This is a case of the wrong group being held responsible. The Dunmer did not deserve what happened to them. The whole race is not all of those bad things. it is never that black and white. That is why the Dunmer are greyish.

As to the points...most of those can be applied to White society of the Jim Crow days. I am not touching the false god worship subject though as that is not relevant and will get this topic locked. But I will go over them anyways.
Slavery- They fought a bloody civil war between houses Indoril and Redoran against Hlaalu and Dres to abolish slavery. They bled to free members of another race. Even if you play the negative nancy and say it is because of the empire and Hlaalu and Dres just wanted to get on their good side it still pitted the common Dunmer against other Dunmer to free those of another race that wanted to be free, Sound familiar?
I don't listen to Hip-hop. Okay that was a really out of place not really applicable South Park quote, but i've been waiting to use that for so long that even a tenth of an oppurtunity could not be passed. The thing is, even though you are right and you shouldn't blame an entire race for the actions of a few that doesn't mean you can actually do that. The Argonians could not walk in, kill only those that were directly responsible and then leave again, it would simply be impossible.
2) Feelings of racial superiority- While certainly true for some Dunmer they were bred that way by their society. Sound familiar again? If you notice the Dunmer tend to be a lot nicer if they were raised elsewhere. That society was crumbling at the time of the Red Year judging by the actions of the Dunmer in the interlude between Morrowind and Oblivion. It is also worth mentioning that almost every society is guilty of this as they want to justify their actions against any other nation when it comes to war. This is actually true for slavery as well for most societies. Though race was not the focus. Race is a new idea invented by white people(I am white btw) to justify their treatment of other people and to attempt to reaffirm their own vaunted superiority. Prejudice is nothing new but racism is. Racism is not hating someone of a different race. That is simply prejudice. Racism is something that advantages one group of people over another based on their race, color of their skin etc etc. Yup I went off on a big tangent getting back in line.
True, but then again I never said I agreed with the Argonians it is however a reason to hate them. Whether or not all Dunmer had that feeling is also irrelevant because for the most part many did, and at least those that the Argonians came into contact with most often would have.
3) Hatred for outsiders- When you are hated upon you tend to build up barriers and this trait was not even common to every Dunmer. Not even close. It is too be expected though that outlanders would be looked down upon when entering a groups homeland and causing problems for them. Not everyone is a Saint nor will society as a whole act saintly very often.
That begs the question do the Dunmer hate the outsiders because the outsiders hate them, or do the outsiders hate the Dunmer because the Dunmer hate them? Regardless any country you enter where you are treated as a lesser citizen will not be your most popular country.
4) Unwillingness to admit defeat- This is a bad thing how? They just supposed to roll over and die?
Not really, but it can be an annoying trait in people you already hate.
5) Worshipping false Gods- These gods both helped and hurt them. So if you meant they deserved it for trusting in Vivec then well they got what was coming to them I guess. The ministry of truth crashed because they stopped loving Vivec and trusting in him/her. ALMSIVI also had god like powers and actively helped their people a lot. They sound a lot better than some of the other gods tbh. Vivec is for all intents and purposes like a god in any case. He did not even need the Heart of Lorkhan after realizing CHIM imo anyways. Besides what makes them false? Is it worthy of destroying a civilization just because they people they worshipped called themselves a name you did not like. This is hardly deserving of condemnation.
You are looking at it wrong, I'm saying it's motivation for others not that the Dunmer were wrong in their actions. For any race out there, the Tribunal would have been lesser, strange, alien, weak, not natural gods. To worship them is to make them superior to the Hist, Aedra or Malacath. Not something most people outside of Morrowind would like.
6) An entire society based on murder, backstabbing and prophecy- Yes their ENTIRE society was only based on that...simple falacy. Their politics were based on those as well as their religion to some extent but that hardly means the entire society is constantly murdering and betraying one another while waiting in the Nerevarine to come around...
I said that wrong, it's not all that their society is based upon. But the principal foundations of their society come from Bhoethiah, Mephala and Azura. If you look at those three then a lot of the traits they have relate to murder and stabbig people in the back, again not something outsiders would look favourably upon.
So maybe the Dunmer-SOCIETY of pre-Nerevarine Morrowind deserved some hard kicks to the nether regions but the Dunmer as a people hardly deserved it in any shape or form. At least in my opinion.
Like I said at the start of my previous post, I do not agree with the Argonian invasion. I wish it would not have happened, I love the Dunmer people. But there are plenty of reasons for others to want to see them destroyed, some of them are very good too. If you combine all reasons I said earlier, that would give any nation a good enough reason to invade Morrowind. That I personally hope the Dunmer win this war, kick the Argonians out and restore Resdyan is irrelevant in the matter.
Also important to remember here, we are looking at a Casus Beli for the Argonians, not justification. They had it.