Guess what? I don't need to summon meat shields, quaff potions or use crowd control because I one shot everything and have 70%+ damage mitigation.
I've played two Mages at end game and currently my level 35 Warrior is stronger than both of those and he's only in mid range gear that isn't even Enchanted or smithed.
I'm not sure what you're arguing about. He's talking about adding either Illusion or Conjuration to
the Warrior you already have. Now think about that for a moment. Not everyone plays on Adept level either. Not saying that's a bad thing, but some people (many) play on Expert or above, so you aren't really one-shotting "everything" that's not your basic filler unit. You don't have unlimited stamina, even if a single power attack can kill most enemies. I'm not arguing that Warriors are not easily the most brain dead easy class to play either...because they are.
What is a Warriors weakness?
Until the latest patch it was NPC mages, specifically the one-shot shock mages as well as those who cast an insanely ramped up damage version of Ice Storm and then machine gun fire Ice Spikes at you while you're snared to 20% speed. This was easily circumvented with potions as well as gear with resists, but now it's not. Now, unless you are using a shield with the 50% elemental reduction (only resist mitigation that currently works), Mages utterly slay Warrior types. If the game was currently not bugged, then...not much can do anything against a Warrior at the physical and elemental resist cap (80%).