» Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:00 pm
Lol. I just came across her for the manieth time. As usual, she was getting her butt kicked. This time a mountain lion was standing over the pink glow of her body while she gradually regained consciousness. A long time ago I made Bralsa essential; I try to do that with most of the NPCs with sucidal tendencies or NAFOD (No apparent fear of death). Anyway, she'd get up, summon an axe and get knocked down again. My character hated making a choice between her and the lion, but reluctantly decided to kill the lion.
If you're on the PC, you can resurrect her. If you do so, then I recommend you make her essential also. There just aren't enough NPCs in Cyrodiil as it is!
Oh, for anyone not familar with her, here's a link (with spoilers): http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Bralsa_Andaren