I'm a destruction mage level 40 now...so far everything dies, unless they shoot at me with poison arrows. It's impossible not to get another trait or 2 going, unless you gonna keep saving up the perk points for something greater. (
NOt sure what, the game is gonna end on you, or you gonna get bored doing the same thing over and over)Here is the deal, the the last 3 skills in the fire/storm/ice are not necessary at all, they only freeze the enemy or turn them into ashes, they are waste of skill points. INstead, invest into enchanting and restoration. I also put a few points into smithing, because I thought it was cool to make armors and jewelry, so it's not like I spent all my skill points on combat.
If I would do another mage focusing to be powerful the destruction/restoration/enchanting/conjuration + one handed weapoon to go. One handed doesn't need a lot of points, just to serve as an emergency, and only carry a dagger or a shortsword.
Here a few of my ideas who want to play mage: (this is after figuring things out 40 levels later)
(don't go farther than augemented shock/fire/storm 2/2 dual hand etc. + of course complete to master experience (meanwhile spend the perks in other skills). Turning them ashes or freezing them solid is nothing but visuals and I actually hate doing it, it's harder to find those pile of ashes to loot them plus some dragons got pulverized this way and I didn't get any souls from it.
At least go half way on up on the star tree
I only made it to cost half as much magicka, but whoever want to conjure his or her own weapons, go for as far as possible on it
One handed
Just to give him a chance to deal with close combat/out of magicka/out of potions - sort of emergencies (use a powerful enchanted or daedric weapon from a
mission, I have been carrying the Dawnbringer since like level 5)
Keep the destuction/restoration and replace enchanting or conjuration with
- sell your poisons if you don't use a weapon, but keep the stamina/magicka/health ones, you don't have to buy them anymore, but you will have to chase butterflies/fish/pick flowers
-No comment, I havent' utilized this skill, not sure if its great, since I use both hands for either dual casting or one with restoration/ward spells
Light Armor
- No comment again, I use robes, boots, hoods exclusively with zero armor, I'm sure it works great though, I just don't feel like mages should wear an armor.
Heavy Armor
- That's the old battlemage setup, I was never ever in favor of heavy armor in any TES games not even as a warrior so I don't like my mage in heavy armor. Heavy armor is for p_ssies. :whistling:
-This is kinda weird idea, since both the mage and the archer are projectile/distance fighters so I never mixed mage class with bowhunter
Two Handed
-Could be used instead of the one handed, I just don't feel like carrying around a axe or great sword, it's too slow to use and requires too much stamina and as a mage all your extra points should go either magicka and health maybe one or two times of leveling add to stamina if you must.
I hate to say it, even though it's magick stuff, it's useless for me, maybe the thief-kind of character wants to use this one. Although I have heard, that some sort of a bug makes my destruction mage more powerful if I advance in the Illusion class too. I don't know if that's true, I havent' tested it yet. I only put 1 perk into that so I can't tell.
All the rest of the skills
Speech/lockpicking etc... are very optional, unless you have a motive or make some funky thief-mage sort of character, but then one handed sword skill will be still needed.