I play a Mage utilizing every single school of magic and guess what?
Destruction is useless when:
My permanent summons roll through everything before I can even be bothered to cast a spell
My magic reflection kills mages that my summons don't
I can turn my enemies against themselves and make them run in fear
I can summon a bound weapon and do more damage than Destruction
I can sit there and spam zero cost healing/ward spells while the above do their magic
Basically, the game plays my game for me, and you know what? It's freaking boring. I'd rather use Destruction as my main source of damage so I can actually, you know, play the game instead of watch it? Last I checked I bought a video game, not a freaking movie. But alas, I can't. Due to Destruction being complete garbage for damage without using Poisons and Potions. I'm sorry, if I wanted to use bows to apply poisons, I'll play an archer, not a pure-mage. Mages should not have to rely on means that are not magical, to do respectable damage.
Also, abusing Impact? Yeah, because spamming an attack on an enemy that can't fight back is totally fun, right?
All in all, I'd like to use Destruction as my source of damage, with Alteration for defense, Illusion for the occasional distraction, and Restoration to keep my from being one dead mage, why? Because it's a fun play-style. But alas, I won't do the damage needed because Destruction is garbage.
Think whatever you want, Destruction is weak for what it is supposed to be, a Mages source of damage.
So me? I'm letting my Mage rot in the pit of saves I'll never play again until a decent mod comes out to fix the problem. If you actually enjoy watching the game instead of playing it, power to you, I don't.
There's one big problem with what you have to say. It's not even remotely true. How can you make those comments knowing that I play the game? Which means I know that you are spouting bs. Destruction is not garbage. It is what I've used to kill everything on master difficulty on my way up to level 57.
And to the people who say you should be able to kill things in 3 or 4 spells instead of 15... you can. You just have to stop playing over your head with the difficulty slider. Are people so insecure that they just can't turn it down and have the game play exactly the way they want? What the heck is up with that?