So if destruction is no good for a mage...

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:43 pm

Qiox, man. You need to lose this "1 dimensional" mentality about Destruction. Not everyone is using solely Destruction. I believe Destruction is laughably weak. Why?

I play a Mage utilizing every single school of magic and guess what?

Destruction is useless when:
My permanent summons roll through everything before I can even be bothered to cast a spell
My magic reflection kills mages that my summons don't
I can turn my enemies against themselves and make them run in fear
I can summon a bound weapon and do more damage than Destruction
I can sit there and spam zero cost healing/ward spells while the above do their magic

Basically, the game plays my game for me, and you know what? It's freaking boring. I'd rather use Destruction as my main source of damage so I can actually, you know, play the game instead of watch it? Last I checked I bought a video game, not a freaking movie. But alas, I can't. Due to Destruction being complete garbage for damage without using Poisons and Potions. I'm sorry, if I wanted to use bows to apply poisons, I'll play an archer, not a pure-mage. Mages should not have to rely on means that are not magical, to do respectable damage.
Also, abusing Impact? Yeah, because spamming an attack on an enemy that can't fight back is totally fun, right?

All in all, I'd like to use Destruction as my source of damage, with Alteration for defense, Illusion for the occasional distraction, and Restoration to keep my from being one dead mage, why? Because it's a fun play-style. But alas, I won't do the damage needed because Destruction is garbage.

Think whatever you want, Destruction is weak for what it is supposed to be, a Mages source of damage.

So me? I'm letting my Mage rot in the pit of saves I'll never play again until a decent mod comes out to fix the problem. If you actually enjoy watching the game instead of playing it, power to you, I don't.

There's one big problem with what you have to say. It's not even remotely true. How can you make those comments knowing that I play the game? Which means I know that you are spouting bs. Destruction is not garbage. It is what I've used to kill everything on master difficulty on my way up to level 57.

And to the people who say you should be able to kill things in 3 or 4 spells instead of 15... you can. You just have to stop playing over your head with the difficulty slider. Are people so insecure that they just can't turn it down and have the game play exactly the way they want? What the heck is up with that?
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:22 am

There's one big problem with what you have to say. It's not even remotely true. How can you make those comments knowing that I play the game? Which means I know that you are spouting bs. Destruction is not garbage. It is what I've used to kill everything on master difficulty on my way up to level 57.

And to the people who say you should be able to kill things in 3 or 4 spells instead of 15... you can. You just have to stop playing over your head with the difficulty slider. Are people so insecure that they just can't turn it down and have the game play exactly the way they want? What the heck is up with that?

I'm actually curious about how you do everything with destruction knowing other schools fare miles better. I dont maxed out illusion, but know for the fact my 2 demonic lord pets can clear the whole instance with relatively slight aid from me: summon them some yards ahead, watch they whack down everything on their path, and if somehow they got killed, summon another one in seconds. Boring as hell. And its on master level @ lvl 48.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:03 am

explain 'fine'.

its fine because it can easily kill anything in the game if you invest in the perks for it. Aside from that, a persons perception of the relative power of destruction will vary based on what difficulty they play on, how efficiently they build their character, what gear or potions they have, whether they use followers or not, etc etc etc.

Its fine because unless you're a complete moron playing on master difficulty with no twitch skill or spacial awareness you shouldn't have problems using destruction to kill everything. But as I said, lots of variables to this. Skyrim is harder for mages in the beginning of the game but then mages become OP around lvl 20 if you build the right way, if you keep leveling useless skills after that then thats your problem not mine.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:22 am

I'm actually curious about how you do everything with destruction knowing other schools fare miles better. I dont maxed out illusion, but know for the fact my 2 demonic lord pets can clear the whole instance with relatively slight aid from me: summon them some yards ahead, watch they whack down everything on their path, and if somehow they got killed, summon another one in seconds. Boring as hell. And its on master level @ lvl 48.

The power difference between Conjuration and Destro is one of the biggest in the game. One of those skills can solo Master, the other needs 3-4 other complimentary skills and exploits :disguise:

Its fine because unless you're a complete moron playing on master difficulty with no twitch skill or spacial awareness you shouldn't have problems using destruction to kill everything. But as I said, lots of variables to this. Skyrim is harder for mages in the beginning of the game but then mages become OP around lvl 20 if you build the right way, if you keep leveling useless skills after that then thats your problem not mine.

