and anyone who says otherwise is playing a mage wrong"
plays on adept difficulty, uses impact, and 100% cost reduction gear
and anyone who says otherwise is playing a mage wrong"
plays on adept difficulty, uses impact, and 100% cost reduction gear
Destruction is okay so long as you use enchanting and the impact perk, yes.
Destruction generally svcks ass without those things, yes.
At least if you really want to be a mage, you can. Just takes a bit of work with Alchemy, Enchanting and you need to pick your perks right.
That's not going to get you many friends.
Not exactly a revelation, in the first place.
Can we get this guy and Ethanan their own little isolated area of the forum, so they can make their constant threads about killcams and Destruction without annoying the rest of us?
Scroll down to... Becoming a Better Mage through Support Gear:
Kinda like being a warrior would svck without smithing or perks in the Two Hand or One Hand tree.
Playing as a warrior generally svcks ass without thos things, yes.
Someone once said, and I don't know who, that playing as a pure destruction mage is impossible. Like how playing for example with only one handed or just archery is impossible. Well, I know for a fact you can play with only archery as my wood elf has done it. I know you can play with only one handed because my nord did it. But destruction? No. I HAD to use illusion on my argonian because destruction is so underwhelming I was forced to use an additional skill at the higher levels, unlike my wood elf and my nord. Destruction is absolutely awful in my modest opinion.
I'll post a quote from my previous link...
Alchemy is a mage's smithing tool.
So your Wood Elf and your Nord had no armor skills? They had no support skills? The ONLY skills used were Archery on one, and One-Handed on the other?
I don't believe you. Not one bit.
Whether any one believes me is completely irrelevant. I did this to prove to myself I could do it and did it. Mind you I only played on what ever the default is so it wasn't that hard to begin with. My point is I was able to play with only 1 skill on 2 of my other characters, but not my mage. I used the voice on my nord but I don't think that counts as a skill. Or am I wrong?
That's all well and good but you have to use another skill to make destruction viable. where as my other characters needed only one to be effective against enemies. That being said, I will start using alchemy on my mages.....
"Just don't go burn down any buildings."
Wait, am I doing it wrong?
Destruction is great.
"Strength and steel are well and good, but magic is the true power in this world."
I LOVE playing as mages.
Let's look at this...
That's 235 damage per hit, with the Destruction skill alone. That is more than a fully perked 100 2H skill and using a Dragonbone Warhammer.
And yet when I hit something more than twice with my sword I don't have to either, A: Use a potion to attack again or B: Wear something to make my attack cost less in order to spam it. I love destruction don't get me wrong I use it every day, its just so underwhelming/tedious to use in higher levels.
That said, I play on Legendary, level 71 spellsword, so I hardly ever dual cast unless I'm in a jam, and it serves me just fine.
I have spoken.
You spam attacks with a weapon. Playing a mage, you rely on cost reduction gear that same as a warrior relies on armor rating. As a mage, you should have a large magicka pool anyway, the same as a warrior has a large health reservoir.
I enjoy Destruction in Skyrim, but I would prefer a more fleshed out Magic system than what is available in Skyrim. I had more fun playing a Mage in Morrowind and Oblivion.
That's a good point. In my experience with mages the cost to damage ratio is ridiculous and I am forced to use some sort of cost reduction apparel. How ever, my nord whom only used dual ebony war axes and wore Miirak's robe needed nothing else for me to go up and smash someone in the face until they died. That being said my destruction spells collectively do more damage, but require vast amounts of work to make viable where as hitting things with axes, does not. My latest three characters have been specialists meaning I only used one handed on my nord and only destruction on my mage. One handed alone was vastly superior to destruction alone which in the end required me to use illusion.
Edit~ I fixed it so you wouldn't feel the need to be a schwanz~