Destruction is not underpowered, destruction spells are over

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:54 pm

Flames - Mana cost is perfect.
Firebolt - Mana cost is..a tad bit high.
Fireball - 1 dual-casted fireball and it's almost all of your mana - even with 100 destruction and 300 Magicka.
Incinerate - 300 magicka, I can't dual cast this.
Fire Storm - I can't cast this yet.

I'm lv 22, put every point into magicka, pretty much only leveld Destruction - and I ..quite simply.. can't kill a dragon in under ~20 minutes due to magicka. I play on master, and it takes me roughly 15 magicka bars to kill a Frost Dragon. That...seems a bit ridiculous. I'm not playing enchanting, so I only have -12% destruction cost reduction.

Enchanting is REQUIRED to play destruction effectivly - This is terrible. This is why Pure Destro mages are so rare. Their damage is Plenty - their magicka efficiency is not. Single casting Incinerates takes up roughly a third of my magicka bar - and 1shots most anythign I come across outside of bosses/dragons. But 3 casts later and I either wait for a day, or hide around the corner til I have moar magicka. Of my 6 characters now - this is by FAR my least favorite.

Take my conjurer for example - I'm lv 26, I do 129 damage per bow shot, roughly 400 damage on my first shot, and in a few more levels I'll even be paralyzing things I shoot. Couple that with my 2 Awesome pets, tanky and burney, who both do about as much dps as my destruction does - individually. It's no wonder why no one wants to play Destro. :/

And oh - Just for fun, Once you hit -100% you can just charge Master Spark(whatever it's called - reminds me of master spark from touhou =P) on anything and they just MELT to you. But being mana-free, You just spam it endlessly, with no repercussions. People can't be finding that enjoyable =/. I want SOME difficulty in my game, where as destruction literally goes from Near-impossible, to near-invincible who can melt everything in seconds. Seriously - to anyone playing destruction, shed your self-enchanted gear for just 1 dragon fight - see how long it takes ya. It's not cool.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:52 pm

The OP and Ain's post above (ESP. Ain's) sum up my experience currently as well. I'm truly not finding Destro fun at all at the moment (level 19). First time I actually switched to playing a different game last night - the amount of deaths I suffered was phenomenal. I don't mind more challenging game play, but firing off one spelling and seeing and almost hoping that there is enough magicka for a second spell is making for a decidedly not-fun-anymore experience. And I still love this game like an obsessed madman.
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rolanda h
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:08 pm

Flames - Mana cost is perfect.
Firebolt - Mana cost is..a tad bit high.
Fireball - 1 dual-casted fireball and it's almost all of your mana - even with 100 destruction and 300 Magicka.
Incinerate - 300 magicka, I can't dual cast this.
Fire Storm - I can't cast this yet.

I know you said you're 22...I am much higher than that (51 now). But I have about 460 mana, with my +mana gear (I don't have a lot of +mana gear, mostly +mana regen/-% destro cost). I recently upgraded to the -100% destro cost. It makes me feel like god. I honestly feel like I am cheating all the time. I now have 100 Enchanting and Double Enchanting perk, and yeah, it's just silly broken for any build.

That said, before I switched to that armor and before I got 100 Enchanting/Double Enchanting Perk, I was wearing Master Destruction Shirt (or whatever it's called) that gives -20% cost and 150% mana regen on my chest, some gloves that gave +mana, some boots that gave frost resist, the +100% mana regen mask, a necklace that gave -15% destro cost, and a ring that gave -17% destro cost. I made the gloves and boots myself, everything else I found by or before level 40. I could cast double handed Firebolts till the cows came home. I could proabably have doublecasted flames for forever. I almost never used Fireball, as I found it to be too inefficent for the cost. I used the double cast Ice Storm instead for AOE, and I could get about 7 or so of those off before I went OOM. I didn't have Firestorm at the time (just got that at level 50 actually). As far as Incinerate went, I would use that only rarely, but I could get about 3-4 double casts off. This is all before drinking mana pots. Mostly I just Firebolted things to death, as the stagger effect from double casting is amazing and 1v1, you can just chill and firebolt anything, even dragons, to death. It might take a while (and dragons will certainly take a bunch of mana pots) but it's totally doable. All of this is on Normal difficulty, mind you. If you're on Super-Extreme-Mega-Hard, don't come whining cause the game is hard. That's counterproductive, silly, and makes you look like a tard.

So either your doing something wrong, or I am doing something awesome. Either way, be more awesome.

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