Whats twitch skill going to do if you need 4 magicka bars to kill 1 mob, and theres 4 of them in one room? Its not skill, it means they have the "wrong build" , and more specifically, it means they don't have enchanting. Reminds me of an elitist mmo, such strict min/maxing requirements.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:37 am

Change destruction with a mod and it should be fine.

Destruction is fine as it is.

Go ahead and use a Mod if you ONLY use destruction.

Bethesda balanced destruction to your conjuration skills and other schools. Which most mages on these forums dont understand.

There is not a class called destruction mage.
And if they would release a game with destruction as powerful as this mod makes it, AND you use Conjuration. Then you have a broken game balance.
Conjuration is very powerful.

Your not suppose to rely on one school of magic. Just as melee characters needs to rely on block, armor skills, one handed skill + restoration,, or atleast armor, weapon and resturation.skill, as a base.
Why would mages need only one skill? Well all mages go restoration too.

But again, its not like you choose between conjurer or destruction mage.
Destro is good as it is without mods, it just gets hard.
But most people are crying that they cant kill giants and dragons in 2 seconds on Master.

With my Archer. It takes minutes to kill a dragon. Do I complain? No, I dont.

Dont use the destruction mods it ruins game balance. Or use them but then you are forced to never ever touch another school outside of destruction but some restoration, or you utterly break game balance.
But the mod makers and mages out there have not realized this. But again, if you only do destruction, I guess it might make it more fun, if you want to fast kill stuff past 40. Since Destruction is perfect until 40+. at which time, on expert and Master, you stop 1 to 3 shooting stuff.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:18 pm

The power difference between Conjuration and Destro is one of the biggest in the game. One of those skills can solo Master, the other needs 3-4 other complimentary skills and exploits :disguise:

Whats twitch skill going to do if you need 4 magicka bars to kill 1 mob, and theres 4 of them in one room? You mean they have the wrong build , and more specifically, you mean they don't have enchanting.

I don't use enchanting, I play on master difficulty and I use destruction for 90% of my dps, I open with archery for the other 10%. I don't use any other schools of magic either. Thing is, I don't build up useless skills that make me weaker in combat, such as lockpicking, speech, sneak, alchemy, or any other skills. Im locked in at level 20 right now and im not planning on building any other skills on this character, so my power relative to my peers is very high.

Like I said, the perception of how powerful a skill is will vary from person to person because we all play the game differently.
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Austin England
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:00 pm

explain 'fine'.

Destruction is fine.

Just because I don't one shot things doesn't mean it ain't stupidly easy.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:56 pm

Destruction is fine as it is.

Go ahead and use a Mod if you ONLY use destruction.

Bethesda balanced destruction to your conjuration skills and other schools. Which most mages on these forums dont understand.

There is not a class called destruction mage.
And if they would release a game with destruction as powerful as this mod makes it, AND you use Conjuration. Then you have a broken game balance.
Conjuration is very powerful.

Your not suppose to rely on one school of magic. Just as melee characters needs to rely on block, armor skills, one handed skill + restoration,, or atleast armor, weapon and resturation.skill, as a base.
Why would mages need only one skill? Well all mages go restoration too.

But again, its not like you choose between conjurer or destruction mage.
Destro is good as it is without mods, it just gets hard.
But most people are crying that they cant kill giants and dragons in 2 seconds on Master.

With my Archer. It takes minutes to kill a dragon. Do I complain? No, I dont.

Dont use the destruction mods it ruins game balance. Or use them but then you are forced to never ever touch another school outside of destruction but some restoration, or you utterly break game balance.
But the mod makers and mages out there have not realized this. But again, if you only do destruction, I guess it might make it more fun, if you want to fast kill stuff past 40. Since Destruction is perfect until 40+. at which time, on expert and Master, you stop 1 to 3 shooting stuff.

You know what destroys this arguement?

bow/2h/1h can all take conjuration/illusion/resto/alteration and have better dps and efficiency than taking destro.

Also some of those skills I mentioned can solo Master, without any "required" compliment.

Destruction is fine.

Just because I don't one shot things doesn't mean it ain't stupidly easy.

Why isn't your magicka bar going down, bro.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:49 pm

I'm actually curious about how you do everything with destruction knowing other schools fare miles better. I dont maxed out illusion, but know for the fact my 2 demonic lord pets can clear the whole instance with relatively slight aid from me: summon them some yards ahead, watch they whack down everything on their path, and if somehow they got killed, summon another one in seconds. Boring as hell. And its on master level @ lvl 48.

