flames is but one spell, and mages are able to chain spells together, especially at high level.
for exemple using only the noice spells, you could make some spell dancing between flames and sparks that would significantely increase the damage output, at higher levels a combo like traps+wall+thunderbolt would yield incredibly high burst compred to a legendary upgraded one handed daedric blade.
there are also other factors not taken into account such as armor reductions (spells arnt affected) and elemental vulnerabilities that many mobs have.
most people who whine about destruction damage, are clueless of how it can be used, and even more clueless about the ffects it can make that other stuff cant.
and this "test" doesnt really put destruction and one handed in a clear light at all, I dont even think you accounted for attack speed properly.
Math and statistics doesnt really matter, mages still svcks. All you have to do to find that out is start the game and play for a few minutes. Damage is crap, survivability even worse ( 1 hit = dead on expert), only way to survive is spending points in HP and stacking armor, which isnt very mage like. Gear is ok at best ( not found a single mage glove / boot in game though ). Hope they give mages some love in a patch, otherwise I guess we have to rely on modders to do that.
only for those that dont know how to use it... not everyone works well with a hammer as they do with a wrench... solution is to either learn to use the hammer, or stick to the wrench, whining doesnt make you hammer better