@Drekor: Just curious, have you seen what other weapon types/warriors are capable of by using enchanting/smithing?
What's the current record? 32900 damage backstab?
That right there, is why people view those skills as 'exploiting'...its certainly against the spirit of the game (iMo)

It's also been shown in that same thread a destruction mage can one shot nearly anything. Anything beyond it is complete overkill. Is it nice to be able to do 32k backstabs? Sure, but you could 3k and achieve the exact same effect.
1, everything is mostly fine except destruction, without any other skills to support it. The closest to destruction, archer, can function perfectly fine on its own in term of damage and survivability.
2, my conjurer needs nothing but a magicka bar and maxed out summoning trees with perks.
3, its exploitation of game mechanic. Major oversight from developer I call it.
4, impact is OP as long as you have a magicka bar. Once it depleted, you have nothing left worthy of 'defensive mechanism'. Forget those elemental cloak. So of course you got the best defense the game has to offer with unlimited magicka.
5, Game mechanis exploitation to reach complete removal of magicka mechanism is a work around, not solution..
Im ignoring you because you werent able to restrain yourself from using derogatory words repeatedly, which I dislike the most, plus the fact you have
nothing relevant to the thread but decided to jump in nevertheless. To bad this forum doesnt support ignoring, but I ll try my best from now on. Last post to you

1) Really? I want proof. I want you to grab a 2H weapon that you found(it cannot be smithed or custom enchanted). I want you to wear no armor, use no pots and cast no spells and walk up to a respectably challenging mob(giant, dragon, deathlord etc etc) on master difficulty and kill it. Do you understand that armor they wear, the smithing they use to super power their weapons, the alchemy and enchanting the use to further amplify that are all support skills and are not inherent to the weapon skill.
2) I can't argue that however the same is not true for warrior types(or rogues)
3) Major oversight from a developer is not an exploit. It's simply bad design.
4) *shrug* I have capped physical(heavy armor) and magical resist. I don't rely solely on impact although it does the job. As you mentioned you could just use conjuration and summoned 2x Dremora Lords and go make yourself a sandwich. Maybe that's exploiting too?
5) Work around to bad design yes. I'm not arguing that.
Damage skills:
1: One-handed
2: Two-handed
3: Archery
4: Destruction
First off:
Damage scaling:
Alchemy can increase the damage of:
1, 2, 3 and 4.
Enchantment can increase the damage of:
1, 2 and 3
Smithing can increase the damage of:
1, 2 and 3
Damage scales naturally, when used and leveled up, for:
1, 2 and 3
Worth pointing out that even with enchanting+smithing+natural damage scaling you break about even with a mages damage as melee/archery(actually still lower except for DW). It's not until alchemy is thrown in the mix that melee/archer takes off to the moon.