I have 100 conjuration but have not spent any perks. I tried summoning a daedra lord and he was killed in about 3 seconds. I've never bothered to use them since. Are there easier ways, sure there probably are. But I have absolutely no interest in making the game easier. I find it very fun and challenging to rely on 2 things... sneaking and destruction to kill. I have 100 alteration and I think all but 1 perk, and I use the defenses it has to offer. I don't use a 0 destruction cost enchanted outfit (I have 100 enchanting) because that would eliminate any challenge from the game. I think my 3 stats are about 600 - 345 - 280 or so. I don't use detect life or any other illusion spells (but I do have 100 illusion with no perks). I like to sneak into a room or down a hall and spot my targets. I select where I want to attack from, somewhere near a corner or other obstruction. I blast away until either, I'm about to take damage or I am low on magicka. Then I press that alt key and get out of line of sight, then drop into sneak. The bad guys will check where I last attacked from then lose interest. I move back in and finish them off. Or if it's a very high hp boss I may take several rounds to finish them off. With multiple targets I make the effort to separate them and pick them off 1 at a time. Fun times.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:57 pm

Cathalo level 20 everything is powerful. Noone ever discussed that low of a level.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:36 pm

Why isn't your magicka bar going down, bro.

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Ben sutton
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:09 am

There's one big problem with what you have to say. It's not even remotely true. How can you make those comments knowing that I play the game? Which means I know that you are spouting bs. Destruction is not garbage. It is what I've used to kill everything on master difficulty on my way up to level 57.

And to the people who say you should be able to kill things in 3 or 4 spells instead of 15... you can. You just have to stop playing over your head with the difficulty slider. Are people so insecure that they just can't turn it down and have the game play exactly the way they want? What the heck is up with that?

If I play the game on master, with my archer that uses no enchanting or alchemy and mediocre smithing: It would take me around 10 minutes to kill a bandit leader, and he will 1 shoot me at every chanse he gets to catch me.

The destruction mages seems to think they need to one shot everything on master.

Adept is hard when you play this game without secondary professions. As a destruction mage on Adept, you are [censored] everything.
The people complaining, are complaining cause they cant kill stuff on Master as fast as a smithed, enchanted, alchemy using Melee warrior. But said warrior is utterly, extremly overpowered. Why would you need to be that too, when you cant even use smithing to your advantage.

I played a mage too, and I was forced to go expert or master due to the redicilous damage they do. Im still killing most. Sure I only went to lvl 20. But I cant see it being much harder until around 40+, at which point when I mean harder, it becomes harder, on Master. A level you dont need to play at if you dont have the heart for it.

Whoever is using destruciton damage increasing mods are cheating themself of a gaming experience. mages are among the most balanced classes in Skyrim.A tad too powerful in my opinion.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:03 pm


And for those who don't want to exploit?

Sure I only went to lvl 20. But I cant see it being much harder until around 40+, at which point when I mean harder, it becomes harder, on Master. A level you dont need to play at if you dont have the heart for it.

uhh..the differences are very large. Why are you saying destro is fine at levels if you are only 20?
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:07 pm


That's the point he was making. Using enchanting to make spells cost nothing and permastunning things to death with impact is not fun. Players who think that enchanting is a viable solution to destruction are more concerned with min/maxing and "beating" the game than they are with actually playing it.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:46 am

Cathalo level 20 everything is powerful. Noone ever discussed that low of a level.

Well, if destruction is the only skill you care about then why do you keep leveling? I build characters based on persona and roleplay characteristics. If I want to build a destruction mage then I max destruction while keeping all other skill gains to absolute minimum for RP purposes.

The problem that many of you guys have is that you just keep on leveling a bunch of random crap you don't even need. Well, if you do that then obviously your effectiveness is going to cap out over time. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:36 am

Whats twitch skill going to do if you need 4 magicka bars to kill 1 mob, and theres 4 of them in one room?

If you need help figuring out how to play why not just ask?

When you have multiple mobs in 1 room you can easily pull them out 1 at a time. Sound attracts the attention of mobs. Therefore make a noise at a spot where only 1 of them will hear it. How do you find that spot? Make a noise far enough away that none hears it. Then a little closer, and a little closer, and one will hear and come check it out.

