complex games, and features like that can break it in numerous ways, or even create catastrophic glitches.
-It takes time to implement, and in this stage of development it will never happen
-Shaping the environment in this scale can cause a number of disturbances to things like quests, NPCs, etc.
-A lot of time is put on this to make it happen, and with a gigantic world it's bettter that they use this time to create quests, etc.
This, and a bunch of other features are too extreme and can't happen. Usually games with totally destructable worlds shape themselves based on this feature (Red Faction for instance).