Context man, all about the context.
My point, the only way that destruction is invalid is if you ignore all the tools available to you. Skyrim is no different than oblivion and morrowind in the fact that you just can't cast destruction and expect to be as powerful as other classes, it takes other aspects as well. Morrowind took a lot more effort in creating powerful sustainable spells.
Still don't have a point. there were so many more tools available to you in previous games that could make Destruction be your only skill if you wanted it to be, much less just a primary like in Skyrim. None of which has to do with how you have to spam it at high levels, unlike its damage dealing skill counterparts in Skyrim. Your original it was how lackluster an unmodded OB or Morrowind was. With spell creation, a tool that was not another skill, compensated. That's all I said. In Ob enchant was not a skill, unlike in Morrowind. There was no crafting obviously in any ES. So most of the tools you talk about have no correlation to the actual skills that are present in Skyrim now.
Our argument has never been about survival with other skills, its about how Destruction on Master (and even expert to a degree) doesn't scale compared to the others. The only way to raise it is with Alchemy which isn't even technically a magic skill anymore. So whether we actually stood there, like Qiox makes up, or we kite, has nothing to do with the actual damage of the skill and modifying it.