Your welcome.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:09 am

I have 100 conjuration but have not spent any perks. I tried summoning a daedra lord and he was killed in about 3 seconds.

That's odd, mines drag Draugr deathlords outside by the scruff off the neck and boot their [censored] up and down the place.

"A challenger is near"
*whack whack*
"You are weak mortal" - as the lord comes flying down the ramp, dead and on fire.
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Ann Church
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:05 pm

If you need help figuring out how to play why not just ask?

When you have multiple mobs in 1 room you can easily pull them out 1 at a time. Sound attracts the attention of mobs. Therefore make a noise at a spot where only 1 of them will hear it. How do you find that spot? Make a noise far enough away that none hears it. Then a little closer, and a little closer, and one will hear and come check it out.

Your welcome.

Thanks i totally didn't learn that strategy in morrowind.

Oh and btw when did I say I didn't complete alot of the game as a non exploiting destro mage on master? It was hard as all hell compared to any other dps-skill I'll tell you that much.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:18 pm

And for those who don't want to exploit?

If you don't want to use what Bethesda gives you then there really isn't any hope. Do you not use +1h/2h/archery enchants? Do you not use smithing for a warrior? Something is only an exploit when you have to abuse a bug to achieve it. There is no bug, Bethesda allowed 4 pieces to have fortify destruction and allowed a 100 enchanter to give -25% cost for each enchant. This is all within the bounds of the game. You'd probably cry if I broke out the weakness to shock poison and fortify destruction potions and tripled the damage too.

That's the point he was making. Using enchanting to make spells cost nothing and permastunning things to death with impact is not fun. Players who think that enchanting is a viable solution to destruction are more concerned with min/maxing and "beating" the game than they are with actually playing it.

So you don't care about min/max? If that was the case you wouldn't care if your character was awful and nobody would be complaining. People are complaining because pure unsupported destruction is awful just like pure unsupported 1h, 2h or archery is awful. If you want to play a destruction mage you should be prepared to use the appropriate support skills. In the case of weapons it's typically heavy(or light) armor and smithing perhaps some block and enchanting and alchemy help quite a bit as well. May want to even throw on archery to assist with ranged combat. For destruction your supporting skills are enchanting, conjuration perhaps even alchemy. You can throw on heavy/light/alteration for defense but they are particularly useful unless playing on higher difficulties.

You people need to understand if you don't want to take the necessary support skills for ANY play style you're going to fail.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:07 am

If you don't want to use Bethesda then there really isn't any hope. Do you not use +1h/2h/archery enchants? Do you not use smithing for a warrior? Something is only an exploit when you have to abuse a bug to achieve it. There is no bug, Bethesda allowed 4 pieces to have fortify destruction and allowed a 100 enchanter to give -25% cost for each enchant. This is all within the bounds of the game. You'd probably cry if I broke out the weakness to shock poison and fortify destruction potions and tripled the damage too.

Yeah, removing the entire magicka bar mechanic was intended :rofl:

For Example: Imagine if melee was under-performing and those concerned were told to shutup and linked to this every time: :6k damage, totally intended.

That example is whats going on here.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:45 am

@Drekor: Just curious, have you seen what other weapon types/warriors are capable of by using enchanting/smithing?

What's the current record? 32900 damage backstab?

That right there, is why people view those skills as 'exploiting'...its certainly against the spirit of the game (iMo) ;)
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Anna Watts
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:42 am

its fine because it can easily kill anything in the game if you invest in the perks for it. Aside from that, a persons perception of the relative power of destruction will vary based on what difficulty they play on, how efficiently they build their character, what gear or potions they have, whether they use followers or not, etc etc etc.

Its fine because unless you're a complete moron playing on master difficulty with no twitch skill or spacial awareness you shouldn't have problems using destruction to kill everything. But as I said, lots of variables to this. Skyrim is harder for mages in the beginning of the game but then mages become OP around lvl 20 if you build the right way, if you keep leveling useless skills after that then thats your problem not mine.

Yeah. Aside from 'if I level past 20 I'm a moron' excuse, explain how other combat skills fare wayyyy better than destruction in its specialization? Like my bow character @ lvl 38 can do well with just bow, nothing else required while my mage started to struggle at that level. This thread, as well as countless other threads in this forum are around scaling problem of Destruction, and your comment actually reinforces that: destruction is OP @ around 20, then gradually declines as you progress, while other skill - even some magic school are just fine. Conjuration and archer are the most quoted example. Now what? You HAVE to limite yourself if you want to keep your spells relevant.

