I find being a pure mage in Skyrim is very unfulfilling and unfair when you get to higher levels.
Let's start with Restoration wards. From level 1 to 81, I have put every single attribute point into magicka. None in stamina and none in health. Why? Because when first starting, I automatically figured that a master mage could rely solely on his magical skill to protect him/her from harm. I was wrong. No matter if I'm a master at restoration or selected the appropriate perks, my wards are still terrible against other mages/magical creatures. Why? Because opponent damage seems to scale with their level but no such thing happens to me when I go up a level. Granted, blocking the thu'um of a Dragon is ridiculous...but should it really be that ridiculous if you're a master? To me, if you're level 100 and you have the magicka, you should be powerful enough to block yourself from the harm that a dragon fire commits. This even happens with certain necromancers or bandits, who are nowhere near as powerful as Dragons. Even their flame/shock/frost spells aren't blocked by my ward, when in reality, my superior skill/power would make their attempts turn to a puff of smoke through my ward. I feel forced to wear a full set of Daedric armour to have any hope of surviving combat, and even then I still am a sack of fragile meat.
As for destruction, well, it's very simple. As a level 100 in destruction, I'd expect my spells to be ridiculously powerful. I'd expect far far greater scaling to my personal level also. If I'm level 70+ whilst also being a master of destruction with all relevant perks, my strongest thunderbolt should take 1 hit, not 5+ to kill an enemy. Even with the lowest armoured bandits, it isn't instant.
The main issue is simply scaling. I just don't feel it is balanced at all. I disagree with scaling enemies to your level, because I really feel no satisfaction out of it. I don't ever feel as if I'm a mage no one can mess with, when truthfully, as a master in the schools, I really should be. If you're going to scale their (foes) strength and health, at least make things fair by upping your damage output significantly if you're meant to be a top level at them. Obviously, not ALL enemies would be weak compared to you, I feel it would be carefully balanced to ensure the stronger foes to be a challenge. I actually have to put the game at Apprentice level just to make the role play of me being extremely powerful realistic.
Simply seems as if being a pure mage in Skyrim just sets you up for disappointment from the game mechanics.
A lot of people will disagree with me I'm sure, but I had to get it out of my system.
Please place your thoughts and arguments.