Maybe. Its a [censored] stupid argument anyways, cause you should use enchanting. You're limited as hell if you JUST use destruction. Enchanting lets you use 2 schools of magic efficiently. And wearing cloth isn't exactly a good defense strategy.
This argument about having a beneficial synergy with enchanting is just dumb. Do you HAVE to use it? No, especially if you only level destruction you'll be, what level 32? Capable of shooting incinerates for 9 mana = god mage. Seriously at that level incinerates are completely over the top even on master difficulty.
I still recommend to any mage looking to do more than shoot fireballs to use the awesome benefits of enchanting and alchemy.
If you are only level 32, you'll NOT get 9 magicka incinerate. I never saw any Peerless stuff droping yet and I'm well on my way to 50. As a guess, it takes level 50+ to get them to show up "reliably".
And those little bracers of yours make all the difference really. Without them, your incinerate would cost 31 magicka per cast instead of 9

That's the power of the broken "xx% reduction stats should NEVER be additively combined" mistake that Bethesda loves to use

Basically, once you get a lot of that stat, any little addition has a huge effect.
And yet, your incinerate costs 9 and your total pool is at 350. It means Dual casted you can throw 14 incinerates before you are out of magicka. Enough to kill the strongest targets in master but not if there's multiple of them

I just don't like the rules Bethesda put on their magic spells and magic cost :/ Feels far too restrictive and boring to use. If I had to change I'd try something like making magicka regen in combat for a full bar in 20s and remove all the magicka regen/cost reduction effects. Then on top of that I'd reduce the expert and master spell costs to something reasonable like 100 magicka for expert and 200 for master fully perked.
That or make the spells under expert free to cast with 100 destruction but keep the regen as it is currently. And in all cases, I'll remove the need to charge a spell to cast it which I find damn annoying on my mouse. It's somewhat fine for pad gameplay but I'd much rather have the way melee works : one click and the attack happens after a small delay.