Plus theres no point playing a RPG game intentionally locking yourself at a range of level. Theres no sense of character progression in that.

I have 100 conjuration but have not spent any perks. I tried summoning a daedra lord and he was killed in about 3 seconds. I've never bothered to use them since. Are there easier ways, sure there probably are. But I have absolutely no interest in making the game easier. I find it very fun and challenging to rely on 2 things... sneaking and destruction to kill. I have 100 alteration and I think all but 1 perk, and I use the defenses it has to offer. I don't use a 0 destruction cost enchanted outfit (I have 100 enchanting) because that would eliminate any challenge from the game. I think my 3 stats are about 600 - 345 - 280 or so. I don't use detect life or any other illusion spells (but I do have 100 illusion with no perks). I like to sneak into a room or down a hall and spot my targets. I select where I want to attack from, somewhere near a corner or other obstruction. I blast away until either, I'm about to take damage or I am low on magicka. Then I press that alt key and get out of line of sight, then drop into sneak. The bad guys will check where I last attacked from then lose interest. I move back in and finish them off. Or if it's a very high hp boss I may take several rounds to finish them off. With multiple targets I make the effort to separate them and pick them off 1 at a time. Fun times.

Then thats good for you, but stealth mage isnt a popular combo in most games. I'm the type who goes only with most extreme archetype, the pure nuker. The game fails to deliver it.

If you don't want to use what Bethesda gives you then there really isn't any hope. Do you not use +1h/2h/archery enchants? Do you not use smithing for a warrior? Something is only an exploit when you have to abuse a bug to achieve it. There is no bug, Bethesda allowed 4 pieces to have fortify destruction and allowed a 100 enchanter to give -25% cost for each enchant. This is all within the bounds of the game. You'd probably cry if I broke out the weakness to shock poison and fortify destruction potions and tripled the damage too.


Theres no such thing as "intended". If they intend to remove the whole magicka bar with enchantment, how can you explain the reduce cost perks scattered along the trees (at the root of the trees also)? Isnt it misleading and potentially a waste of perk points for those unfortunate not to discover that 'intended design'? Even worse, it leads to frustration, esp. for console players as they have no way to amend it.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:48 pm

Then thats good for you, but stealth mage isnt a popular combo in most games. I'm the type who goes only with most extreme archetype, the pure nuker. The game fails to deliver it.

As an OT: That's the kind I made and she's far [far] too powerful >.<

Interestingly, she was going to use destruction to mop up but it was faster, easier and safer to backstab/sneak attack arrow. I'm using the perk that bound weapons steal the souls so the plan had been to use that to get the spell on (plus level 1H/bows as redundancy) and finish with destruction.

But there's no need. None at all.
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April D. F
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:17 pm

Yeah. Aside from 'if I level past 20 I'm a moron' excuse, explain how other combat skills fare wayyyy better than destruction in its specialization? Like my bow character @ lvl 38 can do well with just bow, nothing else required while my mage started to struggle at that level. This thread, as well as countless other threads in this forum are around scaling problem of Destruction, and your comment actually reinforces that: destruction is OP @ around 20, then gradually declines as you progress, while other skill - even some magic school are just fine. Conjuration and archer are the most quoted example. Now what? You HAVE to limite yourself if you want to keep your spells relevant.

Plus theres no point playing a RPG game intentionally locking yourself at a range of level. Theres no sense of character progression in that.

Its not about limiting yourself at all, If you level a character based on what you want that character to be RP wise then you should have no problems. If I want a destruction mage then why would I level anything else? I use destruction only, not to limit myself but because thats the only skill I really care to use. I don't really care about how the game is balanced at level 74 because I have no intentions of leveling any other skills.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:45 pm

Its not about limiting yourself at all, If you level a character based on what you want that character to be RP wise then you should have no problems. If I want a destruction mage then why would I level anything else? I use destruction only, not to limit myself but because thats the only skill I really care to use. I don't really care about how the game is balanced at level 74 because I have no intentions of leveling any other skills.

Then dont come out telling people 'moron' just because they choose to play the game differently. And if you see it 'just fine' because you intentionally limit yourself at a certain level, while the thread is about destruction scaling @ higher level, why bother commenting on it at all?

Sigh. People these day. Sorry but you are into my ignore list. BRB looking for that function.
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